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Neata colegi ! Ce faceti? Eu unul invat pentru testul de astazi la matematica ...



Azi am dat 4 teste maine mai dau inca 3....si vineri dau 2 teste , misto saptamana asta


Aici postati doar daca aveti nelamuriri legate de game, nu alte prostii.

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English :


Today (10/21/2014) we have established a treaty with the Federal Bureau of Investigations faction. We will provide free license tests, and in return receive / accept lawyer at minimum price and protection.

TTB handle blacklist, kill people on the list and protects us when we are troubled, and the FBI will help faction events, where someone will attack the HQ or you steal a car you can contact a member of the FBI to arrest (wanted and arrest) or to help you recover your car.


Sper ca e totul bine.

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English :


Today (10/21/2014) we have established a treaty with the Federal Bureau of Investigations faction. We will provide free license tests, and in return receive / accept lawyer at minimum price and protection.

TTB handle blacklist, kill people on the list and protects us when we are troubled, and the FBI will help faction events, where someone will attack the HQ or you steal a car you can contact a member of the FBI to arrest (wanted and arrest) or to help you recover your car.


Sper ca e totul bine.

Today (10/21/2014) we have established a treaty with the Federal Bureau of Investigations faction. We will provide them free license but WITH tests, and in return will receive [/accept lawyer] at minimum price and protection.

TTB will handle blacklist, kill people on the list and protect us when we are troubled, and the FBI will help on faction events, when someone will attack the HQ or will steal a car, you can contact a member of the FBI to arrest (wanted and arrest) or to help you recover your car.

We have a treaty with BOTH factions!!!


Uite asa e bine.

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Seara buna, nu stiti vre-un link pentru torent gta:sa dar s anu fie tpb, ca am mai scos de acolo astazi si la 99.8% nu mai mergea :-W am asteptat 20 de minute, dupa mi-am pierdut rabadarea... Daca se poate cat de bun ca vreau sa mai intru astazi pe sa:mp..


EDIT: am gasit..

Edited by Veres Ionut
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