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eB MemphiS

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Everything posted by eB MemphiS

  1. Nickname: Clanin3 Rank: LV Manager Data : 10.08.2020 L-am sanctionat pe: MarianTaker L-am sanctionat cu: FW Motiv: Limbaj vulgar pe /sx Nickname: Clanin3 Rank: LV Manager Data : 10.08.2020 L-am sanctionat pe: ELPheonix L-am sanctionat cu: FW Motiv: Limbaj vulgar pe /sx Nickname: Toriino Rank: LV Manager Data : 10.08.2020 L-am sanctionat pe: ELPheonix L-am sanctionat cu: Demitere 60/60 FP Motiv: Spam + limbaj Nickname: Clanin3 Rank: LV Manager Data : 10.08.2020 L-am sanctionat pe: MarianTaker L-am sanctionat cu: Demitere 60/60 FP Motiv: Limbaj vulgar pe /sx
  2. Nume: [TLG]MemphiS Rank: LV Under Boss (6) Tipul de fotografie: Artistica.
  3. Va asteptam la un dans.xGK28cI.png

    1. TLG NoStresS
    2. Bianca M

      Bianca M

      dans, dans si iar dans

  4. Nickname: MemphiS Data testului: 08.08.2020 Rank: LV Underboss Candidat: ValentinN_ Punctaj test teoretic (x/3): 2.5/3. Punctaj test practic (x/3): 0/3. Alte precizări: Felicitari!
  5. Nickname: MemphiS Data testului: 08.08.2020 Rank: LV Underboss Candidat: Daniel.DT13 Punctaj test teoretic (x/3): 2.25/3. Punctaj test practic (x/3): 0/3. Alte precizări: Felicitari!
  6. Nickname: MemphiS Data testului: 08.08.2020 Rank: LV Underboss Candidat: Speedy14 Punctaj test teoretic (x/3): 3/3 Punctaj test practic (x/3): - Alte precizări: Succes mai departe!
  7. un fw nu strica=)))))))))))))))))))
  8. Nickname: MemphiS Data testului: 07.08.2020 Rank: LV Underboss Candidat: TibiCamatarul Punctaj test teoretic (x/3): 3/3 Punctaj test practic (x/3): - Alte precizări: Baftă mai departe!
  9. Nick: MemphiS Level: 84 Rank: 6 Nick-ul celui reclamat: SpulberVlad Bara RPG a celui reclamat: Motiv: DM Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/81mhnQo Alte precizari: - Nick: MemphiS Level: 84 Rank: 6 Nick-ul celui reclamat: ChinpoDeFructe Bara RPG a celui reclamat: Motiv: DM Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/bQxefMf Alte precizari: -
  10. O sa iti fac cunostiinta man. Normal ca suntem inactivi daca primim sanctiuni in topicuri de "discutii libere".
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