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LS Police Department - Anunţuri importante / Important announcements


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Duminica, 5 April, la ora 19:00 vom organiza un antrenament.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Vom accepta invoiti pe motive foarte bune.






On Sunday, April 5, at 19:00, we will hold a training.  This is a must. We will accept invoices for very good reasons.

Edited by GigGs11 Legend
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- Pentru a-i acorda wanted "cop attack" unui jucator, acesta trebuie sa va atace cu pumnii de minim 4 ori sau sa traga cu arma in voi.

(pentru aceasta sanctiune trebuie sa aveti dovezi clare foto sau video (de preferat video sau multiple poze) ca jucatorul a avut intentia sa va atace, sa fie clar ca n-a fost din greseala.Mesajul informativ care arata cat damage ati primit nu este suficient pentru a acorda Wanted 3 pentru Cop Attack.Sanctiunea pentru nerespectarea acestei reguli este Faction Warn.)




-  To grant  a player a " wanted attack ", he must attack you with your fists at least 4 times or shoot at you .

(for this sanction you must have clear photo or video evidence (preferably video or multiple pictures) that the player intended to attack you, to be clear that he was not mistake.The informative message that shows how muck damage you received is not suffiecent for to grant Wanted 3 for Cop Attack.The penalty for non-compliance with this rule is Faction Warn.
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Duminica, 12 Aprilie, la ora 19:00 vom organiza o sedinta in HQ.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Vom accepta invoiti pe motive foarte bune.





On Sunday, April 15 , at 19:00, we will hold a HQ meeting.  This is a must. We will accept invoices for very good reasons.


Edited by GigGs11 Legend
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- In cazul in care suspectati un jucator ca ar avea dorguri, aveti obligatia de a folosi inainte de toate [/frisk] pe acesta, ulterior putand folosi [/confiscate]. In cazul unei reclamatii este necesar sa prezentati dovada ce contine /frisk. (Sanctiune: Advertisment Verbal la prima abatare, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta)








- In case you suspect a player to have drugs, you have the obligation to use [/frisk] first of all, and then to use [/confiscate]. If you have complaints you need to present the proofs with /frisk. (Sanction: Verbal Warning at first offense, Faction Warn if repeated)


Edited by TiG3R
Corectat anuntul.
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- Folosirea hidraulicelor pe un drum public (nu pe camp, in fata casei, parcari, drumuri de nisip, padure, etc): amenda corespunzatoare + confiscarea licentei de condus o ora
- Folosirea NOSului in miscare pe un drum public: amenda corespunzatoare + confiscarea licentei de condus 3 ore
- Condus cu o alcoolemie de 3.0: Confiscarea licentei de condus 1 ora
- Faruri oprite Intre 20:00 - 08:00 : amenda corespunzatoare





- USE of hidraulics on a public road (not on the field, in front of the house, parking lots, sandy roads, forest, etc)ticket + confiscation of the driving license one hour.

- USE of NOS moving on a public roadticket + confiscation of the driving license 3 hours.

- Driven with a blood alcohol of 3.0 - Confiscation of the driving license for 1 hour.

- Headlights off between 20:00 - 08:00 Ticket.
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Miercuri, 22 Aprilie, la ora 19:10 - 20:00 vom organiza un mandat de perchezitie:

-Locul unde va avea loc perchezitia: Toate HQ-urile si laboratoarele Gang-urilor.

-Motivul perchezitiei: Razie pentru combaterea traficului de droguri si arme

Observatii: La ora 19:00 ne vedem in garaj lspd, o sa va explic exact ce facem pentru a incepe mandatul la ora 19:10

Prezenta nu este obligatorie, insa cine are timp si doreste sa vina este bine primit, iar leaderul va tine cont.






Wednesday, April 22, at 19:10 - 20:00 we will organize a search warrant:

- The place where the search will take place: All the HQs and Gang laboratories.

- The reason for the search: Reason for combating drug and weapon trafficking

Comments: At 19:00 we see you in the lspd garage, I will explain exactly what we do to start the warrant at 19:10

Attendance is not mandatory, but anyone who has the time and wants to come is welcome and the leader will consider it.


Edited by bogdanila
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Duminica, 26 Aprilie, la ora 19:00 vom organiza un antrenament.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Vom accepta invoiti pe motive foarte bune.





On Sunday, April 26, at 19:00, we will hold a training.  This is a must. We will accept invoices for very good reasons.

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Avem un nou sistem de avansare in rank, puteti vedea criteriile aici: *click

Mai multe vom discuta diseara la antrenament, vom face o mica sedinta inainte

O zi buna!

