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@, Yeah, i know bro:)) and it was my first Accepted in NG by Ervin27, ehh Old Days :P :P, i just tell him Teacher like Peiu & Honey :)), Because i learn from them NG rulz, My Rulz Are Them =))

Dat moment when u are older then Peiu and Honey in the faction and you're not a so called teacher D: :)), cuz u weren't a leader.



EDIT: @ Noob =)) I reffered to myself when i said "older then ..." =))


Edited by BlackHawk97
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@, ehh bro:))) White you have a Verry Good mind, That why you understand me faster, i told you he give me Advices and helped me for NG rulz like Yenoh & Peiu :)))))))))))), i don't said im older then them, i think we spammed alot here,( Sorry for spam) We speak in game White pwp :*



Edit: bro Try to understand this :)))) vjeeppT.jpg

Edited by Faarouk
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@, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, i got copyright, pay me later.



Edited by Ervin27
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@kdZ, Si tu esti praf...




Va credeti smekeri, da cati dintre voi ati convins factiunea sa sodomizeze lideru ?




Ce mai e nou pe joc soldati? Miercuri revin, aveti grija de voi :P


Postul acesta a fost pentru +1 ,


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Ce mai e nou pe joc soldati? Miercuri revin, aveti grija de voi :P



Sunt atat de necajit, ca in lipsa ta nu pot sa salut pe nimeni cu "Szia", decat pe tine, si mi-e dor de cuvantul ala si mi-am zis ca n-o sa-l folosesc pana cand nu te prind in joc. Vezi cum faci sa pot sa-mi fac pofta :))


@hassen10legend1, all people from faction congrats' you for your activity. You are one of the best players, keep it up, girl :))


La fel si pentru Johnny si ceilalti membrii care tin garda sus (Costel, Piticul, Epical), si aici ma refer per total, nu la ultimul raport.

Edited by DGS AlexCyo
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@@alexrobi, nu stiu cum e cu postatul in topicul asta (Topicul cu failuri), parerea mea ca trebuie sa fie inchis si deschis de Yenoh sambata sau duminica pentru o zi, si cine vrea sa posteze bine, cine nu, nu. Sunt unii care posteaza la mijloc de saptamana pentru saptamana trecuta, eu nu mai inteleg nimic, acum a postat cineva si e abea marti. Poate sunt eu mai greu de cap, dar ma repet, era mai bine o ordine si o zi in care sa posteze toti si acea zi sa fie in week-end.

Edited by AraGAZ FCP
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