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National Guard - Anunțuri Importante / Important Announcements


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Salut, o noua regula legata de cop attack / kill a fost modificata:

 Din:      Daca un membru National Guard este atacat de catre un player fara wanted si acesta este omorat, se aplica regula auto-apararii, membrul nefiind sanctionat.


   IN:           Daca un membru National Guard este atacat de catre un player fara wanted, se aplica regula auto-apararii putand sa-l omoare pe jucator, membrul nefiind sanctionat.






Hi, a new rule related to cop attack/ kill  has been modified:


From: If someone attack national guard members, and they are killed without wanted this is the rule of self-defense.


In:   If  a National Guard member is attacked by a player without wanted, the rule of self defense si applied and can kill the player,  the member being unpunished.


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1. Incepand cu data de 7.9.2019  , cele 4 activitati obligatorii vor fi reduse la doar 2, dupa cum urmeaza: 

- Prima duminica a lunii (Duminica 1): Antrenament OBLIGATORIU organizat de antrenori - calendarul fiecarei echipe de antrenori poate fi gasit in PM pe forum dar si pe Discord NG.

- A doua duminica a lunii (Duminica 2): Activitate cu organizare si prezenta OPTIONALA* organizata de echipa Rank 3-4. 

- A treia duminica a lunii (Duminica 3): Activitate OBLIGATORIE organizata de echipa Rank 3-4 - calendarul fiecarei zi de duminica poate fi gasit in topicul echipei Rank 3-4 dar si pe Discord NG.

- A patra duminica a lunii (Duminica 4): Activitate cu organizare si prezenta OPTIONALA* organizata de echipa Rank 3-4.

- A cincea duminica a lunii (Duminica 5) -daca exista- => FARA ACTIVITATI.


!Fiecare membru va avea dreptul la O SINGURA INVOIRE pe luna, exceptie cei cu gradul Sergeant Major si Commander care sunt invoiti la ambele activitati.

!Pentru activitatile OPTIONALE nu sunt necesare invoiri.


*IMPORTANT: Chiar daca organizarea si prezenta la aceste activitati sunt optionale, acestea vor conta foarte mult la evidenta echipei de Rank 3-4 si rank-up la 4&5 respectiv rank up 2+ pentru cei care se straduiesc sa participe la activitati. 




1. From  7.9.2019, the 4 mandatory activities will be reduced to just 2, as follows:

- First Sunday of the month (Sunday 1): MANDATORY training organized by trainers - the calendar of each team of trainers can be found in PM on forum but also on Discord NG. 
- Second Sunday of the month (Sunday 2): OPTIONAL* organization and presence activity made by Rank 3-4 team.
- Third Sunday of the month (Sunday 3): MANDATORY activity organized by Rank 3-4 team - the calendar of each Sunday can be found in Rank 3-4 Team topic on forum and also on Discord NG.
- Fourth Sunday of the month (Sunday 4): OPTIONAL* organization and presence activity made by Rank 3-4 team.
- Fifth Sunday of the month (Sunday 5) -if exist- => NO ACTIVITIES.


!Each member will be entitled to ONE CONSENT per month, except those with Sergeant Major and Commander grade who are excused from both activities.
!For OPTIONAL activities there are no required consents.


*IMPORTANT: Even if organizing and presence for these activities are optional, these will be very important for the Rank 3-4 team statistics and rank up to 4&5 respectively rank up 2+ for those who strive to participate at activities.




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Salut, o noua regula a fost adaugata pentru a clarifica modul prin care membri National Guard au voie sa confiste droguri.


``-Membrii National Guard nu au voie sa ceara licentele unui jucator (/requestlicenses) deoarece nu au voie sa faca controale de rutina. Sanctiune (Faction Warn)``





Hi, a new rule has been added to clarify how National Guard members are allowed to confiscate drugs.



``- National Guard members are not allowed to request a player's licenses (/reuqestlicenses) because they are not allowed to do routine checks. Sanction (Faction Warn)``


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Deoarece nu s-au facut cereri pentru activitate saptamana asta, activitatea obligatorie de duminica (15/09.2019) sa va anula, in schimb se va face o sedinta obligatorie saptamana viitoare duminica (22.09.2019) in care se vor clarifica anumite lucruri legate de factiune, activitati si echipe.

