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About XbAdBoY

  • Birthday 09/23/2000

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    I Like Swimming Football Playing Vidéo games Like Samp call of Duty (ghost; BlackOps 3 ; Gta 5 ;Ext) Then My favorite Hobbies Coding [Script.PhP.Javascript.Also Building Google Play Application]

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  1. Nick: XbAdBoY Rank: Captain (5) Am dat test cu: DeagleTERMOPAN Data testului: 04.09.2022 Admis / respins: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 6/8 Alte precizari: Succes
  2. Activitate: Antrenament| Data: 24.07.2022 | Ora: 20:00 Organizatori: @ XbAdBoY Si @ Gty  Membrii prezenţi Officer (1) [ 5 prezenți / 6 ] danieL17 F4L]xVicenzo Berlin..[NSFW] Robinsky REgineQueen[S4F] Detective (2) [9 prezenți /11 ] J.Clarkson Edi[VODA] [uN]GaBBIue [uN]DeagleTERMOPAN S[4]SUK[3] Victim_vodka[ToV] [sA]Damianowski. [420]JohnWick [TLG].LinX Sergeant (3) [ 0 prezenți / 0 ] - Lieutenant (4) [ 3 prezenți / 6 ] R3fLLex[ZEW] [TFG]SolDaT. TwentyOne Captain (5) [ 3 prezenți / 8 ] xBadboy[VODA] (Organisator) Gty.[ZEW] (Organisator) Boy[ToV] Assistant Chief (6) [ 1 prezenți / 2 ] Chief (7) Eduard..[ZEW] Membrii prezenți: 21 Membrii învoiţi Officer (1) [ 2 invoiți / 6 ] J.Clarkson uV]Aloy.PartyMonster Detective (2) [ 2 invoiți /11 ] [F4L]b[o]gdi [uS]DariuS. Sergeant (3) [ 0 invoiți / 0 ] - Lieutenant (4) [ 3 invoiți / 6 ] OHDUDE43[END] [AIM]SabzeRo [F4L]DerekHale. Captain (5) [ 4 invoiți / 8 ] Cassa. [AIM]Maeve Woolfye Pedro[END] Assistant Chief (6) [ 1 invoiti / 2] Chevy[ToV] [AIM]Replay Chief (7) - Membrii invoiți: 9 Membrii întârziaţi Membrii întârziați: 0 Membri absenţi Officer (1) [ 0 absenți /6 ] Detective (2) [0 absenti / 11 ] Sergeant (3) [ 0 absenți / 0 ] - Lieutenant (4) [ 1 absenți / 5 ] Captain (5) [ 0 absenți / 8 ] Assistant Chief (6) [ 0 absenți / 2 ] - Chief (7) - Membrii absenți: 2 If I've made a mistake, please contact me via PM. Thank you for participating! Hope you enjoyed the Workout / Session!
  3. Name: XbAdBoY Rank: 4 I want in team: SWAT The reason: to go after no drepts Another specifications: No thank you
  4. Nick : Sniper_TN Rank :1 La ce ma invoiesc : war Data la care nu poti veni : 10.03.2022 Lipsesc din motivul: i'm not at home and i dont have pc Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana: 2/2 Numarul total de invoiri :1 Alte pre cizari: succes!
  5. Nick : Karim.MUSIK Rank :6 La ce ma invoiesc (sedinta/antrenament/activitate/war): war Data la care nu poti veni : 08.03.2022 Lipsesc din motivul: poate nu ajung Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Numarul total de invoiri :4 Alte pre cizari: succes!
  6. Nick : Sniper_TN Rank :1 La ce ma invoiesc : war Data la care nu poti veni : 04.03.2022 Lipsesc din motivul: poate nu ajung Numarul de învoiri din aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Numarul total de invoiri :4 Alte pre cizari: succes!
  7. Nick: Karim_ Rank: 1 From what are you missing /war? Date:10/10/2019 Reason:im not at home during the war Number of requests from this week: 1 Other specifications: Thank'You And good luck
  8. Nick: .XbAdBoY Rank: 5 Am dat test cu: TheWeeknd Data: 10/08/2019 Rezultat proba teoretica: 1,5/3 Rezultat proba armelor: 2/6 Rezultat proba practica: 0/3 Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): ADMIS! 12-1.5-2-0 = 8.5 Observator test: Terrasre ( Terro) Alte menţiuni: Welcome
  9. in my opinion, i don't think 2 Leaders its good because we all know that there is a big difference between RPG 3 and RPG 1 starting with how much members they will deal and we can see both leaders will have problem's and conflicts working together like he want to rank up X and won't For B The sec leader he will refuse to rank X and Keep B something like that this just an example he want to accept D and reject X also dealing with property's Like houses and Biz we all know how much we pay for our Business and Houses on RPG 1 more than the prices on other servers so to be fair with all RPG 1 Players should keep their property's and the other should get refund this is the only solution to be equal with everybody . Also, this fuse will cause some problem's with the leaders and even the members they will find themselves faced to a lot of problems like no property's new leaders new members new admins and new players also with all of my respect to the others i can see that there is a lot of children's on RPG 3 their job is to keep reporting others and opening useless complaints I know this fuse it will help both of servers to keep them active and reach 1000p Like old days but im sure some people will not like it , This is a big challenge to go through we will see the results . at the end, I want to say that RPG 1 is RPG1 And RPG 3 is RPG 3 so it is not the same.
  10. Nick: xBadboy[x] Rank: 5 I took test with: DareMe Date: 14/06/2019 Result of theoretical test:1/3 Result of weapons test 1/6 Result of practical test:0/3 Final result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted 12-1-1-0=10 Test observer: IoNuTzKiNG[ToV] Other specifications: Good Luck
  11. Nume: XbAdBoY Rank: 5 Am dat test cu: AYmen Data: 9.5.2019 Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3 Rezultat proba armelor: 3/6 Rezultat proba practica: 0/3  Rezultat total (Admis/Respins): Admis 12-0.5-3-0= 8.5 Observator test: Terrasre Alte menţiuni: Bafta data viitoare !
  12. 1: Black Friday https://imgur.com/a/EbSyRq8 2:The Winter Season https://imgur.com/a/ONZH7KL 3:Children's Day https://imgur.com/a/qi0v2Jq 4:Christmas https://imgur.com/a/Jn0raIr 5: The Community's Birthday https://imgur.com/a/B1XtJPe 6: Halloween https://imgur.com/a/y78ThpR 7:Easter https://imgur.com/a/OuSXkW6 8:International Women's Day (Mărțișor) https://imgur.com/a/6HM1VgE 9:Valentine's Day https://imgur.com/a/ntVqmmj 10:Romania's Birthday https://imgur.com/a/z97kcex 11:Romanian Unification between Moldova and Țara Românească (Romanian holiday) https://imgur.com/a/SX2kCqD 12:International Work Day https://imgur.com/a/mPOsknk 13:New Year https://imgur.com/a/lIxEiYR Notice: The Background Can Be removed from The PSD
  13. Nickname:Karim_ Rank:4 Reason:He is not at home during The war Date of the wars:16/10/2018 Total number of pass requests:1
  14. Name: xBadboy[x] Rank: Supervisory Specail Agent (3) Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/fddv3W7 Number of namecover actions: x1 Possession / Use Drugs Other specifications?: Thank'you And Gl 
  15. Name: [TL]XbAdBoY Rank: Supervisory Specail Agent (3) Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/CvL0Sr1 Number of namecover actions: x1 Possession / Use Drugs Other specifications?: Thank'you And Gl
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