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Everything posted by Tendoi

  1. Buna siua si bine v-am regasit. Ce ati primit de Craciun veterinarilor?
  2. Nickname: Tendoi. Date and hour: 24.12.2018 21:10 Meeting / Activity: Activity Other mentions: This activity it's optional. The winner it's Vendetta. Congrats
  3. Tendoi


  4. Tendoi

    Post Hunteri

    Vezi ca e psot baiatu meu
  5. Activitate - Mos Craciun Activitatea va avea loc luni - 24 Decembrie 2018 la ora 21:10 ( ora serverului). Tipul activitatii: Ruleta ruseasca Locatie: HQ San Fierro School Instructors. Premiu: 1.000.000$ + 2 saptamani de raport optional.(07.01-20.01.2019) Reguli: La aceasta activitate trebuie sa ascultati de cei ce o organizeaza. Aceasta activitate este Optionala. Activity - Santa Claus We are going to have an activity on monday - 24th December 2018 at 21:10 pm (server time). Activity type : Russian Rullet Location : San Fierro School Instructors HQ. Prize:1.000.000$ and 2 weeks of optional activity report.(07.01-20.01.2019) Rules: On this activity, all you have to do is be nice, listen to those who organise it. This activity is Optional.
  6. Misiunile vor fi oprite pana pe data de 06.01.2019. Missions will be stoped untill 06.01.2019.
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