Atentie! Prezenta este obligatorie si se vor accepta doar invoirile cu un motiv important, care nu poate fi amanat pentru a putea fi prezent.



Because activity requests were not made for this week activities, the mandatory activities that should have been this sunday (15.09.2019) are canceled, but a mandatory meeting will be made next sunday (22.09.2019) where we will clarify some stuff regarding the faction, activities and teams.

Attention! Only consents with important reason that cannot be canceled to be present will be accepted.

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Duminica 22.09.2019ora 15:00 vom avea SEDINTA, prezenta fiind OBLIGATORIE. Puteti face invoiri in topicul urmator: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/48066-national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/ . Se vor accepta doar cererile de invoire cu motiv intemeiat.



On Sunday 22.09.2019- at PM we will have MEETING, the presence is MANDATORY.  You can make meeting consents in the next topic: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/48066-national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/ . Only consents with a good reason will be accepted

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  • TiG3R locked this topic

Duminica 13.10.2019 ora 15:00 vom avea SEDINTA, prezenta fiind OBLIGATORIE. Puteti face invoiri in topicul urmator: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/48066-national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/ .  Activitatea de duminica va fi anulata!



On Sunday -13.10.2019ora at PM we will have MEETING, the presence is MANDATORY.  You can make meeting consents in the next topic: national-guard-învoiri-ședință-consent-meeting/  The activity on sunday will be canceled.

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Duminica 20.10.2019, ORA 20:00 (ATENTIE ORA 20:00) vom avea o activitate SPECIALA impreuna cu LVPD & LV Taxi. Vreau sa vad prezenta cat mai mare!

Persoanele ce vor provoca scandaluri inutile vor fi sanctionate drastic.

Invoirile se vor face in topicul pentru antrenamente/activitati: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/

Aveti timp pana la inceperea activitatii sa puneti invoiri, dupa aceea nu vor mai fii acceptate!




Sunday 20.10.2019, 8 PM (ATTENTION 8 PM) we will have a SPECIAL activity with LVPD & LV Taxi. I want maximum online members!

People who are going to challenge unnecessary scandals will be drastically sanctioned.

You can make consents in this topic: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/21324-national-guard-învoiri-antrenament-activitati-consent-trainings-activities/

You have time until the beginning of the activity to make consents, after will not be longer accepted.


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Incepand cu data 01.11.2019   antrenamentele vor reveni  la 4 obligatorii pe luna  . Modelul  va urma sa fie modificat in decursul zilei de maine si celelalte topicuri unde se regasea aceasta informatie! 





Starting with the date 01.11.2019 training will return to 4 mandatory per month  . The model will be modified during the day of tomorrow and the other topics where this information is! 


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Cu ocazia castigari locului 2 intr-un concurs pe forum am decis ca saptamana 16/12/2019 - 23/12/2019 sa fie raport injumatatit , iar din data de 23/12/2019 pana pe 5/12/2019 raportul va fi optional deoarece sunt sarbatori , antrenamentele vor fi anulate pe durata saptamanilor libere.




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Membri National Guard nu au voie sa faca activitati de tip Filtru & Mandat de Perchezitie.





The National Guard members aren't allowed to make activities of the tipe Filter & Search Warrents.




