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    Germany Stuttgart
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    Polistiren. Julice

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Enthusiast (6/14)



  1. Player Rank Points Zeom.[BUCI] 3 276 Termi[ToV] 4 264 Daret. 4 188 REID.[ZEW] 2 170 [L2P]dLs_TeQuila 3 122 Zeppe.[BUCI] 2 114 .Cristi_ 1 112 [GF]MarcelWLT.asi 3 111 Udit 2 95 musiQQ[ZEW] 4 93 [FBI]VISA 4 86 LuQie 4 85 [uS]xReloaD 2 80 [FBI]Trebor. 5 77 [FBI]Huunk. 4 75 Ramonaa.[BUCI] 3 75 [FBI]OneSh0T 5 66 [FBI].FROG 2 62 [GF]hassen 4 62 .Sm0k3. 5 60 [FBI]TibiK 5 59 Zolomon[S4F] 3 50 [FBI]Killa@RupNorma 3 50 Hawkeye[ToV] 6 47 InfernalGuess[ZEW] 5 46 31.BIBE. 2 45 [AIM]Julice 5 44 [GF]ribe 5 41 iTani[ToV] 5 41 lvan[ToV] 1 28 [RW]RANA.. 4 28 Sebi 5 26 Fr4nK.[ToV] 6 19 BeEbiTa[ToV] 1 15 Rusher[BTD] 2 14 Ripper[ToV] 1 9 kiwo[S4F] 3 0 [FBI]Telescop.. 3 0 [FBI]Tuser 3 0 Felicitari Zeom.[BUCI] you will receive 200k! [LDV].Cristi_, Ivan top 50% pentru rank 1. Felicitari! REID.[ZEW],Zeppe.[BUCI] top 50% pentru rank 2. Felicitari! * Pentru modificari & greseli > pm va rog * For mistakes & modifications > pm please
  2. Activity raport / Raport de activitate 06.09.2021 - 12.09.2021 Player Rank Points Zolomon[S4F 3 403 kiwo 2 327 Ramonaa.[BUCI] 3 296 Termi 4 221 [FBI]OneSh0T 4 181 Daret. 4 155 GenerationS[VODA 4 150 Gekyume.[ZEW] 1 133 .FROG[ZEW] 1 114 Zeom.[BUCI] 3 113 [L2P]dLs_TeQuila 3 112 [RW]Rusher 1 106 [FBI]VISA 4 106 [SoA]Huunk. 3 103 [LDV].Cristi_ 1 103 [FBI]Tuser 2 99 [FBI]Trebor. 5 93 [RW]RANA.. 3 91 Udit 1 85 [FBI]TibiK 5 81 [uS]xReloaD 1 80 31.BIBE. 1 80 [AIM]Julice 5 74 [uS]Hawkeye 5 67 [GF]hassen 4 66 [AIM]Zum 2 55 [FBI]Killa@RupNorma 3 51 iTani[ToV] 5 46 Zeppe.[BUCI] 1 46 musiQQ[ZEW] 4 30 .Sm0k3. 5 22 InfernalGuess[ZEW] 5 28 [FBI]Telescop.. 2 22 Radu.H9[ToV] 4 0 Sebi 4 0 Felicitari Zolomon[S4F] you will receive 200k! Gekyume., .FROG, RUSHER,CRISTI top 50% pentru rank 1. Felicitari! Kiwo,Tuser top 50% pentru rank 2. Felicitari! * Pentru modificari & greseli > pm va rog * For mistakes & modifications > pm please
  3. Nume: Julice *Rang: 5 *Data inceperii misiunii: 29.03.2021 *Data terminarii misiunii: 04.04.2021 23:59 (Ora de pe server) / (Server time) *Misiunea: Trebuie sa confiscati droguri de la doi mafioti din orice mafie,cantitatea minima trebuie sa fie 2000 grame si trebuie sa postati poza de la /frisk si /confiscate,deci trebuie sa fie 4 poze. ENG:You have to confiscate drugs from two members of any mafia,the minimum amount must be 2000 grams and you have to post the picture from /frisk and /confiscate,so there must be 4 pictures. *Alte specificatii: Premii: Locul 1 / 1st place: Raport înjumătățit în săptămâna 05.04.2021-11.04.2021 / Half Raport for week 05.04.2021-04.04.2021. Locul 2 / 2nd place: Raport namecover opțional în săptămâna 05.04.2021-11.04.2021 / Optional namecover raport for week 05.04.2021-11.04.2021 Locul 3:/ 3rd place: Premisiunea de a purta skin-ul de la rank-ul următor în săptămâna 05.04.2021-11.04.2021/ Permission to wear the skin for the next rank on week 05.04.2021-11.04.2021 Atentie: Aveti dreptul de a va alege un singur premiu dintre cele 3 disponibile. Fiecare premiu poate fi acordat o singura data.
  4. @HouR ToV activity accepted. Thursday, 15.10.2020 at 15:00, without partner. After the activity i'm waiting a PM with the online members + the statistics in this topic (Click).
  5. @RuskyMeisteractivitate acceptata. , Miercuri, 14.10.2020, ora 19:00, fara partener. Dupa activitate astept un PM cu membrii ce au fost online + statistica in acest topic (Click).
  6. @Prince Shaikh BTDactivity accepted. , 10.10.2020 at 15:00, Knife.After the activity i'm waiting a PM with the online members + the statistics in this topic (Click).
  7. @Mecha activitate acceptata. Marti, 12.10.2020 ora 20:00, Impreuna cu Ruskymeister. Dupa activitate astept un PM cu membrii ce au fost online + statistica in acest topic (Click).
  8. @RuskyMeister activitate acceptata. Vineri, 09.10.2020 ora 20:00, Impreuna cu Mecha. Dupa activitate astept un PM cu membrii ce au fost online + statistica in acest topic (Click).
  9. @innocent activity accepted. Months, 28.09.2020 at 20:00, without partner. After the activity i'm waiting a PM with the online members + the statistics in this topic (Click).
  10. @innocent activity accepted. Saturday, 27.09.2020 at 21:00, without partner. After the activity i'm waiting a PM with the online members + the statistics in this topic (Click).
  11. @iTani ZEW activity accepted. Tuesday, 22.09.2020 at 17:00, without partner. After the activity i'm waiting a PM with the online members + the statistics in this topic (Click).
  12. @Jackus activitate acceptata. Sambata,19.09.2020 ora 22:00, fara partener. Dupa activitate astept un PM cu membrii ce au fost online + statistica in acest topic (Click).
  13. @PauLyNNho ZEW activitate acceptata. Luni,14.09.2020 ora 18:00, fara partener. Dupa activitate astept un PM cu membrii ce au fost online + statistica in acest topic (Click).
  14. @Kinderr ZEWactivitate acceptata. Luni 17.08.2020 ora 13:00, fara partener. Dupa activitate astept un PM cu membrii ce au fost online + statistica in acest topic (Click).
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