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Important announcement Everybody Check "Internal Regulation" and Licenses Costs & Procedures Topics again (You can acces here by clicking on them) There are majoy changes of some rules. In order to adapt the rules, the mistakes you make in the first 48 hours will be ignored, but the mistakes you made after 48 hours will be punished. Here is the details about RULES: CHANGES: CURRENT:: Members can participate in rob whenever they want. NEW: You are allowed to Rob at any time, as long as you don't Rob before the start of a faction event/sessions. CURRENT: Rank 2+ instructors who refuse to grant licenses & take tests with players below level 50 (telling them on SMS that they don't want to or through other methods) will be sanctioned with Faction Warn. I will sanction only with clear evidence. NEW: Members of rank 2+ who are on duty (ON DUTY) have the obligation NOT to refuse clients who request them to grant licenses, otherwise they will receive a Faction Warn It is also sanctioned if, when you receive the message, it is proven that you were at work, and then you intentionally leave The fact that you receive messages and refuse if you are OFF Duty is not sanctioned CURRENT: Fishing license (level 1+): ask the client to drive to the fishing location (job) using a company car (or personal car). NEW: Fishing license (level 1+): Ask 4 questions (What command do you fish with? Where do you fish? Where do you sell the fish you catch? What do you get if you fish without a fishing license) CURRENT: Materials license (level 3+): ask the customer to drive to any material depot NEW: Materials license (level 3+): Ask 4 questions (What order do you buy materials with? What order do you sell weapons with? Where are you not allowed to sell weapons? List 5 Safezones) CURRENT: Weapon license (level 5+): With what order do you see the safe areas and what is forbidden to do in these areas? NEW: Weapon license (level 5+): What are you forbidden to do in a SafeZone? ADDITIONS: •When an LSSI member takes on a client that has not given a [/needlicense], the member must ask [/SX] if the player has been accepted by someone else. If no one answers within 5 seconds, take a picture and continue testing with that customer. Example: "Has anyone accepted Name (ID)?". This rule will reduce the problem of customer theft and reduce spam on [/SX]. •Merit and Sultan can be used when you have to give licenses to someone or as a means of transport to another car. You have to respawn them and take care of them. Whoever walks with him for personal purposes receives Faction Warn. •At [/Rob] you can take any weapon, but don't Death-Match civilians, even if you gave [/Rob]. Violators will receive a Faction Warn. •You are allowed to ask about the srob at any time on the common chat [/sx]. •If you have taken a client and you can no longer test with him, GIVE HIM TO ANOTHER COLLEAGUE, do not give [/Q] or tell him I have to go. Anyone who doesn't follow the rule will receive a Faction Warn. •If your student fails the test, you must explain to him where he went wrong and give him the correct answer for the question he failed. •You are forbidden to take the test with your client in English if he does not speak English, and vice versa, if the client is a foreigner and he does not speak Romanian. Anyone who violates this rule receives a Verbal Warning for the first violation, Faction Warn if it continues. ELIMINATIONS: •An instructor has the obligation to announce [/f] when he takes a car from HQ. Whoever does not respect this rule will be sanctioned with a Faction Warn (except for rank 5+ members). •When you take a car, announce the reason. Ex.: "Merit/Sultan to me to look for clients". Whoever does not respect this rule will be sanctioned with Faction Warn. •Rank 1-3 members will need permission from a rank 4+ in that city to use the boats/aircraft (model: [/sx] LVSI/SFSI can take Maverick/Speeder? - Client) If after 3 consent requests absolutely no one will answer, then the 4th time you can still use Maverick/Speeder for tests. Rank 4-5 members can take other factions' aircraft/boats without asking permission (model: [/sx] Maverick/Speeder LV/SF in mine). Members of rank 6+ do not have to announce anymore. If there is no rank 4+ member online in that city, the highest rank online (rank 1-3) can give you permission to take the aircraft/boat. NOTE: You can use the other vehicles of the other School Instructors type factions only for the license tests. The announcements for passing/failing was removed. Just the announcement model "With me" remains.1 point