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Datorita faptului ca liderul nu a postat nimic despre aceasta regula, fapt pentru care a fost si sanctionat, voi posta eu:






S-a decis ca pentru o mica greseala ce poate aparea din graba la modelul postat cum ar fi: numarul invoirii, rank-ul detinut in prezent sau alte greseli minore ce pot aparea atunci cand se face o invoire liderii sa nu mai o respinga. Scopul este acela de a ajuta jucatorul si nu de a il sanctiona pentru orice greseala minora. In cazul in care cererile sunt completate cu erori mici prima data se poate accepta specificand jucatorului in joc / website de greseala facuta, a doua abatere fiind sanctionata cu AV urmand ca la a 3-a sa-i oferim acestuia un Faction Warn

Puteti gasi regula si in acest topic: 





It was decided that for a small mistake that can occur in a hurry to the posted model, such as: the number of the consent, the currently held rank, or other minor mistakes that can occur when making a consent, the leaders do not have the permission to reject it. The purpose is to help the player and not to punish him for any minor mistake. If the consents are filled with small errors the first time can be accepted by specifying the player in the game / website of the mistake made, the second deviation being sanctioned with AV following that at the 3rd we offer him a Faction Warn

You can also find this rules in this topic: 


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Soldati vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta ca  pretul amenzilor a fost modificat dupa cateva propuneri , pretul amenzilor este in felul urmator :


 Parcatul neregulamentar - 25000$

Condus neregulamentar - 25000$

Folosirea hidraulicelor pe un drum public- 10000$

Folosirea de NOS - 25000$ 

Depasire viteza legala intre 50-100km/h - (Platiti amenda politistului)

Depasire viteza legala peste 100km/h  - (Platiti amenda politistului)

Headlights off (Faruri oprite) - 10000$

Mers pe partea carosabila - 10000$




Soldiers I want to inform you that the price of fines has been modified after severals proposals , the price of fines is as follows :


Parking irregularly - 25000$

Driven ilegally - 25000$
Using hydraulics on a public highway - 10000$

Using NOS - 25000$ 

Exceeding the legal speed between 50-100 km/h ( Pay the ticket at cop road )

Exceeding the legal speed over 50-100 km/h ( Pay the ticket at cop road )

Headlights off - 10000$

Went on a carriageway - 10000$



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Soldati vreau sa va aduc la cunostina ca Duminica aceasta 15.03.2020  la ora 19:00 vom avea o activitate SPECIALA organizata impreuna cu SFSI , aceasta activitate consta in ''salvarea ostaticului''  ostaticul o sa se afle pe muntele Chiliad SF , pentru a salva ostaticul trebuie sa ne urcam pe munte pentru a lua ostaticul din custodia factiuni SFSI si sa-l aducem la hq National Guard.


In aceasta activitate lipsa de fairplay si disciplina nu este tolerata , sanctiunile vor fi foarte severe daca nu se respecta acest lucru.


Nota : Doresc prezenta maxima la aceasta activitate , cine nu se prezinta va fi sanctionat conform regulamentului. Invorile se fac in topicu corespunzator de invoiri antrenament  & activitati.





Soldiers I want to inform you that Sunday 15.03.2020  at 19:00 we will have a SPECIAL activity organized together with SFSI , this activity is ''rescue the hostage'' , hostage is on the mountain Chiliad SF for a rescue the hostage we need to climb the mountain to take the hostage from the custody of SFSI and bring it to the HQ National Guard.


In this activity the lack of fairplay and discipline is not tolerated , the sanctions will be very severe if this is not respected.


PS : I wish maximum presence at this activity , how does not come will be sanctioned. 





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Buna ziua soldati ! Vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta ca o noua regula a fost postata :




-Membrii de departament nu au voie sa conduca abuziv si sa deranjeze cu intentie ceilalti participanti ai traficului (exemple: intratul intentionat de multiple ori in alti soferi, blocarea drumului , etc).Incalcarea acestei reguli va fi sanctionata cu (Faction Warn) Exceptie cand mergeti dupa suspect!




-Department members are not allowed to drive in an abusive way with intention of bothering other traffic participants (examples: hitting someone multiple times , blocking the road , etc). Disrespecting this rule will be punished with a (Faction Warn) Exception to this rule when you are after a suspect !


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Soldati , pentru maine ( 27.03.2020 ) la ora 19:00 , am pregatit un war cu SFSI  cu prezenta OBLIGATORIE . Pentru aceasta activitate doresc seriozitate maxima , disciplina , fair-play , cine nu o sa respecte confitiile acestea va fi sanctionat drastic. 


