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Paramedics - Discuţii | Discussions


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Am terminat de simpuit pe ziua de astazi si fug sa mi prajesc aripioarele picante phjahaha


On 4/23/2021 at 6:40 PM, North sijeiul said:

Alooo, ce-i linistea asta aici? ce faceti?

ce ti a facut pofta rewind sa postezi pe aici? ca la cat a scris smr :))

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On 4/25/2021 at 9:38 PM, ACABz said:

Am terminat de simpuit pe ziua de astazi si fug sa mi prajesc aripioarele picante phjahaha


ce ti a facut pofta rewind sa postezi pe aici? ca la cat a scris smr :))

Nici n-ai idee cat m-a inspirat

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15 hours ago, Delgado said:

Seara buna stimabililor.


Sper ca ati supravietuit cu totii o zi fara samp si nu au existat daune majore. :D


N-am intrat o zi in samp si deja ma simt mai bine ❤️ 

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Hi guys I am dotzo. I wanted to post here when i joined the faction but I forgot it. So I doing it now ^^. So hi 

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Hey guys! How are you? I hope everyone is good, what do you think about the end of the alliance we had with the gang The Tsar Bratva? I will be glad to read your opinion at this topic!

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On 6/10/2021 at 2:12 AM, dotzo said:

Hey guys! How are you? I hope everyone is good, what do you think about the end of the alliance we had with the gang The Tsar Bratva? I will be glad to read your opinion at this topic!

honestly, I like this decision. The Tsar Bratva is not a good faction and it certainly had lots of bad people (and also the leader changed), so Delgado took the right decision.

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It was mostly because of the leader change. Apparently the collective had a few bad apples but that's inevitable. In retrospect, it was mostly a disadvantage for the members to lose on that 3k from rehab. Server is not like in the old days where a blacklist is overly important or so complicated that we can't manage it ourselves.


Ah well, we live and we learn. :)

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Cu alea 3 ore reale pe iunie nici nu ma mir ca numa' tii locu ocupat in factiune. Tie iti bate bacu la usa si crezi ca ne asteptam sa intri pe samp? :))


Daca zicea oricine altcineva, hai ca mai intelegeam, da' fix tu ala ocupatu.


Stai linistit ca e pentru cei care vor sa se distreze putin si sa mai schimbe placa. Ramai acolo la invoirile lunare ca nu te deranjeaza nimeni.

Edited by Delgado
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33 minutes ago, Delgado said:

Cu alea 3 ore reale pe iunie nici nu ma mir ca numa' tii locu ocupat in factiune. Tie iti bate bacu la usa si crezi ca ne asteptam sa intri pe samp? :))


Daca zicea oricine altcineva, hai ca mai intelegeam, da' fix tu ala ocupatu.


Stai linistit ca e pentru cei care vor sa se distreze putin si sa mai schimbe placa. Ramai acolo la invoirile lunare ca nu te deranjeaza nimeni.

bacul peste doi ani. E vara fram, lumea mai iese din casa, nu se joaca 200 de ore ca alții :) hai te las ca n ai înțeles nimic

Edited by AIM Jay
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17 minutes ago, Delgado said:

Ah, greseala mea... daca numa' peste doi ani, aia macar explica mai multe.


E drept, nu putem juca toti 200 de ore... nu pe sleep cel putin. :)



e o diferenta intre noi doi. Ale mele sunt pe sleep, majoritatea (desi vorbeam despre ore jucate vara, cand lumea mai iese - nu si tu, pacat de varsta-, mna) pe cand ale tale.. n-ai scazut un an sub 100 de ore reale :) Oricum, nu stiu ce relevanta au orele jucate atata timp cat eu am mentionat doar despre schimbarea orei activitatilor :)

Nu mai fi obraznic :) https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/monthlyPlayed/Delgado

Edited by AIM Jay
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