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Everything posted by Alessandro

  1. i saw you reacted haha in backsword getting banned :D

    i got my money back too thanks to the best admin SaRtoR


  2. Alessandro

    Codul asta

    yes they have aimbot making me mad on paintball.
  3. what do you think about this picture is it nice? i did it in my raport. http://prntscr.com/p305mh
  4. it is good i won't say bad. i liked it
  5. remember what you promised me when i first joined LSPD? :P

    1. TLG Ratonescu

      TLG Ratonescu

      he promised me a Big Mac too... but he bought me KFC Smart Bucket...

    2. Alessandro
  6. who can make me a nice profile banner for the forum with my name of it with a moving gif my one is ugly but i tried. btw you like the actual? @GigGs11 Legend @TheTom
  7. Alessandro


    it happened to everyone.
  8. lamoo it happened to everyone.
  9. Alessandro


    I was doing today raport and look what this guy said when i stopped him for radar it made me laugh so hard. http://prntscr.com/p0ubs0
  10. i think i have seen this before but i will say its a nice meme.
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