NOTA: Vreau sa vad prezenta cat mai mare din partea voastra! Invoirile se fac in topicul special.





Soldiers , for tomorrow ( 27.03.2020 ) at 19:00 , I prepared a war with SFSI with the presence of MANDATORY . For this activity I want maximum seriousness , discipline , fair-play , who will not respect these confections will be penalized drastically.


NOTE : I want to see the biggest presence from you! The news is done in the special topic.


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Buna seara soldati! A fos adaugata o sub-regula pentru ''Cop Attack'' , detalii aveti mai jos




- Pentru a-i acorda Wanted 3 cu motivul ''Cop Attack'' unui jucator, trebuie sa aveti dovezi foto sau video ( de preferat dovezile sa fie video sau multiple poze evidente ) ca jucatorul a avut intentia sa va atace , sa fie clar ca n-a fost din greseala , Mesajul informativ care arata cat damage ati primit nu este suficient pentru a acorda Wanted 3  pentru Cop Attack. Sanctiunea pentru nerespectarea acestei reguli este Faction Warn.




To give Wanted 3 ''Cop Attack'' you must have video or photo evidence ( preferably video or multiple ovious pictures ) that the player intended to attack you , to be clear that it was not by mistake , the informative message that shows how much damage you received is not enough to grant Wanted 3 for Cop Attack . The penalty for violating this rule is Faction Warn.

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Buna seara soldati! Vreau sa va informez ca pentru Duminica aceastea 12.04.2020 la ora 20:00 , am pregatit un war cu F.B.I , acest war va avea loc intr-o locatie special amenajata pe nume RC Arena , la acest war nu sunt permise glumele de prost gust , non-rp , gesturi non fair-play . Stiti foarte bine ca aceasta factiune necesita disciplina si seriozitate , asa ca cine va fi prins ca incalca aceste reguli impuse de mine o sa fie sanctionat drastic . 


NOTA : Doresc prezenta maxima din partea voastra ,  Se accepta maxim 5 invoiri pentru acest war! .

- Invoirile se fac in topicul special ! 



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  *Semnat General Standar*

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Buna ziua soldati ! Vreau sa va anunt ca o regula a fost postata , regula este in legatura cu /frisk/confiscate , delatiile sunt mai jos :



-In cazul in care suspectati un jucator ca ar avea droguri, aveti obligatia de a folosi inainte de toate [/frisk] pe aceasta, ulterior putand folosi [/confiscate]. In cazul unei reclamatii este necesar sa prezentati dovada ce contine /frisk.  (Sanctiune Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta)


Iar in regulamentul pentru amenzi a fost adaugat un regulament pentru Caps-lock , spam , etc . Pe chat-ul departamentului . Detalii aveti mai jos :


- Folosirea comenzii [/FVR] fara a se anunta -> amenda 10,000$

- Folosirea Caps Lock-ului intr-un mod excesiv pe [/r] sau pe orice chat la o activitate/antrenament ( EXEMPLU EXEMPLU EXEMPLU EXEMPLU EXEMPLU )-> amenda 25,000$

- Folosirea Caps Lock-ului intr-un mod excesiv pe repetate randuri (spam) pe [/r] sau pe orice chat la o activitate/antrenament -> amenda 30,000$

- Nerespectarea indicatiilor unui rang superior la activitati/antrenamente ( De exemplu a fost comunicat faptul sa nu se mai traga iar cineva continua) -> amenda 30,000$

- Folosirea unui emoticon intr-un mod excesiv pe [/r] sau pe orice chat la o activitate/antrenament ( Exemplu: =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD )-> amenda 10,000$

- Folosirea unui emoticon intr-un mod excesiv pe repetate randuri (spam) pe [/r] sau pe orice chat la o activitate/antrenament -> 15,000$

- Spam pe [/r] -> 25,000$

- Masina parcata pe locul autovehiculelor factiunii sau blocarea intrarii/iesirii cu acestea -> 15,000$




Hello soldiers! I want to announce that a rule has been posted, the rule is related to / frisk / confiscated, the deletions are below:


