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Care sunt filmele tale favorite? | Which are your favorite movies?


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American pie 7-The book of love

Clash of the titans(versiunea actuala)

Scary movie-toate





Bine...sunt mai multe,dar astea sunt cele vizionate in ultimul timp...:D


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Clash of the titans


Scary Movie Toata Seria

O noapte la muzeu 1 - 2

Si filme romanesti ( BD, Pistruiatul si multe cu toma caragiu si jean constantin )


Clash of the titans


Scary Movie Toata Seria

O noapte la muzeu 1 - 2

Si filme romanesti ( BD, Pistruiatul si multe cu toma caragiu si jean constantin )

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Shutter Island


American Gangster


The Hurt Locker


Sherlock Holmes


The Dark Knight


From Paris with Love


Iron Man


The Matrix


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy


Star Trek


The Chronicles of Riddick

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Toata colectia The Godfather,Comediile "Un socru de cosmar","Sunt plecat in oras","Singur acasa"(chiar daca devine plictisitor de care ori l-am vazut,"American Pie",Horror "The Eye","Pride for morning","Black water" si altele care acum imi scapa
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