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Everything posted by AdelaV.
SF Police Department - Log Echipe / Team Logs
AdelaV. replied to South Alin's topic in SF Police Department
Nume: AdelaV. Rang: 5 Candidatul testat: Hello.= Rezultatul: Picat Rezultatul la proba de arme: 3/8 Alte precizari: succes unde ti-ai dorit (roads). -
SF Police Department - Log Echipe / Team Logs
AdelaV. replied to South Alin's topic in SF Police Department
Nume: AdelaV. Rang: 5 Candidatul testat: bubu_pdn Rezultatul: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 5/8 Alte precizari: felicitari! -
Raportează erori de conținut / Report content errors
AdelaV. replied to Bobo's topic in Wiki Website
Nu este precizata suma castigatorilor de la arene, spre exemplu Paintball/ War Arena. -
SF Police Department - Log Echipe / Team Logs
AdelaV. replied to South Alin's topic in SF Police Department
Nume: AdelaV. Rang: 5 Candidatul testat: Freza019 Rezultatul: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 5/8 Alte precizari: felicitari! -
SF Police Department - Log Echipe / Team Logs
AdelaV. replied to South Alin's topic in SF Police Department
Nume: AdelaV. Rang: 5 Candidatul testat: ezeKarev Rezultatul: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 6/8 Alte precizari: felicitari! -
SF Police Department - Log Echipe / Team Logs
AdelaV. replied to South Alin's topic in SF Police Department
Nume: AdelaV. Rang: 5 Candidatul testat: rudra_u7 Rezultatul: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 6/8 Alte precizari: felicitari! -
Green Street Bloods - Învoiri activităţi | Activities consent
AdelaV. replied to aLexBz's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: AdelaV Rank: 1 Data warurilor la care nu poți ajunge: 26/05/2023 Numarul de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Motivul învoirii: nu sunt acasă. Alte precizări: preventivă. -
SF Police Department - Log Echipe / Team Logs
AdelaV. replied to South Alin's topic in SF Police Department
Nume: AdelaV. Rang: 5 Candidatul testat: Sep7aru Rezultatul: Admis Rezultatul la proba de arme: 6/8 Alte precizari: felicitari! -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: Dragon_Mounter Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Respins Other information: succes! -
Green Street Bloods - Învoiri activităţi | Activities consent
AdelaV. replied to aLexBz's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: AdelaV Rank: 1 Data warurilor la care nu poți ajunge: 18/05/2023 Numarul de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Motivul învoirii: nu sunt acasă. Alte precizări: preventivă. -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: ezeKarev Result theoretical test: 2/3 Result practical test: 7,5/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: felicitari! -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: adi090 Result theoretical test: 2/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: felicitari! Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: .James Result theoretical test: 0/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: felicitari! -
Green Street Bloods - Învoiri activităţi | Activities consent
AdelaV. replied to aLexBz's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: AdelaV Rank: 1 Data warurilor la care nu poți ajunge: 10/05/2023 Numarul de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Motivul învoirii: nu sunt acasă. Alte precizări: preventivă. -
Green Street Bloods - Învoiri activităţi | Activities consent
AdelaV. replied to aLexBz's topic in Green Street Bloods
Nick: AdelaV Rank: 1 Data warurilor la care nu poți ajunge: 08/05/2023 Numarul de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Motivul învoirii: nu sunt acasă. Alte precizări: preventivă. -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: Brusli Result theoretical test: 1/3 Result practical test: 8⁷⁵/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: felicitari! -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: thipsih Result theoretical test: 1,5/3 Result practical test: 7/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: felicitari! -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: MNop.. Result theoretical test: 1,5/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: felicitari! -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: Hezail.ELCHAPO Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: x/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Fail. Other information: - -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: bogdy_ Result theoretical test: 2,5/3 Result practical test: 10/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: felicitari la practica, mai trage un ochi peste regulament. -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: Abdalkreem_khdour Result theoretical test: 1,5/3 Result practical test: 5/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Respins Other information: -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: r3kynu Result theoretical test: 2,5/3 Result practical test: 9/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Admis. Other information: felicitari la practica, mai trage un ochi peste regulament. -
SF Police Department - 📝 Log Teste / Test Logs 📝
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Name: AdelaV. Rank: 4 Candidate: P444F Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: -/10 Result SWAT test: - Total result: Failed Other information: succes data viitoare! -
SF Police Department - Sugestii / Suggestions
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Numele ofiţerului: AdelaV. Rank-ul ofiţerului: 3) SFPD Sergeant Sugestia / Sugestiile: Propunerea mea ar fi in felul urmator: posibilitatea tuturor membrilor din orice departament (SFPD, LVPD, LSPD) la panda in SF/ LS/ LV. Mai exact modificarea acestei reguli daca sunt de acord cei superiori, categoric. Sa se procedeze precum la patrulat, cerere 3x, daca nu ti se ofera un raspuns in decursul cererilor anunti ca stai la panda in locatia X. 4.1.7: Nu aveti voie sa stati la panda pentru a cofisca carnete in alte orase, sub nicio forma. Acest lucru este sanctionat Faction Warn. -
SF Police Department - Sugestii / Suggestions
AdelaV. replied to Seba97's topic in SF Police Department
Numele ofiţerului: AdelaV. Rank-ul ofiţerului: 3) SFPD Sergeant Sugestia / Sugestiile: Aceasta propunere este mai mult pentru a transmite regula respectiva cu care s-a confruntat un membru astazi spre admini pentru actualizarea regulamentelor. In ,,anunturi importante'' este prescrisa regula asta: click, iar in regulament nu este nici o regula stabilita despre ,,drive-by", ceea ce a adus chiar la FW (membru LVPD) din cauza asta, chiar daca el a procedat corect deoarece nu cred ca mai sta adminul X, Y sa analizeze ,,anunturile importante" cat timp este ,,regulament Intern". Exemplul: in concluzie ➞ FW gresit.