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Red Dragon Triad - Seif/Cash deposit

uS DeviL

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On 9/7/2012 at 10:24 PM, RobertCM said:

Nick: Robitza95

Rank: 2

Sumă: 80.000 $

Motiv: Suma saptamanala

ScreenShot: http://postimage.org/image/6jeujl5gv/

Alte precizări: -


On 8/26/2012 at 9:01 PM, uS DeviL said:






În acest topic veţi posta dacă aveţi bani de depozitat, din diferite motive (amenzi, suma săptămânală etc.).

Orice amenda primita de catre un rank 4+ trebuie platita in 24 ore. In caz contrar veti primi Faction Warn.

Amenzi waruri:

  • Scor de -5 la war: $3.000. Neplata amenzii duce la sancționarea cu Faction Warn.

    Scor de -10 la war: $5.000. Neplata amenzii duce la sancționarea cu Faction Warn.

    Scor mai mare de -15 la war: se va sancționa direct cu Faction Warn.

-Acest sistem se aplica doar daca am pierdut warurile.

-Aveti timp pana ziua urmatoare ora 19:00 sa platiti amenzile, in caz contrar veti primi Faction Warn.

-Sunteti obligati sa aveti poza cu [/fdeposit].

-In acest topic, un membru responsabil de acest topic va face in fiecare zi de war evidenta cu amenzile. In ce costa?


Model pentru membrul responsabil cu evidenta: M1H41





Alte precizari:


Model postare amenda:

  • Nick:Savage.phenomen
  • Rank:r1
  • Platesc amenda conform evidentei din data:03/09/2019
  • Sumă:10k
  • Motiv:absent war
  • ScreenShot:https://imgur.com/a/xcQNWXp
  • Alte precizări:Bafta

English players:

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In this topic you can posting if you have money deposited for various reasons (fines, the amount of weekly and so on).

Every ticket must be paid in maximum 24 hours or you can be Faction Warned.

Ticket for wars:

  • Score of -5 at war: $3.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.

    Score of -10 at war: $5.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.

    Score worst than -15 at war: you will get punished directly with a Faction Warn.

-This ticket system applies only if we lost the war.

-You have time to pay the tickets till next day 19:00 or you will get Faction Warn.

-You must to make screenshot with [/fdeposit]

-In this topic, the responsible member will make the evidence with your tickets.


Model for the responsible member: M1H41





Other specifications:

Tickets posting model:

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On 8/26/2012 at 9:01 PM, uS DeviL said:






Model postare amenda:

  • Nick:savage.phenomen
  • Rank:r1
  • Platesc amenda conform evidentei din data:04/09/2019
  • Sumă:10k
  • Motiv:absent war 
  • ScreenShot:https://imgur.com/a/6IjE0A4
  • Alte precizări:nothing man 


  Reveal hidden contents

In this topic you can posting if you have money deposited for various reasons (fines, the amount of weekly and so on).

Every ticket must be paid in maximum 24 hours or you can be Faction Warned.

Ticket for wars:

  • Score of -5 at war: $3.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.

    Score of -10 at war: $5.000. Not paying the ticket will lead in receiving a Faction Warn.

    Score worst than -15 at war: you will get punished directly with a Faction Warn.

-This ticket system applies only if we lost the war.

-You have time to pay the tickets till next day 19:00 or you will get Faction Warn.

-You must to make screenshot with [/fdeposit]

-In this topic, the responsible member will make the evidence with your tickets.


Model for the responsible member: M1H41





Other specifications:

Tickets posting model:

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