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Paramedics - Discuţii | Discussions


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Dupa cum spune si titlul acestui topic aici pot posta doar membrii factiunii Fireman/Paramedic.


Nu aici va exprimati parerile contra acestei factiuni... cu un salut, o urare sunteti mereu bineveniti sa postati.


ce mai faceti mai baietzi cum merge treaba ?





As the topic title says, only Fireman/Paramedic members may post here.


You are not allowed to express your opinions against the faction here... You are always welcome here, with greetings.



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Dai scroll down pana in josul paginii, si e o casuta cu "Fast Reply" deasupra ei, scrii in ea textul, si click pe Post.


P.S. Semnatura lui GuessWhoo e total falsificata :-??

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  • uSp locked this topic
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