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Everything posted by Hawx

  1. Nu ai 50 de post-uri. Interdictie 3 zile
  2. https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/388233-cerere-alexuplm-avatar/ Interdictie 3 zile.
  3. Ultima cerere facuta: https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/389838-cerere-avatar-beastnight/ Interdictie 3 zile.
  4. Nu ai 50 de post-uri. Interdictie 3 zile.
  5. @WG AndE Nu-mi place modelul de text pe care l-ai pus.
  6. @GF lamporo @SHAKALU V9, data viitoare, ai warn.
  7. Ai ales, ziaristule. Topic closed
  8. @Scotocell, fara raspuns 24h. Topic closed
  9. Fara raspuns 24h. Topic closed
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