-If you suspect a player to have drugs, you have the obligation to use [/ frisk] first of all, and then to use [/ confiscated]. If you have complaints you need to present the proofs with /frisk. (Sanction: Verbal warning at first offense, Faction Warn if repeated )


And in the regulation for fines was added a regulation for Caps-lock, spam, etc. On the department chat. Details below:


- Using the [/ FVR] command without being announced -> $ 10,000 fine


- Using Caps Lock excessively on [/ r] or any chat at an activity / training (EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE EXAMPLE) -> $ 25,000 fine

- Using Caps Lock excessively repeatedly (spam) on [/ r] or on any activity / training chat -> $ 30,000 fine

- Failure to follow the indications of a higher ranking for activities / trainings (For example it was communicated that no longer be drawn and someone continues) -> fine $ 30,000

- Using an emoticon excessively on [/ r] or any chat in an activity / workout


- Using an emoticon excessively repeatedly (spam) on [/ r] or any chat at an activity / training -> $ 15,000

- Spam on [/ r] -> $ 25,000

- Car parked in the place of the vehicles of the faction or blocking the entry / exit with them -> $ 15,000

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Buna ziua soldati , o noua regula a fost postata , detalii mai jos


Daca doriti sa folositi un vehicul de la un departament trebuie sa anuntati pe /d (cum procedeaza rank 5+ in momentul de fata). In cadrul unei activitati, membrii factiunilor pot sa refuze ca vehiculele sa fie luate (Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta)

--Pentru a folosi elicopterele de departament, trebuie sa cereti aprobare pe /d de la membrii cu rank 4+. Exceptie rank 5+, care doar trebuie sa anunte pe /d inainte de a luat un vehicul (Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta).




Hello soldiers , a new rule has been posted , details down


-If you want to use a vehicle from a department you have to announce on / d (how to rank 5+ at the moment). In an activity, faction members may refuse to have vehicles taken (Sanction:  Avertisment Verbal on first offense, Faction Warn if repeated)

-To use department helicopters, you must ask for approval on / d from members with rank 4+. Exception rank 5+, which only has to announce on / d before taking a vehicle (Sanction: Verbal warning at the first offense, Faction Warn if repeated).


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Buna ziua soldati , doua reguli neaflata in regulament a fost postata , detalii mai jos 


- Jucatorilor de factiuni nu li se permite detinerea a mai multor conturi simultan in aceeasi factiune. In cazul in care impartiti contul cu alti membrii din factiune urmeaza sa fiti demisi in urma mai multor loguri comune

- In cazul in care jucatorii impartasesc acelasi ip, dar nu sunt aceeasi persoana (ex: 2 frati, un cuplu) trebuie sa faceti un ticket ca sa primiti permisiunea de la un admin 4+ care o sa fie martor in joc ca nu va apartin cele 2 conturi la aceeasi persoana.




Hello soldiers , two rules has been posted , details down 


- Faction players are not allowed to share multiple accounts simultaneously in one faction. If you share the account with other members of the faction, you will be kicked from the faction based on continuous logins from the same IP.

- In cases where the players share the same ip, but are not the same player (eg: 2 brothers, a couple) they need to make a ticket in order to get the permission from an admin 4+ who will witness in game that their accounts don’t belong to the same person.

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Salutare, din data de 11.05.2020 avem un nou parteneriat cu factiunea San Fiero Taxi , pentru a vizualiza conditiile parteneriatului , verificati topic acesta ''Noutai & informatii'' la categoria de informatii .




Hello, from 11.05.2020 we have a new partnership with the San Fiero Taxi faction, in order to visualize the conditions of the partnership, check the topic of news and information in the information category!

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Soldati vreau sa va aduc la cunostina ca Duminica aceasta 24.05.2020  la ora 19:00 vom avea o activitate SPECIALA organizata impreuna cu SF TAXI , aceasta activitate consta intr-un war intre NG vs SF TAXI  , locatia o sa fie o arena speciala ( RC Arena) .

In aceasta activitate lipsa de fairplay si disciplina nu este tolerata , sanctiunile vor fi foarte severe daca nu se respecta acest lucru.


