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La revedere Tattaglia Family ! Va urez bafta in continuare !


>:D<<'> :*

Mda. Bafta ma! Mai vorbim!

Buna dimineata, Tattaglia. Ma pregatesc si eu sa ma duc la scoala.

Sper sa nu stau pana la 2:00 p.m. Aveti grija.

Neata Deeule! Uraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat sa mergi la scoala. :(

#Neata tuturor!

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Neata Deeule! Uraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat sa mergi la scoala. :(


Eii, cel putin stam la laboratorul de informatica si nu ne streseaza prea mult.

p.s. Succes in continuare Bob, Angel & Greet.

Edited by DAndreea
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Neatza !

Bafta in continuare Angel,Bob,Greet :|


Sal'tare. Plictiseala e mare... iote :X



Cautai oleaca mai bine gaseai video original:)



I love my mom, my dad, and my dildo

=))) =))

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'Cause I love your pretty smile, I love your needy style,

I love to be able to see that you are glamorous from a mile,

I love the way you look, I love the way you cook,

I spend all time watching your pictures on the facebook

'Cause I love to buy you flowers, I love our hot showers,

I can watch you sleeppin' for hours and hours,

I love the way you dance, the way you shake that ass,

But the thing I love most is cummin' on your face, suck it bitch!

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Da misto dar prefer , Eminem - Space bound, Eminem ft. Bruno - Lighter, Eminem - Mockingbird etc.


PS: Scuzati dar poate am scris gresit numele ... Dar oricum astea is mai frumoase

Edited by NoRb3rT
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Da misto dar prefer , Eminem - Space bound, Eminem ft. Bruno - Lighter, Eminem - Mockingbird etc.


PS: Scuzati dar poate am scris gresit numele ... Dar oricum astea is mai frumoase

Deci preferi d-astea mai de suflet. :))

#Ce plictiseala...

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Da exact... In piese vechi a lui Marshal(eminem) ma regasesc . Imi descrie copilaria .. defapt a lui dar e asemanatoare cu a mea deci :X



Eminem - When I'm Gone

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