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Everything posted by SnowMan CyclistTeam
LV Police Department - Log Teste / Testing Log
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Sawyer's topic in LV Police Department
» Nickname: SnowMan. » Rank:LVPD Chief » Am dat test cu: Kenway. » Rezultat proba teoretica: 0.5/3 » Rezultat proba practica: 0/3 » Rezultat final: Admis » Alte precizari?: Asteapta decizia finala -
🚖 San Fierro Taxi - Discuții / Discussions ✍️
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Kelton's topic in San Fierro Taxi
@aky9 bun, ma bucur. Cum merge cu adminul? -
LV Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Sawyer's topic in LV Police Department
@Marius.iQdiViN salut salut, de la foarte bine in sus. Tu ce faci, totul bine? -
ANUNT - LAS VENTURAS POLICE DEPARTAMENT! Salut, In urma discutiei cu @CBN Toriino, am modificat premiul de la Ofiterul Saptamanii in raport injumatatit + 100,000$ si am adaugat urmatoarele reguli: - Ofiterul saptamanii este cel care are cele mai multe puncte la raportul de activitate în decurs de o săptămână, cu excepția să nu fi fost sancționat cu Avertisment Verbal sau Faction Warn în decursul săptămânii respective. - Cine a câștigat o ediție din Ofiterul Saptămânii, nu mai are dreptul de a câștiga 2 ediții. Aceste reguli vor intra in vigoare de saptamana viitoare. (03.08.2020)
In order to join Las Venturas Police Department you must meet the following requirements: 1. General Requirements: ► Skill 5 Detective ► Level 15 ► Rank 3 in a previous faction in the last year (2022-2023). ► No recent punishments. ► Good monthly activity. ► You must not have Faction Punish. ► You must have more than 100 hours played in total. 2. Monthly Activity (From now on, 22.05.2022, You Don't need to have a minimum number of monthly played hours to apply in the faction) ► In general you must have at least one hour per day. ► If the applications were made by mid-current month, the minimum criteria for acceptance is 20 hours played last month and X normal played hours in the current month (X - is the day you respond to applications). ► If the applications were made in the second half of the current month, the minimum criteria for acceptance is X hours normally played in the current month. (X - is the day you respond to applications). 3. Punishments ► A player that has been banned for CHEATS can apply after 30 days, after the ban expired. ► A player that has been warned/ajailed, can apply after 14 days, from the last warn/ajail. ► A player that has been muted can apply after 7 days, from the last mute. ► A player that failed the test to join the faction can apply again, after 7 days. ► A player that has been dismissed from a Department will not be able to join again in the following 7 days. 4. Entry test and candidate behaviour ► What an applicant needs to know about the first test: Teoretical test. ► All players that have been accepted by the leader have 72 hours to begin the teoretical test with a Tester. ► You will present yourselves in front of the HQ where you will be taken by the tester ► Before starting the test, the tester that will take your test is allowed to use [/frisk] on the candidate. If the candidate has drugs/materials, the tester has the right to fail the candidate. ► The teoretical test will contain questions from: "Las Venturas Police Departament - Regulament Intern / Internal Rules" LV Police Departament Ghidul Incepatorului / Beginners Guide, Regulament General Departamente / General Departament Rules". ► Those who reach 3/3 mistakes during the test will be rejected and will not take the second test (example: 1/3 for wrong answer and 0.5/3 for an incomplete answer). ► Mocking testers or bad behaviour by the candidates will lead to your dismissal without rights for a reconsideration. ► Every player that has been accepted for take teste can ask for the correct answer from the tester when he makes a mistake. ► Do not argue with the tester about their decisions. The moment you consider that the tester isn't taking your test correctly, contact the leader and he will verify if the tester did his job correctly or not. ► Every accepted player has the obligation to learn the rulebook very well and to answer the questions correctly and clearly. ► The moment you are accepted don't ask for /ft from everyone with a rank 4 or higher, you will receive /ft when you will take the test. ► Every mistake will be punished, testers will consider only the first answer given and they are not obliged to hear all your creations or what you remember. What a candidate must know about the second test. Practical test (radar) In this test you will be assisted by the tester who gave you the first test. What is this test?: ► The moment the first test is finished, you will be driven to the LVPD HQ where you will take [/duty]; ► The moment you are [/duty] and took a department car you must select the area where you want to place the radar. ► Testers can help you / advise you during this part. ► Testers have the right to fail candidates that did multiple mistakes during this test. Multiple mistakes: Illegal driving, radar announcement, lack of proof, mistake of the radar speed etc.
