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Everything posted by Tendoi

  1. Activitate - Race Activitatea va avea loc sambata - 13 Octombrie 2018 la ora 18:00 ( ora serverului). Tipul activitatii: Race Locatie: HQ San Fierro School Instructors. Premiu:$100.000 + raport injumatatit in saptamana 15.10 - 21.10. Reguli: La aceasta activitate trebuie sa ascultati de cei ce o organizeaza si cum stiti toti, regulile sunt simple: Prima persoana care ajunge la finish castiga. Aceasta activitate este Optionala. Activity - Race We are going to have an activity on saturday - 13th October 2018 at 18:00 pm (server time). Activity type : Race Location : San Fierro School Instructors HQ. Prize : $100.000 + halved activity report in the 15.10-21.10 week. Rules: On this activity, all you have to do is be nice, listen to those who organise it, and as you know, the rules are simple: The first person who gets to finish win. This activity is Optional.
  2. Misiunea pentru săptămâna 08.10.2018-14.10.2018 este următoarea: Primii 3 membrii care fac poze in timp ce efectuati 3 joburi diferite. Informații: - Pozele trebuie încărcate pe: imgur.com, dacă nu funcționează imgur folosiți postimg.org. - Nu editați pozele în niciun program. -Cei cu rank mai mare de 4 nu au voie să posteze. - Aveți timp să îndepliniți misiunea până pe 10.10.2018 ora 23:59. - Dacă ați postat odată și ați greșit nu mai aveți voie să postați iar. -Pozele trebuie sa fie separate. Model postare a participanților: Nume: Rank: Dovada: Alte informații: Locul 1 este scutit la raportul de activitate pentru saptamana 08.10.2018-14.10.2018 + 50.000$. Locul 2 este scutit la raportul de activitate pentru saptamana 08.10.2018-14.10.2018. Locul 3 are la raport injumatatit de activitate pentru saptamana 08.10.2018-14.10.2018. SUCCES! The Mission for the Week 08.10.2018-14.10.2018 is as follows: The first 3 members who take pictures while doing 3 different jobs. Information: - Pictures must be loaded on: imgur.com, if imgur is not working use postimg.org. - Do not edit pictures in any program. -Ranks higher than 4 can not post. - You have time until 03.10.2018, 23:59 o'clock to make the mission. - If you already posted but the mission was incorrect you can not post again. -Every picture must be seperated. Participant posting model: Name: Rank: Proof: Other information: The 1st place will have the activity report optional for the week 08.10.2018-14.10.2018 + 50.000$. The 2nd place will have the activity report optional for the week 08.10.2018-14.10.2018. The 3th place will have the activity report halved for the week 08.10.2018-14.10.2018.
  3. Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: NicusorGOLD Reason: Raport incomplet I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: akbarPROO Reason: Raport incomplet I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: Jopiiter Reason: Raport incomplet I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : -
  4. Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: Bumblebee Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: Valizewjunior Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: Jopiiter Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: MirceaZew Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: .Marius Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: akbarproo Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: NicusorGold Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: .Gaby.A Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: EmilianOwn Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : - Nick: Tendoi. Rank: Leader Sanctioned the member: CrisqsClan Reason: Lipsa activitate 06.10.2018! I have sanctioned with a: 1/3 Proofs : Click Other specifications : -
  5. Nickname: Tendoi. Date and hour: 06.10.2018 18:00 Meeting / Activity: Activity Present members: Slow. Allexandruu Petcu. Stan888.LiderSFSI Alin.DauMagie C0c0nut Houssembeast Coriina Rody Satan Marian05 Excused members: Arhi Sarmaluta.SRL Quaskie Madbroversacie Ivy07 Ursan Absent members: Bumblebee valizewjunior Jopiter MirceaZEW .Marius. akbarproo nicusorgold Gaby.A EmilianOwn CriqsClan Other mentions: The absent members will recive a FW ! / Membrii absenti vor primii FW ! 
  6. @Allexandruuu Ai zis ca poti sa ajungi la activitate si daca cineva isi v-a pune invoire o voi accepta pe a lui. @Ursan Invoire acceptata. Mai puteti pune o singura invoire! You can ask for only 1 more pass request!
  7. hmmm. ok? am inteles faza cu uS si uN
  8. Nick:Tendoi. RPG Bar (mic): Nick-ul celorlalti participanti (daca exista):QueenG , .Kovacs , RODY , AdiTzaa RPG Bar (mic) al celorlalti participanti (daca exista): Alte precizari:Multumesc!
  9. Felicitari ai castigat locul 1! Chiar daca ai dat edit iti voi acorda locul 2 deoarece nimeni nu a mai postat misiunea!
  10. =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
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