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citez, de la imagini SFPD






Din seria, cu barca pe apa, da acuma-s pe uscat, remember old team sfpd, 2015 <3


v-am pupat si nu dati report

Edited by Rough
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12.02.2017(DUMINICA) ora 16:00 si ora 20:00 TESTE GRADE NATIONAL GUARD in Training Room.

Cititi cu atentie topicul "Antrenament" prima pagina.

!! ATENTIE !!: La inceput, o sa va pun o intrebare de gen "In ce consta probele tale?". Trebuie sa-mi dai un raspuns cu tot ce tine de probele voastre pentru respectivul grad.

--Cine nu stie in ce consta proba lui, picat.

-- Cine este AFK(ESC) pe parcursul probelor, picat.

--- Cine vorbeste aiurea pe orice chat (/r , /say, /b si asa mai departe), picat

--- Cine incearca sa deranjeze probele, primeste Faction Warn.


12.02.2017 (Sunday) time 16:00 and 20:00 Grade tests NATIONAL GUARD in Training Room.

!!Atention!! At the beginning i will say "What is your sample ?" You need tell me what is the all samples for up your grade.

-- Who does not know what is the your, failed

-- AFK (ESC) - failed

-- Speak on /r , /say, /b etc, failed

-- Disturbance sample - Faction Warn

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Wrong, nu am vazut ca a postat Gunnter deja.


Mi-a zis THELiAR ca imi da 100k daca ii arat cele 30 ture facutre ieri, asa ca na=)) uitati turele










Al doilea mai are putin. Vizionare placuta=)

Le faci pentru bani ? Inca 30 de ture.

Edited by BonZy VODA
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