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News Reporters - Discuții / Discussions


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Buna dimineata reporter,nu uitati ca deadline-ul pt. completarea "Bilantuli" este astazi la ora 14:00,cine nu il completeaza pana atunci va fi sanctionat!
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Ok BadDarck, Mi-a facut placere sa lucrez alaturi de tine , si sper ca si in celelalte factiuni in care vei decide sa mergi sa te descurci la fel de bine ca aici, Bafta, imi pare rau ca pleci... sper ca nu am gresit eu cu ceva :|
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  • psoN changed the title to Discuții / Discussions
  • E l e g a n t locked this topic
  • .Aku unlocked and locked this topic
  • .Aku unlocked this topic

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