Nota : Doresc prezenta maxima la aceasta activitate , cine nu se prezinta va fi sanctionat conform regulamentului. Invorile se fac in topicu corespunzator de invoiri antrenament  & activitati.





Soldiers I want to inform you that this Sunday 24.05.2020 at 19:00 we will have a SPECIAL activity organized together with SF TAXI, this activity consists in a war between NG vs SF TAXI, the location will be a special arena ( RC Arena).

In this activity the lack of fair play and discipline is not tolerated, the sanctions will be very severe if this is not observed.


Note: I want the maximum presence at this activity, who does not show up will be sanctioned according to the regulations. Invorations are made in the appropriate topic of training & activities.



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Soldati, o noua regula legata de vehicule a fost adaugata



-Membrul unui departament are obligatia ca in cazul in care are masina parcata la HQ-ul altui departament sa se conformeze rugamintilor colegilor sai sa-si mute masina DOAR in cazuri de necesitate reala. Sanctiune: AV (prima abatere), FW (a doua abatere+).

Ex: Masina este spawnata peste o masina de departament SAU blocheaza intrarea intr-o incapereze / locatie din HQ.




- A member of a department is oblied to obey his department colleagues' wishes in case you have a vehicle parked in an unappropiate place. (ex: the car is spawned over a departament car or blocks an entry). Punishment: Verbal Warning (at first), Faction Warn (if it repeats).



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Salutare soldati, vreau sa va aduc la cunostina ca pe data de 31.05.2020, ora 20:00 o sa fie planificata o sedinta pentru a discuta mai multe lucruri intamplate in NG si ce se va intampla in NG pe viitor.



NOTA: VREAU SA VAD PREZENTA CAT MAI MARE, sanctiunile se vor acorda conform regulamentului.




Hello soldiers, I want to inform you that on 31.05.2020, at 20:00, a meeting will be planned to discuss more things that happened in NG and what will happen to you in NG in the future.


NOTE: I WANT TO SEE THE PRESENCE AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE, the sanctions will be granted according to the regulament.

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Soldati vreau sa va aduc la cunostina ca in urma programului de vara stabilit impreuna cu voi, antrenamente si activitatile vor suferi o schimbare drastica mai exact, O SA FIE DOAR O ACTIVITATE OBLIGATORILE SI DOAR UN ANTRENAMENT OBLIGATORIU, Antrenamentul o sa fie in Prima Duminica a luni si activitatea in a Doua Duminica a luni. Ambele activitati o sa fie la ora 20:00 ( ora o sa fie schimbata la decizia voastra de la sedinta, in caz ca nu avem suficienta prezenta vom fi nevoiti sa o remutam la ora 15:00


Antrenorii o sa faca cu randul la fiecare antrenament, primi o sa fie echipa lui Bomber iar a doua o sa fie a lui BlackHeart.

Activatile nu o sa mai conteze asa in perioada asta, puteti face activitate de placere.


NOTA : O sa aveti dreptul la doar o INVOIRE asta insemnand ca la una trebuie sa va prezentati neaparat. Cand faceti o invoire si trebuie sa treceti numarul de invoiri o sa arate asa:


Numarul de invoiri: 1/1


                                                                                                                      O vara frumoasa si relaxanta va doresc, cu drag General Standar.





Soldiers, I want to inform you that following the summer program established with you, training and activities will undergo a drastic change, more precisely, IT WILL BE ONLY A MANDATORY ACTIVITY AND ONLY A MANDATORY TRAINING, The training will be on the First Sunday of month and activity on the Second Sunday of month. Both activities will be at 20:00 (the time will be changed at your decision at the meeting, in case we do not have enough presence we will have to remove it at 15:00)


The coaches will take turns at each training session, the team will be Bomber's team and the second will be BlackHeart's.

The activities will not matter like this during this period, you can do a pleasure activity.


NOTE: You will be entitled to only one AGREEMENT, which means that you must show up for one. When you make an invoice and you have to enter the number of invoices it will look like this:


Number of bids: 1/1

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