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Everything posted by D J C

  1. Nick: DjC Rank: 1 Data warurilor la care nu poți ajunge: 01/05/2020 Numarul de invoiri pe aceasta saptamana: 1/2 Motivul învoirii: I can't use the computer at this time and I have to go to the hospital for a corona test. Alte precizări: I hope all you guys have a Strong and powerfull hour without me and please pray for me too, thanks all.
  2. What should those who are now in level 20 do? EXAMPLE ME, in my second account I'm in gsb with level 20.
  3. It could have been better, but overall, it's great.
  4. Nick: .DjC. Rank: Dispatcher (4)Comlpained nick: David_ Comlpained level: 64 Comlpained faction: Civilian Comlpained reason: DMProof(screenshot/video): https://imgur.com/a/US6nx5m Complained RPG bar:
  5. Nick: .DjC. Rank: Dispatcher (4)Comlpained nick: Mr.larba Comlpained level: 27 Comlpained faction: Civilian Comlpained reason: DMProof(screenshot/video): https://youtu.be/BY4mOCLPyaw Complained RPG bar:
  6. Nick: .DjC. Rank: (3) SF CabbieNick-ul celui reclamat: BlaSz.CAPITANUL Level-ul celui reclamat: 30 Facțiune celui reclamat: Civil Motivul reclamației: InjuriDovezi (screenshot/video): Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/k0KBKvr Bara RPG a celui reclamat: 
  7. In my opinion, if the number of members of the faction is higher, it will definitely be harder for those who are in the current faction (Doing raport, any staff like that)
  8. I had this back luck, like yours, But change that Straight flush instead full house
  9. https://imgur.com/1zdinKa this mod-pack is really cool, share us this one ?
  10. vinzi casa?!, eu am cumpar




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