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Everything posted by Tendoi

  1. Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: xxErronxx Reason: Inactivitate neanuntata! I have sanctioned with a: Demitere 60 FP. Proofs : https://imgur.com/bKvQfUc Other specifications : -
  2. Pe data de 09.11.2018 au fost adaugate doua topicurile noi : " Activitati zilnice / Daily activities " si " Cel mai rapid instructor / The fastest instructor ". On 09.11.2018 has been added 2 new topics : " Activitati zilnice / Daily activities " si " Cel mai rapid instructor / The fastest instructor ".
  3. San Fierro School Instructors Cel mai rapid instructor In acest topic toti membrii care vor sa participe la concursul "Cel mai rapid instructor" trebuie sa posteze dupa modelul dat (dovezi facute cu F8 si incarcate pe imgur.com) cand accepta [/needlicense-ul] unui player si dupa ce i-a acordat minim o licenta. Acest concurs dureaza timp de o saptamana iar premiul este de 100.000$ + Raport optional saptamana viitoare. Model de postare: Nume: Rank: Dovezi:  San Fierro School Instructors The fastest instructor In this topic, all members who want to participate in the "The Fastest Instructor" contest must post after the given template (proofs made with F8 and uploaded to imgur.com) when accepting a player's [/needlicense] and after giving him at least a license. This contest lasts for a week and the prize is 100,000 $ + Optional activity raport next week. Posting template: Name: Rank: Proofs:
  4. @Brink Felicitari ai castigat locul 2! @Gaby A Felicitari ai castigat locul 1!
  5. Nume: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Numele jucătorului și RPG Bar:.vivi. Data: 07/11/2018 Motiv: DM Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/ERjvp7Q Alte precizări:Primește 1/2 warns.
  6. Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Am sancționat pe: CostiDauDinOzn Motiv: Anunt gresit pe /f. Sumă: 25.000$ Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/DKrRsel
  7. hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e bun
  8. Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: Castor. Reason: Inactivitate neanuntata! I have sanctioned with a: 3/3 Proofs : https://imgur.com/KTQPBIa Other specifications : -
  9. @IONUT bat roaceri Felicitari ai castigat locul 1! @uN CrIstiBoY Felicitari ai castigat locul 2!
  10. Asa am facut si eu de am luat anban
  11. Pe data de 31.10.2018 am modificat niste greseli gramaticale si de regulament ale regulamentului intern. On 31.10.2018 I made some updates and corrected the gramatical isues from intern rules.
  12. Pe data de 16.09.2018 a fost adaugat topicul " San Fierro School Instructors - Instructorul Săptămânii / Instructor of the week " . On 16.09.2018 has been created the topic " San Fierro School Instructors - Instructorul Săptămânii / Instructor of the week " . Pe data de 02.10.2018 a fost adaugat topicul " San Fierro School Instructors - Donatii / Donations " . On 02.10.2018 has been created the topic " San Fierro School Instructors - Donatii / Donations " . Pe data de 30.10.2018 a fost adaugat topicul " San Fierro School Instructors - Culoarea saptamanii / Colour of the week ". On 30.10.2018 has been created the topic " San Fierro School Instructors - Culoarea saptamanii / Colour of the week " .
  13. Nick: Tendoi. RPG Bar (mic): Nick-ul celorlalti participanti (daca exista): - RPG Bar (mic) al celorlalti participanti (daca exista): - Alte precizari: Bună seara.
  14. Tendoi


    rip :))))))))))
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