- Actualizare Regulament Intern + Refacerea lui in Totalitate - - Actualizare Testele pentru Licente - Salutare, Regulamentul Intern a suferit noi modificari, au fost adaugate noi reguli si sterse reguli vechi, mai jos aveti un mic rezumat. Va rog sa va duceti sa il cititi din nou, toate aceste modificari intra in vigoare in 48 de ore de cand a fost postat anuntul. ACTUAL: Membrii Los Santos School Instructors pot participa la rob oricand doresc ei. NOU: Aveţi voie să daţi Rob oricând, cu condiţia să nu daţi rob înainte de începerea unui eveniment/ședințe din cadrul facţiunii. ACTUAL: Instructorii de Rank 2+ care refuza sa acorde licente & sa sustina teste cu jucatorii sub nivel 50 (spunandu-le pe SMS ca nu vor sau prin alte metode) vor fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn. Voi sanctiona doar cu dovezi clare. NOU: Membrii de rank 2+ care sunt la datorie (ON DUTY) au obligatia de a NU refuza clientii care le solicita acordarea de licente, in caz contrar vor primi Faction Warn Se sanctioneaza inclusiv faptul daca, cand primiti mesajul se demonstreaza ca erati la datorie, si dupa iesiti intentionat Nu se sanctioneaza faptul ca primiti mesaje si refuzati daca sunteti OFF Duty ACTUAL: Fishing license (nivel 1+): cereti clientului sa conduca pana la locatia de pescuit (job) folosind o masina de factiune (sau masina personala). NOU: Fishing license (nivel 1+): Adresati 4 intrebari (Cu ce comanda pescuiesti? Unde pescuiesti? Unde vinzi pestele prins? Ce primesti daca pescuiesti fara licenta de pescar) ACTUAL: Materials license (nivel 3+): cereti clientului sa conduca pana la orice depozit de materiale NOU: Materials license (nivel 3+): Adresati 4 intrebari (Cu ce comanda cumperi materiale? Cu ce comanda vinzi arme? Unde nu ai voie sa vinzi arme ? Enumera 5 Safezones) ACTUAL: Weapon license (nivel 5+): Cu ce comanda vezi zonele sigure si ce este interzis sa faci in aceste zone? NOU: Weapon license (nivel 5+): Ce iti este interzis sa faci intr-un SafeZone ? ADAUGARI: Când un membru al LVSI ia un client care nu a dat [/needlicense], membrul trebuie să întrebe pe [/SX] dacă playerul a fost acceptat de altcineva. Dacă nu răspunde nimeni în 5 secunde, faceți o poză și continuați să dați testele cu clientul respectiv. Exemplu: "L-a acceptat cineva pe Nume (ID) ?". Această regulă va reduce problema furtului clienților și reducerea spamului pe [/SX]. Meritul si Sultanul se poate folosi atunci când aveţi de dat licenţe cu cineva sau ca mijloc de transport până la altă maşină. Trebuie să le respawnati şi să aveţi grijă de ele. Cine se plimbă cu el în scopuri personale primeşte Faction Warn. La [/Rob] puteţi lua orice arma, dar să nu faceţi Death-Match pe civili, chair dacă aţi dat [/Rob]. Cine încalcă regula va primi Faction Warn. Va este permis sa intrebati de rob oricand pe chatul comun [/sx]. În cazul în care aţi luat un client şi nu mai puteţi să daţi test cu el, ÎL DAŢI ALTUI COLEG, nu daţi [/Q] sau îi spuneţi că trebuie să plec. Cine nu respectă regula va primi Faction Warn. Dacă elevul vostru pică testul trebuie să îi explicaţi unde a greşit si ii oferiti raspunsul corect pentru intrebarea la care a picat. Va este interzis sa sustineti testul cu clientul vostru in limba engleza daca acesta nu vorbeste limba engleza, lucru valabil si invers, daca clientul este strain iar acesta nu vorbeste limba romana. Cine încalca aceasta regula primeste Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Faction Warn daca continua. ELIMINARI: Un instructor are obligatia de a anunta pe [/f] atunci cand ia o masina de la HQ.Cine nu respecta aceasta regula va fi sanctionat cu Faction Warn (exceptie facand membrii de rank 5+). Atunci cand luati o masina, anuntati si motivul. Ex.:"Merit/Sultan la mine pentru a cauta clienti".Cine nu respecta aceasta regula va fi sanctionat cu Faction Warn. Membrii de rank 1-3 vor avea nevoie de permisiunea unui rank 4+ pe orasul respectiv pentru a folosi barcile/aeronavele (model: [/sx] LVSI/SFSI pot lua Maverick/Speeder? - Client) In cazul in care dupa 3 cereri de acord nu va raspunde absolut nimeni, atunci a 4-a oara va puteti folosi oricum de Maverick/Speeder pentru teste. Membrii de rank 4-5 pot lua celelalte aeronave/barci ale factiunilor fara sa ceara permisiune (model: [/sx] Maverick/Speeder LV/SF la mine). Membrii de rank 6+ nu trebuie sa mai anunte. Daca nu este niciun membru de rank 4+ online pe orasul respectiv, cel mai mare rank online (rank 1-3) va poate da permisiunea de a lua aeronava/barca. NOTA: Puteti folosi celelate vehicule ale celorlalte factiuni de tip School Instructors doar pentru testele de licenta. Anunturile pentru inceput/trecut/picat testul pentru o anume licenta, restul care sunt si pana acum raman.1 point
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Contactează un coleg de rang 5+ din SFPD pentru a susține proba armelor. Succes și, vorba lu' Ary, ai grijă să nu promești ban!1 point
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Deagle Champion - SUMMER EDITION - 2023 Data: 16.07.2023 Ora: 20:00 (+- 10 minute) Premiu: SPECIAL Level minim: 10 Locatie: SPECIALA Interdictie: Persoanele ce au in /bans banuri pentru orice tip de COD in perioada 16.07.2022 - 16.07.2023 (castigatorul editiei anterioare nu poate participa) Alte precizari: Read the rules from the Deagle Master Rules topic / Cititi regulamentul din topicul Deagle Master Rules.1 point