Edited by TheTom
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Puteți folosi vehiculele oricărui departament fără a cere voie membrilor din respectivul departament, excepție pentru vehiculele de rank 3+, inclusiv Maverick-urile departamentelor, unde trebuie să cereți aprobare pe /d de la membrii de rank 4+ (sancțiune: avertisment verbalfaction warn dacă continuă).
Pentru a putea folosi aeronavele de la National Guard trebuie să cereți aprobare pe /d de la membrii de rank 4+ din departamente (sancțiune: avertisment verbalfaction warn dacă continuă).
Membrii de rank 5+ nu mai trebuie să ceară aprobare, însă trebuie să ofere un motiv pe /d înainte de a le folosi (sancțiune: avertisment verbalfaction warn dacă continuă).



Daca doriti sa folositi un vehicul de la un departament trebuie sa anuntati pe /d (cum procedeaza rank 5+ in momentul de fata). In cadrul unei activitati, membrii factiunilor pot sa refuze ca vehiculele sa fie luate (Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta).

Pentru a folosi aeronave (elicopterele de departament, Hunter sau Hydra) trebuie sa cereti aprobare pe /d de la membrii cu rank 4+ (Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca se mai repeta).







You can use the vehicles of any department without asking the members of that department, except for rank 3+ vehicles, including department Mavericks, where you have to ask for approval on /d from rank 4+ members of departments (punishment: verbal warningfaction warn if continued).
In order to use the spacecrafts from National Guard you have to ask for approval on /d from rank 4+ members of the departments (punishment: verbal warningfaction warn if continued).
Rank 5+ members do not have to ask for permission, but they must offer a reason on /d before using them (punishment: verbal warningfaction warn if continued).



If you want to use a vehicle from a department you must announce on /d (the way rank5+ proceeds at this moment). During an activity, the members of the factions can refuse for the vehicles to be taken (punishment: Verbal Warning at first, Faction Warn if it repeats).

 In order to use the spacecrafts (helicopters from departaments, Hunter or Hydra) you must ask for approval on /d from the rank 4+ members (punishment: Verbal Warning at first, Faction Warn if it repeats).

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- Sunteti obligati sa acumulati minim 10 ore pe luna in caz contrar riscati Faction Warn la prima abatere, Rank Down la a 2-a abatare si Demitere la a 3-a abatare.





- You are bound to accumulate at least 10 hours per month otherwise you risk Faction Warn on the firs offense, Rank Down on the 2nd offense and Dismissal on the 3rd offense.


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Duminica, 10 Mai, la ora 19:00 vom organiza un antrenament.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Vom accepta invoiti pe motive foarte bune.






On Sunday, May 10, at 19:00, we will hold a training.  This is a must. We will accept invoices for very good reasons.

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- Jucatorilor de factiuni nu li se permite detinerea a mai multor conturi simultan in aceasi factiune.In cazul in care impartiti contul cu alti membrii din factiune urmeaza sa fiti demisi.

- In cazul in care jucatorii impartaesc acelasi ip, dar nu sunt aceeasi persoana (ex: 2 frati, un cuplu) trebuie sa faceti un ticket ca sa primiti permisiunea de la un admin 4+ care o sa fie martor in joc ca nu va apartin cele 2 conturi la aceeasi persoana.





- Faction players are not allowed to share multiple accounts simultaneously in one faction.If you share the account with other members of the faction, you will be kicked from the faction.

- In cases where the players share the same ip, but are not the same player (eg: 2 brothers, a couple) they need to make a ticket in order to get the permission from  an admin 4+ who will witness in game that their accounts don't belong to the same person.


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Duminica, 17 Mai, la ora 20:00 vom organiza o activitate.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Vom accepta invoiti pe motive foarte bune.






On Sunday, May 17, from 20:00, we will hold an activity. This is a necessity. We accept invoices for very good reasons.






Edited by Gustynn Cosmynn
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Sambata, 23 Mai, la ora 19:00 vom organiza un filtru.

Prezenta este Optionala. 



On Saturday, May 23, at 19:00, we will hold a filter.  This is optional.

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- Membrul unui departament este obligat sa se conformeze rugamintilor colegilor de departament in cazul in care ai o masina parcata intr-un loc necorespunzator (ex: Masina este spawnata peste o masina de departament SAU blocheaza intrarea intr-o incapereze / locatie din HQ). Sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal (prima abatere), Faction Warn (a doua abatere).



- A member of a department is oblied to obey his department colleagues' wishes in case you have a vehicle parked in an unappropiate place. (ex: the car is spawned over a departament car or blocks an entry). Punishment: Verbal Warning (at first), Faction Warn (if it repeats).

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Duminica, 31 Mai, la ora 19:00 vom organiza un mandat de perchezitie.

Prezenta este Optionala. 