- 1 reply
LV Police Department - Misiuni / Missions
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Towwy's topic in LV Police Department
@DybalaFTW - (Nume pe joc: AIex[], rank 3) - Premiu raport optional in saptamana aceasta.@South VladOwN - (Nume pe joc:[Vlad], rank 2 ) - Premiu raport injumatatit in saptamana aceasta.@IfireFTW - (Nume pe joc: iFireFTW , rank 4 ) - Premiu 100,000$ in saptamana aceasta. -
LV Police Department - Lista Neagra / Black List
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to RW xTouch10's topic in LV Police Department
@DybalaFTW Iscrum99 o sa fie adaugat pe Blacklist-ul factiunii cu 1/2 avertismente pentru Jigniri. -
Rank: LVPD Chief. Tipul evenimentului: Sedinta. Data evenimentului: 27.07.2020 Membrii prezenți: Hardon, Vesca.TALENT, SilviuA, Rapier, Waldo, Lolis.LoveBodo, Enized, OctavianGeorge, iFireFTW, George[GD], Alex[], Roho, Bull_Stryke. Membrii învoiți: Andrew1hityousit, Marius.iQdiVin, B1anca, DonCosminN, Yonut .Cosmin, Mihay69, MihaiCo07, Kioto, Nicolae.Adrian, DanuT69, Nicklaus, InspectorulDony, Bodye, Lizar d, [Vlad], RazvanN + Ryd3r, Bmr.Zor care au inactivitate. Membrii absenți: Arkady, AlKalin, MarianN., Coxxx, MonsterGG Screenshots: Dovezile la cerere. Alte precizări: -
» Nickname: SnowMan..» Rank-ul detinut: Chief» Nick-ul membrului sanctionat: .Arkady, AlKalin, MarianN., Coxxx, MonsterGG» Data sanctionarii: 27.07.2020» Sanctionat cu (Avertisment/FactionWarn): Faction Warn» Motivul: Neprezentare sedinta. » Dovada (optional, dupa caz): La cerere.» Alte precizari: -
LV Police Department - Învoiri / Pass Requests
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to kVb Bv's topic in LV Police Department
Invoire acceptata. Este ultima invoire pe care o mai accept, ati avut suficient timp sa postati. -
🚖 San Fierro Taxi - Discuții / Discussions ✍️
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Kelton's topic in San Fierro Taxi
Multumesc de primirea calduroasa, va pup. Ce mai faceti? -
LV Police Department - Învoiri / Pass Requests
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to kVb Bv's topic in LV Police Department
Invoiri acceptate. -
LV Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Sawyer's topic in LV Police Department
@B1anca mulțumim la fel. Vreau prezenta cât mai mare la ședința de mâine. ? -
LV Police Department - Învoiri / Pass Requests
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to kVb Bv's topic in LV Police Department
Invoiri acceptate. -
LV Police Department - Log Teste / Testing Log
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Sawyer's topic in LV Police Department
» Nickname:SnowMan. » Rank:LVPD Chief » Am dat test cu: Vesca.TALENT » Rezultat proba teoretica: 0/3 » Rezultat proba practica: -0/3 » Rezultat final: Admis » Alte precizari?: Bun venit. -
LV Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Sawyer's topic in LV Police Department
@Nicu S salut frate, ce faci? -
ANUNT - LAS VENTURAS POLICE DEPARTAMENT! Salut, Dupa propunerea facuta de HardoN, am discutat cu un admin nivel 4 si am fost de acord sa o implementam. Propunerea consta in alegerea a 3 Ofiteri Calificati pentru testele SWAT, pe care ii voi alege la sedinta sau in decursul zilei de azi / maine. Ne-am gandit ca poate subliderii sau in cel mai rau caz, eu, nu avem timp sa intram sa dam un test SWAT cu un jucator de rank 2+, ar fi mai util sa mai avem inca 3 membri ce se pot ocupa de testele astea. Nu aveti voie sa raspundeti voi la cererile SWAT, tot cei de rank 6+ vor raspunde. Acesti 3 ofiteri calificati vor fi alesi dintre membrii de rank 4+ dupa anumite criterii impuse de conducerea factiunii. Această regulă intră în vigoare de sâmbătă(25.07.2020) ora 18:30.
LV Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Sawyer's topic in LV Police Department
@TLG Spx multumesc cumetre, te pup ❤️ -
LV Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Sawyer's topic in LV Police Department
@LCN .Enized multumesc mult, o sa am grija de el ❤️ -
LV Police Department - Discuţii / Discussions
SnowMan CyclistTeam replied to Sawyer's topic in LV Police Department
@B1anca bine bine, tu ce faci?