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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/21 in all areas

  1. Nick: [Mr]Mohab Level: 78 Age (real): 20 Gender(real):male How old are you on the server?: 05.06.2017 RPG profile link: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/[Mr]Mohab Did you been Mayor in the past?: No The reason you want to become a Mayor: Hello I want to be a mayor because I like to help others especially the beginners who do not know anything in the server I want to give them money and help them I have tried to help a lot of players lately and they love me as I love them so I think it is possible for me to get mayor because I can make many events every day I also have many experiences in this server. I read the rules well at first. I joined rpg 1 in 2015 with another account name for it [a]ctve, but my account was hacked and hacked, so I joined in 2017 rpg 3, so I have many experiences and learned many things from my friends, so I decided to help Others, especially those who have recently joined the server What I intend to do for other players.:I want to do many special events for all players and keep giving the tax to level 2-7 I will be in the server for 5-6 hours every day and during these hours I will do many special events so many players will be happy I decided to do special events and the prizes might be golds if possible and if Kelton and the rest of the admins agreed. For example lcs duels lms race and other type of events I will take care of the 2-7 players and the people who want help from me. I really love everyone and I want to share with them my own money because this is the place I am in because of many people. One day we need and seek help from people we do not know and they become our friends and I hope to be at Hassan Good luck everyone, because I really want to help
    9 points
  2. - Nume: ShubhaM[ToV] - Rank: Captain(5) - Candidat: DjC - Data si ora: 26.09.2021 18:02 - Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3 - Rezultat proba practica: 10/10 - Admis/Respins: Admis
    2 points
  3. Dragi taximetriști, Marți, 28 septembrie, la ora 20:00 voi organiza o activitate cu prezență opțională. Tipul activității: Race Premii: Locul 1 ~ $150.000 Locul 2 ~ $100.000 Locul 3 ~ $75.000 Activitatea va avea loc la biz-ul "Race Arena", unde vom participa la trei curse, a câte un câștigător. Aș dori ca la ora 19:50 să începem să ne strângem la HQ. Activitatea ar trebui să dureze cel mult jumătate de oră, pentru a nu vă răpi din timpul vostru prețios. Vă aștept în număr cât mai mare! Organizator: Kronos.RipeDriver
    1 point
  4. Câstigă @vlwd misiunea din această săptămână! Se pare că nici în această săptămână nu am avut o activitate prea mare. Păcat, că mi s-a părut faină ideea. O săptămână frumoasă tuturor!
    1 point
  5. -Aplicații funcție Mayor- Aplicațiile pentru luna Octombrie au fost deschise. Puteți începe campania din acest moment. Applications for Octomber are now open. You can start the campaign from now. Votul va incepe in data de 29.09.2021 la ora 18:00!
    1 point
  6. - Nume: [R].Touareg.[W12] - Rang: 5 - Candidatul testat: Dany_Negoi - Rezultat proba teoretică: 1/3 - Rezultat proba practică: 0/5 - Rezultat final: ADMIS - Nume pe forum (in cazul in care a promovat): @Daniel Negoi - Alte precizări: Felicitari!
    1 point
  7. Cu gasca zurli dupa o activitate de nota 10
    1 point
  8. - Nume: Argent[ToV] - Rank: Lieutenant (4) - Candidat: AK7EL - Data si ora: 25.09.2021 19:09 - Rezultat proba teoretica: 1/3 - Rezultat proba practica: 6/10 - Admis/Respins: Admis
    1 point
  9. -Name: wampire - Rank: 5 - Date of the test: 26/09/2021 - Candidate: sabzero - Results (x/3): 1/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers):
    1 point
  10. • Nick:Urkelbama • Rank:SF Supervisor (4) • Date of test: 26.09.2021 • Candidate:xJhonnysx • Score (x/3): 2.5/3 • Observed by (Only for testers with less then 3 test-logs): • Anything else?: Welcome to our Family! • Nick:Urkelbama • Rank:SF Supervisor (4) • Date of test: 26.09.2021 • Candidate:Ady.Nek • Score (x/3): 3/3 • Observed by (Only for testers with less then 3 test-logs): - • Anything else?: Good Luck Next time! • Nick:Urkelbama • Rank:SF Supervisor (4) • Date of test: 26.09.2021 • Candidate:Stanley • Score (x/3): 1/3 • Observed by (Only for testers with less then 3 test-logs): • Anything else?: Welcome to our Family!
    1 point
  11. -Name: wampire - Rank: 5 - Date of the test: 25/09/2021 - Candidate: rusher - Results (x/3): 0/3 - Observed by: (only for new testers):
    1 point
  12. - Nume: TheTom - Rank: Chief (7). - Data sanctionarii: 25/09/2021 - Membrul sanctionat si rankul sau: Kendzor (5). - Sanctiunea acordata: FW. - Motivul: Neplata amenda.
    1 point
  13. Salut @Jedai! Jucatorul a fost sanctionat cu 1/2 AV. O seara buna iti doresc!
    1 point
  14. Nume: Andrei[Legend] - Rank: Captain (5). - Candidat: Konvict - Data si ora: 07/09/2021 ~ 21:09 - Rezultat proba teoretica: 3.5/3 - Rezultat proba practica: -- - Admis/Respins: RESPINS!
    1 point
  15. Nick: kendrick Level: 83 Vârstă (reală): Am 18 ani. Sex (real): Masculin Vechime pe server: 6 ani de la primul cont (emilio12) ,iar de pe kendrick 3 ani RPG profil LinK: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Kendrick Ai mai avut aceasta functie? Nu Motivul pentru care doresc să fiu Primar: -Sunt un jucator vechi si am prins destula experienta, pe durata campaniei mele voi distra jucatorii si o sa incerc sa rezolv fiecare problema care poate provoca neplaceri persoanelor de pe server. Ce intenționez să fac pentru jucători: -O sa pastrez taxa la $1. -Voi incerca sa fac minim 5-6 evenimente pe zi, pentru toti jucatorii. -O sa impart taxele cat mai des. -Voi incerca sa pastrez pe toata lumea multumita - O sa ajut pe toata lumea la nevoie.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
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