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Vietnamese Boys - Învoiri activități | Pass requests


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17 minutes ago, AIM GoSa said:


Nick: GoSa
Rank: 1
Day: 1
I'm taking a leave from: wars , i have to make more hours of learning so im out of house at the time of wars.
Date: 05/02/2018
Reason: i have to make more hours of learning so im out of house at the time of wars.
Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2
Anything else: good luck at wars


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Ziua :01

Ma invoiesc de la:War

Data:05. 02.2018

Motiv:am probleme cu netul am sunat la ISP și au avarie locala

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) :1/2

Alte precizari:ne vedem maine


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Nick: Smo[kk]er


Ziua :Marti

Ma invoiesc de la: war


Motiv: Am antrenament la tenis si nu pot ajunge.

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) :1/2

Alte precizari: Succes la waruri!

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Nick: gosa
Rank: 1
Day: 4
I'm taking a leave from: war
Date: 8/02/2018
Reason:  im out of home
Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2
Anything else: good kuck for wars
Edited by AIM GoSa
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Nick: tefy.KING

Rank: 1

Ziua : 08.03.2018

Ma invoiesc de la: war

Data: 08.03.2018

Motiv: nu sunt acasa

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) : 1/2

Alte precizari: mersi

Edited by StefyBoSS
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Ziua :Miercuri

Ma invoiesc de la: war-uri


Motiv: Meditatie

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) :1/2

Alte precizari: Ma duc la meditatie insa sper sa ajung la al 2-lea war daca nuu va urez bafta

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Ziua :Vineri

Ma invoiesc de la: war-uri


Motiv: Plec la bunici.

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) :1/2

Alte precizari: Ma duc la bunici sper sa intelegeti. Multumesc mult.

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Rank: 4
Day: Friday
I'm taking a leave from: war
Date: 16/03/2018
Reason: i have some exams i ca't be online at war
Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2
Anything else: -
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Nick: KaltwerQ

Rank: 4

Ziua :Luni

Ma invoiesc de la: De la war-uri 

Data: 19/03/2018

Motiv:Nu pot ajunge ca nu sunt acasa si nu cred ca o sa ajung la timp la war,Sper sa reusesc.

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) : 1/2

Alte precizari: Poate Reusesc sa vin.

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Rank: 4
Day: Thursday
I'm taking a leave from: war
Date: 22/03/2018
Reason: i have work today i can't play wars
Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2): 1/2
Anything else: -
Edited by HG VoLKanO
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Nick: [AIM]K0rS

Rank: 2

Ziua : Miercuri

Ma invoiesc de la: War

Data: 28.03.2018

Motiv: Am de scris la un proiect, baga-mi-as..

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) : 1/2

Alte precizari: Bafta!

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On 27.08.2012 at 3:15 AM, ShlomY said:


Sistemul de "invoiri activitati" a fost schimbat in totalitate.



Invoiri activitati



Aveti dreptul doar la 2 invoiri pe saptamana.Invoirile trebuie facute cu un motiv foarte bine intemeiat.Invoirile facute aiurea vor fii respinse.

Absentii nemotivati vor fii sanctionati corespunzator.





On 01.09.2012 at 11:22 PM, Oaky said:

Nick : Oaky

Rank: 2

Vreau sa ma invoiesc de la (sedinta/antrenament): Sedinta

Motivul absentei : Sunt plecat din localitate.

Data sedintei/antrenamentului : 02/09/2012

Alte precizari? : Posibil sa ajung.


Ziua Miercuri 

Ma invoiesc de la:war

Data:28.03. 2018

Motiv:Nu am net mi-la taiat

Numar de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana(1/2; 2/2) :1

Alte precizari:bafta 



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The system of "activity leave" was completely changed.

Activity leave
You have the right to only two leaves per week. The leaves must be made with a good reason behind them. Bad leave requests will be denied.
Groundless absentees will be sanctioned correspondingly.
I'm taking a leave from:
Number of leaves this week(1/2; 2/2):
Anything else:





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