On Sunday, May 31, at 19:00, we will hold a search warrant.  This is optional.



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- Obiectele din shopurile de arme albe / sex shop NU se vor confisca. In schimb fumigenele din 24/7 se vor confisca doar in situatii in care acestea sunt folosite pentru a abuza de ele / pentru a crea haos.
Ex: Proteste in fata City Hall LS, iar in urma unui anunt pe /gov prin care se cere incetarea utilizarii acestora inca sunt folosite atunci se vor putea confisca.




- Items from white weapons shops / sex shops will NOT be confiscated. Instead, the smoke from 24/7 will be confiscated only in situations where they are used to abuse them / to create chaos.- Items from white weapons shops / sex shops will NOT be confiscated. Instead, the smoke from 24/7 will be confiscated only in situations where they are used to abuse them / to create chaos.Ex: Protests in front of City Hall LS, and following an announcement on / gov requesting the cessation of their use are still used then they can be confiscated.[/spolier]
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Duminica, 14 Iunie, la ora 19:00 vom organiza o sedinta in HQ.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Vom accepta invoiti pe motive foarte bune.




On Sunday, June 15 , at 19:00, we will hold a HQ meeting.  This is a must. We will accept invoices for very good reasons.
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Duminica, 21 Iunie, la ora 20:00 vom organiza un antrenament.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Vom accepta invoiti pe motive foarte bune.



On Sunday, June 21 , at 20:00, we will hold a training. This is a must. We will accept invoices for very good reasons.



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Duminica, 05 Iulie, la ora 19:00 vom organiza o sedinta in HQ.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Vom accepta invoiti pe motive foarte bune.




On Sunday, July 05 , at 19:00, we will hold a HQ meeting.  This is a must. We will accept invoices for very good reasons.
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Duminica, 12 Iulie, la ora 19:00 vom avea un war cu factiunea National Guard.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Vom accepta invoiti pe motive foarte bune.

Pentru prezenta de vom aduna cu toti in Training Room.



On Sunday, July 12 , at 19:00, we will have a war with National Guard. This is a must. We will accept invoices for very good reasons.

For the presence we will meet in the Training Room.

Edited by Chicago
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Dupa cum bine stiti, ati fost inscri la B-Olypics.

As avea rugamintea sa arunctia un ochi peste topicurile acestea, ca sa nu mai organizam sedinta:




Dupa cum bine ati vazut va fi un singur participant de la fiecare factiune la probe, ce vor tine de luni pana vineri.

Asadar as vrea sa trimitem in fiecare zi un membru diferit, in total 5 membri.

Astept mesaje cu proba la care vreti sa participati.

Daca nu sunteti siguri ca puteti ajunge la timp mai bine nu va bagati.

O zi buna!

Edited by TheTom
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De pe data de 9 iulie, rapoartele de activitate vor fi urmatoarele:


Rank 1 - Officer:

Roads: 3 amenzi | 2 licente confiscate | 5 wanted | 10 orice actiune in factiune. (20 puncte, 30 inainte)

S.W.A.T: N/A


Rank 2 - Detective:

Roads: 8 amenzi | 3 licente confiscate | 4 wanted  | 15 orice actiune in factiune. (30 puncte, 40 inainte)

S.W.A.T: 8 arrest/kills | 3 obiecte confiscate | 4 wanted | 15 orice actiune in factiune. (30 puncte, 40 inainte)


Rank 3 - Sergeant:

Roads: 13 amenzi | 3 licente confiscate | 4 wanted | 20 orice actiune in factiune. (40 puncte, 50 inainte)

S.W.A.T: 13 arrest/kills | 3 obiecte confiscate | 4 wanted | 20 orice actiune in factiune. (40 puncte, 50 inainte)


Rank 4 - Lieutenant:

Roads: 25 orice actiune in factiune. (25 puncte, 30 inainte)

S.W.A.T: 25 orice actiune in factiune. (25 puncte, 30 inainte)


Rank 5 - Captain:

Roads: 15 orice actiune in factiune. (15 puncte, 20 inainte)

S.W.A.T: 15 orice actiune in factiune. (15 puncte, 20 inainte)

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Duminica, 09 august, ora 20:00 va fi organizat un antrenament.

Prezenta este obligatorie. Daca nu puteti ajunge puteti pune o invoire *aici.

O zi buna!

Edited by TheTom
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Duminica, 16 August, la ora 19:00 vom organiza o Activitate Optionala.

Prezenta nu este obligatorie, insa cine are timp si doreste sa vina este bine primit, iar leaderul va tine cont.





On Sunday, August 16, at 19:00, we will organize an Optional Activity.
This is not mandatory, but who has time and wants to come is well received and the leader will keep in mind.

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