In this topic you will find the procedure of doing the tests for each license and how much the license costs for each level. Fishing license: Minimum level: 1 Prices: Level 1-9: $250 Level 10-49: $500 Level 50+: $1.000 Procedure: • Ask the client the following 4 questions: What is the command to start fishing? Where can you do the fishing job? Where you can sell the fishes you cought? What do you get if you do fishing without fishing license? • If the client fails to reply or gets one of these Four questions wrong, they will fail. Otherwise they will pass. Flying license: Minimum level: 1 Prices: Level 3-9: $900 Level 10-49: $1.800 Level 50+: $3.600 Test in SF: • Take the client to our School Instructor SF HQ. • Ask the client to fly to one of the 4 airports, Las Venturas Abandoned Airport, Las Venturas Airport, Los Santos Airport or San Fierro Airport. • Tell the client to land the helicopter and stop the engine. • After the vehicle has stopped, tell the client to take off and fly back to the HQ and park sensibly. • The client must then park the vehicle as best as they can. • If the vehicle's health goes under 950hp it means the client has failed the test, otherwise they will pass. Test in LS: • Take the client to Los Santos Airport. • Ask the client to fly to one of the 3 airports, Las Venturas Abandoned Airport, Las Venturas Airport or San Fierro Airport. • Tell the client to land the helicopter and stop the engine. • After the vehicle has stopped, tell the client to take off and fly back to Los Santos Airport and park sensibly. • The client must then park the vehicle as best as they can. • If the vehicle's health goes under 950hp it means the client has failed the test, otherwise they will pass. Test in LV: • Take the client to Las Venturas Abandoned Airport. • Ask the client to fly to one of the 3 airports: Los Santos Airport, Las Venturas Airport or San Fierro Airport. • Tell the client to land the helicopter and stop the engine. • After the vehicle has stopped, tell the client to take off and fly back to Venturas Abandoned Airport and park sensibly. • The client must then park the vehicle as best as they can. • If the vehicle's health goes under 950hp it means the client has failed the test, otherwise they will pass. Sailing license: Minimum level: 1 Prices: Level 3-9: $850 Level 10-49: $1.700 Level 50+: $3.400 Test in SF: • Take the client to the West Docks in San Fierro. Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/umPvi7h • Ask the client to captain the boat to Bayside docks (top left of the map), after that, ask him to go back to the start point (West Docks San Fierro). • Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/f7OipSi • If the vehicle's health goes under 950hp it means the client has failed the test, otherwise he will pass. Test in LS: • Take the client to the Playa Del Seville in Los Santos. ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/SB1Se3N • Ask the candidate to captain the boat to Santa Maria Beach (Near the light tower), after that, ask him to go back to the start point (Playa Del Seville Los Santos). • Screenshost: https://imgur.com/a/yWFKxWt • If the vehicle's health goes under 950hp it means the client has failed the test, otherwise he will pass. Test in LV: • Take the client to the Red Country in Las Venturas. ScreenShot: https://imgur.com/a/RAxCL06 • Ask the client to captain the boat to Easter Bay Airport (Former HQ of National Guard), after that, ask him to go back to the start point (Red Country Las Venturas). • Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/jvfz4u2 • If the vehicle's health goes under 950hp it means the client has failed the test, otherwise he will pass. Materials license: Minimum level: 1 Prices: Level 3-9: $800 Level 10-49: $1.600 Level 50+: $3.200 Procedure: • Ask the client the following 4 questions: Which command do you use to get materials from material deposit? Which command do you use to sell weapons? Where you are cannot sell your weapons? Tell me 5 safezones. • If the client makes 2 mistakes then they have failed, otherwise he's passed. Weapons license: Minimum level: 5 Prices: Level 5-9: $1.000 Level 10-49: $2.000 Level 50+: $4.000 Procedure: • Ask the client 3 questions: Give me the name of 5 weapons in GTA San Andreas (doesn't matter if they don't exist on the server). What you cannot do in safezones? Give me the name of 5 safe-zones on the server. • If the client makes 2 mistakes then they have failed, otherwise they have passed. ATTENTION: Players with level 50+ do not do tests for licenses, however, they will count in your activity report (you only need 1 screenshot saying on /f that the person is level 50+ and paid in full). Admins do not pay for the licenses (regardless of general level, admin level) and do not do tests. Giving licenses to admins does not contribute to your activity report.1 point
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