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TLG Kweb.

RPG Admin
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Everything posted by TLG Kweb.

  1. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 28.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: Dumiliano Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): Nu am ajuns. Anything else?: Bafta pe viitor! Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 28.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: .NarcisZEW Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): Nu am ajuns. Anything else?: Bafta pe viitor! Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 28.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: Kobe69[1] Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): Nu am ajuns. Anything else?: Bafta pe viitor!
  2. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 26.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: calinbastardvfv Teoretic(x/3): 2.5/3 Practic(x/3): 0/3 Anything else?: Succes pe viitor.
  3. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 26.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: DenisBruzan Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): Nu am ajuns. Anything else?: Succes pe viitor.
  4. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 26.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: Narcis12 Teoretic(x/3): 2/3 Practic(x/3): 0/3 Anything else?: Bine ai venit!
  5. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 24.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: Den4ik Teoretic(x/3): 2/3 Practic(x/3): 1/3 Anything else?: Bine ai venit!
  6. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 24.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: [TLG]Crack4n. Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): Nu am ajuns. Anything else?: Bafta pe viitor!
  7. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 23.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: itsAndrew Teoretic(x/3): 2.5/3 Practic(x/3): 0/3 Anything else?: Bine ai venit!
  8. Urez cu lapti waaiiiiii

    1. Dark Night

      Dark Night

      Laptiiii waaaa :))

    2. TLG Kweb.

      TLG Kweb.

      UREZ CU LAPTI WAAAAAI sau orez cu orez?

    3. Dark Night
  9. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Manager (5) Data: 22.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: KoNan Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): Nu am ajuns. Anything else?: Bafta pe viitor!
  10. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Supervisor (4) Data: 20.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: HACKERMAN Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): Nu am ajuns. Anything else?: Nu s-a prezentat la teste in 72h.
  11. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Supervisor (4) Data: 20.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: BCA Teoretic(x/3): 3/3 Practic(x/3): Nu am ajuns. Anything else?: Succes pe viitor.
  12. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Supervisor (4) Data: 20.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: [eB]SoLLOwN Teoretic(x/3): 0/3. Practic(x/3): 0/3. Anything else?: Bine ai venit!
  13. Nick: KwebMEOW  Rank: 1 Motivul invoirii: Nu am timp. Data: 17.12.2019 Numarul de invoiri din aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Alte precizari: Scuze, boss.
  14. Nume: [TLG]Kweb. Rank: SF Supervisor (4) Data: 17.12.2019 Am dat testul cu: tmn.batc0s Teoretic(x/3): 1.5/3 Practic(x/3): 1.25/3. Anything else?: Welcome.
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