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Paramedics - Discuţii | Discussions


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Nb colegi... Am venit si eu de la sala... vb maine!


Ah si Veneno - In cazul in care ai postat ceva in acest topic trebuie sa astepti sa posteze 2 persoane pentru a posta din nou. (evident, doar dupa 15 minute)

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Salut colegi, abia am ajuns si eu de la scoala.Ne auzim mai pe seara in game.



Noapte buna colegi, ne auzim maine dupa sc.Vorbiti si voi mai mult aici, de aia e topic de discutii.

Atat tu cat si ceilalti vreau sa respectati regulile acestui topic. Nu este voie sa faci dublu post, cat despre ceilalti invatati sa dezvoltati mai mult....nu imi mai puenti nb, ce faceti doar, ok, welcome, misto etc....



Doar membrii factiunii pot posta aici.



- Diferenta de timp intre posturile pe care le faceti trebuie sa fie de minim 15 minute.

- Pentru a posta aici trebuie sa folosesti minim 2 propozitii, nu ai voie doar sa saluti sau sa pui intrebari de genul "ce mai faceti?, "ce mai ziceti?" etc.

- In cazul in care ai postat ceva in acest topic trebuie sa astepti sa posteze 2 persoane pentru a posta din nou. (evident, doar dupa 15 minute)



Cine nu respecta regulile risca sa fie sanctionat cu AV / FW or [/uninvite].





Only faction members can post here.



- The time difference between the posts that you make must be at least 15 minutes.

- To post here you need to use at least 2 sentences. You not allowed post with "Hello", "How are you?"

- If you posted something in this thread have to wait to post 2 people for post again. (obviously only after 15 minutes)



Who not follow the rules, risk being sanctioned with AV / FW or [/uninvite].


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Previous nicknames:amine
Real age:14
In-game character level:16
Skills in secondary jobs (picture required):http://postimg.org/image/706ryqkw9/
A screenshot with /stats:http://postimg.org/image/gh3m6g35x/
Number of in-game warnings and the reason you got them for: i haven't
Previous factions, rank and time spent there:none
Why have you left the last faction? ( if any, please indicate the date you left):none
Why do you want to join the Paramedics? (minimum of 10 words):to give blood to the people
Did you read the Paramedics Rules and the other important threads and do you agree to be punished for breaking these rules?:yes i saw it and i'm agree with you and i see that it's too important to be punished for breaking these rules
How many hours a day do you play (aside from /sleep)?: 6hours
Are you on the blacklist of a faction?: no
If yes, would you agree to pay to be removed from it? : i don't know ! becose i'm not in the blacklist
Are you able, if needed, to work in a team?: yes i'm able
What does a doctor do? (minimum of 10 words):give blood ...
Other specifications?:nn

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Buna dimineata, colegilor! Ce faceti, cum o mai duceti? Acum m-am trezit si eu ma duc la sala si dupa ma intorc si o sa imi termin raportul si pe saptaman asta. Va urez o zi cat mai buna! :)

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Nu stiu daca se va tine sedinta. Am inteles ca Jack pleaca si revine numai luni. Oricum daca o sa fie sedinta, va fii anuntat pe forum la Anunturi importante.

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  • Madalin changed the title to Paramedics - Discuţii | Discussions
  • uSp locked this topic
  • uSp unlocked this topic

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