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Premium Account


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În acest topic găsiţi toate informaţiile legate de Contul Premium.

Contul Premium se poate cumpăra doar cu Gold, Gold-ul de pe shop-ul B-Zone. (shop.b-zone.ro)

Premium Account pentru o săptămână (7 zile) - 90 Gold

Premium Account pentru o lună (30 de zile) - 320 Gold

Premium Account pentru trei luni (90 de zile) - 840 Gold

Premium Account pentru şase luni (180 de zile) - 1600 Gold

Premium Account pentru un an (365 de zile) - 3000 Gold

Beneficiile Contului Premium sunt enumerate mai jos:

  • Rata dobânzii la PayDay creşte de la 0.01 la 0.03%.
  • Vei primi cu 25% mai mulţi bani la PayDay.
  • Vei câştiga cu 50% mai mulţi bani la joburi.
  • La fiecare 5 ore jucate vei primi: 1 punct de respect (RP), 1 punct de jaf (rob), 1 punct de evadare (escape), 1 punct pentru aprobarea avocaţilor (/acceptpoints) şi îţi va scădea 1 Faction Punish (FP).
  • Dacă punctele de respect (RP) depăşesc numărul cerut, cele în exces se vor păstra pentru nivelul următor la [/buylevel].
  • Poţi achiziţiona maşini sport de la Dealership sau de la alţi jucători. (Infernus, Bullet, Cheetah, Banshee, Turismo și Hotring Racer A, B, C)
  • Punctele de jaf (rob) cresc de la 10 la 20.
  • Punctele pentru aprobarea avocaţilor (/acceptpoints) urcă de la 150 la 300.
  • Comanda [/mp3] este accesibilă pentru a asculta muzică de oriunde.
  • Îţi poţi umple rezervorul maşinii cu până la 150% combustibil.
  • Poţi începe curse [/race] pentru cel mult $2,000.


In this topic you can find all information related to Premium Account.

You can buy Gold from B-Zone Shop. (shop.b-zone.ro)


Premium Account for a week (7 days) - 90 Gold

Premium Account for one month (30 days) - 320 Gold

Premium Account for three months (90 days) - 840 Gold

Premium Account for six months (180 days) - 1600 Gold

Premium Account for one year (365 days) - 3000 Gold

The benefits of Premium Account are as follows:

  • The interest rate on payday increased from 0.01 to 0.03%.
  • You will get a 25% bigger paycheck every PayDay.
  • You will get 50% more money from jobs.
  • For every 5 hours you play, you will get: 1 Respect Point, 1 Rob Point, 1 Escape Point, 1 point for approving lawyers (/acceptpoints) and 1 less Faction Punish (FP ).
  • If you gave more than enough Respect Points, you will keep the extra points for the next level when you will use [/buyleve].
  • You can buy/sell sport cars from the Dealership or from other players. (Infernus, Bullet, Cheetah, Banshee, Turismo and Hotring Racer A, B, C)
  • Rob Points are increased from 10 to 20.
  • Points for approval lawyers (/ acceptpoints) go from 150 to 300.
  • The command [/ mp3] is available to listen to music anywhere.
  • You can fill your fuel tank by up to 150% fuel.
  • You can start races [/race] for up to $2,000.



Topic updated by Xin - 09.02.2015

Edited by Kelton
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