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, in mod normal sedinta se tine in fiecare saptamana, ca se face o data la doua saptamani... asta depinde de Lori cum are ea timp.

, tu cine esti?


Noapte buna colegi! Eu ma bag la un film si dupa la somn.



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Multumesc Alexutzu :)) te pup varule :*

Trecem la lucrurile normale si va spun buna dimineata tuturor, o zi cat mai placuta incepand de acum.

Diseara vreau sa facem un event sefu' meu daca poti si vrei nu trebuie decat 5k de fiecare, o sa vezi despre ce este vorba :) nu o sa regreti.

Edited by Albertoy21
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@Albertoy21, da' cum sa nu sefule, poti conta pe mine! Hai in joc sa vezi cati suntem acum in clan. :))

Edited by Tovarasu InSaNe
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LA multi ani dragii mei colegi ! La multi ani B-zone, sunt primul care are ocazia sa o zica asa ca ma simt mandru >:), @DemonRullz la multi ani ba, oricum sunt cel mai vechi jucator din factiunea asta, da stiu sunt foarte modest >:) >:) ce imi place sa fiu " smecher".

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La multi ani, B-zone si tuturor nabilor de pe aici :>

Welcome celor noi, cred ca daca respectati toate regulile si colectivul, o sa iasa o treaba buna. Inca ceva, incercati sa nu mai faceti posturi aiurea la discutii ( doar pentru ''Salut", "Noapte buna", "Ne vedem in game" ), verificati prima pagina inainte de toate. :D

P.S: ce ziceai despre mine cand vine vorba de trivia ? =)) #pwp, am luat tot serverul.


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Felicitări Ioana. Am fost surprins de cadourile oferite astăzi și au fost bine-venite. Situația mea este dramatică, avansez în nivel dar orele jucate parcă nu ating un prag convenit și potrivit pentru remarcă.

Edited by South John
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B-Day QUEST Los Santos Hearts

(still updating)

DOWNLOAD LINK: Check My Profile

You're Welcome!

Edited by Tovarasu InSaNe
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Oricum la noi in factiune sunt mai mereu zilele B-zone ( din punctul de vedere al activitatii ). Daca s-ar renunta si la raport... nu ai mai vedea niciun medic la datorie. Daca este organizare, orice medic are timp de raportul de activitate, cat si de Quest si alte eventuri.

Bafta tuturor cu inimioarele :*

Edited by IoanaB
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Cam asa se intampla cu unii din noi sambata dimineata, asa-i? :))


Saturday morning jumped out of bed
And put on my best suit
Got in my ambulance 'n raced like a jet
All the way to you
Knocked on your door with heart in my hand
To ask you a question
'Cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man, yeah
Can I have your /service medic for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your /service medic 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'
Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm paramedic too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna get your /service anyway
Get that command
Get it anyway
Get that command
Yeah, no matter what you say
Get that command
And we'll be friends anyway
Why you gotta be so
I hate to do this, you leave no choice
Can't live without it
Love me or hate me we will be boys
Standing in front of Brunetta
Or I'll run away
To another galaxy, you know
You know I need that /service medic
To make my activity report.
Can I have your /service medic for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your /service medic 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, 'cause the answer's still 'No"
Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm paramedic too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna get it anyway
Get that command
Get it anyway
Get that command
No matter what you say
Get that command
And we'll be friends anyway
Why you gotta be so
Can I have your /service medic for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes 'cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your /service medic 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, 'cause the answer's still 'No"
Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm paramedic too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna get it anyway
Get that command
Get it anyway
Get that command
No matter what you say
Get that command
And we'll be friends anyway
Why you gotta be so
Why you gotta be so
Why you gotta be so rude?
Edited by J o s e p h
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Salut Paramedics, ce ar fi sa ne spunem opinia noastra despre cantecul lui joseph, daca tot s-a straduit asa mult?

In my opinion, this song is awesome because:

Firstly: i like you put a little bit humor in it, that's makes more enjoyable when you reading the song, now let's go to the theme wich was "rude", hmmm let's say it was just a little bit weird, but not in the bad way, i was having a good time reading your song, but there are some things for me that i can't anticipate E.g/E.x "I'm gonna marry her anyway", from where appears this? Unknow, but i still love your song, you thinked about paramedics and made a song, and i don't have time to tell more about your song because right now my internet connection is sooooo weak... i can't still belive what it's outside, i mean it's rainning very hard, i hope you will read my opinon for your song.

Have a nice day!

Your mate Albertoy21

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Mult succes tuturor care ne-au parasit in aceasta saptamana.

@@South Missy,o sa imi fie dor de tine pe /r dar macar vorbim pe /c :)) .Mult succes in noua factiune,sper ca o sa te simti la fel de bine cum te-ai simtit si aici >:D<<'>. Iti multumesc pentru tot ce ai facut pentru mine si pentru ca m-ai ajutat,fara tine nu cred ca ajungeam pana aici.BTW,cred ca ai uitat dar iti spun ca eu am dat testul de intrare cu tine.


Remember Paramedic Field Chief [uS]Missy.(Legenda!!)

Noapte buna.

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Heii nabi :*

@South Missy O sa ne fie dor de tine :* Bafta in continuare si succes cu toate planurile de viitor. Iti multumesc pentru tot ajutorul si amintirile frumoase. Tot nu pot sa cred cum a trecut timpul asa repede...

Daca tot am pomenit de amintiri, am facut un link cu niste poze :D -> http://imgur.com/a/Zn7JW

@Albertoy21 Ai patit ceva, nabule ? :))

EDIT: Ultima poza din Paramedics cu Paramedic Field Chief [uS]Missy <3


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Missy o sa imi fie dor de tine :* nu mai pot de suparare, acuma cu cine o sa mai vorbesc eu cand am probleme in factiune, cine o sa ma poata ajuta in clipele grele :(. Vreau sa vi inapoi in Para.. :). Dupa ce termini cu PD vino te rog inapoi aicia unde iti este locul. Sper sa tinem legatura si sa vorbim des.

Remember Missy nu o sa te uit Missy Pissy, Mamicuta mea :):* >:D<<'>

Edited by Alexutz Legend
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Asa plecati toti.... plecati mai intai Bil, apoi skyfall, apoi Jack, apoi Crisu, apoi tule,si acum missy? Factiunea asta va ajunge rau in scurt timp, termen anticipat de mine maxim pana pe data de 4.12.2014, factiunea nu va mai fii cum a fost :).

Nu prea mai am motive sa postez pe aici ca la inceput.

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Salut la toti, de mult nu vam mai vazut din cauza unor probmele.

Mult succes in continuare Missy, chiar si daca nu ne cunosteam bine dar iti multumesc ca ai sarit cu o mana de ajutor cand am avut nevoie ( vorbesc depre accept event ).

Cred ca ne vom mai vedea la HQ si o mai vorbi.

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