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Everything posted by AdelaV.

  1. Nume: AdelaV. Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/d0r0dEe Alte informatii: sarbatori fericite! Feedback: -
  2. nick: AdelaV. level: 112 mesaj: felicitări!
  3. nick: AdelaV. level: 112 factiune: SFPD mesaj: felicitari tuturor si viitoarelor legende!
  4. Nume: AdelaV. Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/8NSYS7P Alte informatii: - Feedback: acceptabila.
  5. Nume: AdelaV. Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/Jc92PzS Alte informatii: editare chestiuni confidentiale. Feedback: oky
  6. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: Alex@Daudepicanetul Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Respins Other information: succes!
  7. Nume: AdelaV. Rang: 5 Candidatul testat: TheMax Rezultatul: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 8/8 Alte precizari: felicitari!
  8. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: TanTan Result theoretical test: 2,5/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Passed Other information: felicitari
  9. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: Rissen Result theoretical test: 2,5/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Passed Other information: felicitari
  10. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: Novac Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Failed Other information: succes data viitoare. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: Menth0l Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Failed Other information: succes data viitoare.
  11. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: Bogdan1 Result theoretical test: 1,5/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Passed Other information: felicitari
  12. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: Rough. Result theoretical test: 2/3 Result practical test: 5/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Failed Other information: folosirea modului la test.
  13. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: GEORGEZ. Result theoretical test: 1,5/3 Result practical test: 9/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: succes! Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: Hori1919 Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Failed. Other information: succes!
  14. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: XeENonAnD Result theoretical test: 2/3 Result practical test: 9/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: succes!
  15. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: vdtz Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Respins Other information: succes!
  16. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: Segiu Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Respins Other information: succes!
  17. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: LaMelo. Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Respins Other information: succes!
  18. Numele ofiţerului: AdelaV. Rank-ul ofiţerului: 5) SFPD Captain Sugestia / Sugestiile: Propunerea mea ar fi una bazata mai mult pe real life, doar ca intr-un alt mod, bineinteles. Mai exact patrularea in orase cu Maverick, aceasta aeronava sa fie pe post de ''drona'' precum e in real, ar fi un concept interesant si chiar atractiv pentru politisti daca se doreste din partea superiorilor, n-am vazut sa se fi produs asemenea idee. dar aceasta idee consta in a putea patrula maxim un membru cu Maverick intr-un oras pentru a nu fi neaparat un disconfort. de mentionat; Maverick-ul sa fie al departamentelor, nu personal.
  19. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: KameLeon.xd Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Respins Other information: succes! Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: k1d0r12 Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Respins Other information: succes!
  20. Name: AdelaV. Rank: 5 Candidate: vdtz Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Respins Other information: succes!
  21. Nume: AdelaV. Dovezi: https://postimg.cc/gallery/BL72C73/1aeac370 Alte informatii: vezi in poze. Feedback: fain
  22. Link pagina; https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Alte_sisteme:Bunker_System necesita editarea acestui enunt; Stocul va fi produs numai dacă proprietarul este online și să nu fie mort pe AFK sau sleep (să aibe HP mai mare decât 0). Stocul poate fi generat chiar daca jucatorul este pe [/sleep].
  23. Nume: AdelaV. Dovezi: https://postimg.cc/6TSdbfc5 Alte informatii: x Feedback: ok 👍
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