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Am redeschis acest topic, a trecut perioada in care spameri fac +1 cu 1 si 2 Mai. Nu faceti si voi spam ca il inchid iar. Tineti minte, doar lucruri legate de factiune si nu un post de 3-5 cuvinte.


Am anuntat sedinta saptamanala, dar de asemenea si un event special cu un premiu foarte mare! Detalii aveti aici: click


Incercati sa veniti la event, daca nu puteti faceti cerere de invoire lafel ca si pentru sedinta.



I apologize because i didn't translate in english what i announce at Meetings and Activities. I forgot, my mistake. I can't edit that post so, i say here what i have to say:


"Sunday, 04.05.2014 at 7:30PM will be held the meeting. Who can't be present, it have to make a pass request or you'll got FW.


After meeting will be organized a special event. This event is a Last Man Standing (LMS) type. The event will have place here , and gun will be one of this two (gun1 , gun2). Event prize: 70.000$, and who can't be present, it have to make a pass request or he will be punished.


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Am redeschis acest topic, a trecut perioada in care spameri fac +1 cu 1 si 2 Mai. Nu faceti si voi spam ca il inchid iar. Tineti minte, doar lucruri legate de factiune si nu un post de 3-5 cuvinte.


Am anuntat sedinta saptamanala, dar de asemenea si un event special cu un premiu foarte mare! Detalii aveti aici: click


Incercati sa veniti la event, daca nu puteti faceti cerere de invoire lafel ca si pentru sedinta.



I apologize because i didn't translate in english what i announce at Meetings and Activities. I forgot, my mistake. I can't edit that post so, i say here what i have to say:


"Sunday, 04.05.2014 at 7:30PM will be held the meeting. Who can't be present, it have to make a pass request or you'll got FW.


After meeting will be organized a special event. This event is a Last Man Standing (LMS) type. The event will have place here , and gun will be one of this two (gun1 , gun2). Event prize: 70.000$, and who can't be present, it have to make a pass request or he will be punished.


Thanks Bro For The Translation :*







Guys Help Me Please, When i try To Enter Gta San Andreas, It Says That AUdio card is missing or something like that Click

I Reinstalled Gta San But Still Have this problem, Help Please !

Edited by MwP WaeL BelHaJ
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Guys Help Me Please, When i try To Enter Gta San Andreas, It Says That AUdio card is missing or something like that Click

I Reinstalled Gta San But Still Have this problem, Help Please !

You're problem comes from windows. You're windows, when automaticaly install audio drive, instal a old version or a incompatible version. You have to download manualy you're audio driver, and instal it.

Open you're PC, or text "dxdiag" in RUN (windows button + R) and read what motherbroad you got. Then search on google for audio driver for that motherbroad. And you fix this problem.

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@, De ce la acel LMs nu ai pus arma Deagle sau...orce alceva dar nu arve de genu ala :|

Am vrut sa fie ceva mai altfel. Nu iar deagle.


@, Multumesc ca ai deschis topicu, imi era dor.

Sedinta este dupa event sau inainte de event?



19:30 - sedinta

20:00 - 20:15 - eventul

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Am redeschis acest topic, a trecut perioada in care spameri fac +1 cu 1 si 2 Mai. Nu faceti si voi spam ca il inchid iar. Tineti minte, doar lucruri legate de factiune si nu un post de 3-5 cuvinte.


Am anuntat sedinta saptamanala, dar de asemenea si un event special cu un premiu foarte mare! Detalii aveti aici: click


Incercati sa veniti la event, daca nu puteti faceti cerere de invoire lafel ca si pentru sedinta.



I apologize because i didn't translate in english what i announce at Meetings and Activities. I forgot, my mistake. I can't edit that post so, i say here what i have to say:


"Sunday, 04.05.2014 at 7:30PM will be held the meeting. Who can't be present, it have to make a pass request or you'll got FW.


After meeting will be organized a special event. This event is a Last Man Standing (LMS) type. The event will have place here , and gun will be one of this two (gun1 , gun2). Event prize: 70.000$, and who can't be present, it have to make a pass request or he will be punished.


Thank you for translate bro :* :*

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@, Aimu meu merge pe orce....:) il vrei si tu ? Ajuta la Robberi codati :D


Dar vreau sa zic...ca dupa ce iei foc,nu mai poti sa tragi cu arma...ca cica "te doare Mana" si nu poti apasa pe tragaci :)))

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Buna ziua. Ma bucur ca ati inteles sa nu mai facesti spam sau posturi aiurea aici, bravo ;) .



Nu esti in toate mintile? De ce postezi aici?

Silviu,eu i-as multumii ca a mai dat pe la noi :D


Multumesc pentru rank up Silviu,sper ca nu te voi dezamagii :)

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@, ia vezi...tu de ce postezi aici ?


Ce mai faceti Mechanici mei ? @, Ma mai iubesti ? :)

Normal...... ca nu.

Restu ce mai faceti?


@, oo, ce mai faci cum o mai duci?

Edited by S4F YnnA
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