In regulamentele generale ale factiunilor a fost adaugata regula de mai jos pentru a clarifica lucrurile pentru toata lumea deoarece parerile erau impartite.
Scopul este de a evita, in special, cazurile in care vreun coleg de factiune incepe sa jigneasca/injure un alt coleg de pe conturi secundare, creand astfel o cearta intre colegi si scapand fara nicio consecinta pe contul care e in factiune.
Limbajul care incalca regulile de mai jos este sanctionabil inclusiv daca este adresat cu buna stiinta de pe conturi secundare asupra colegilor de factiune.
In the general rules of the factions, the following rule has been added to clarify things for everyone as opinions were divided. The purpose is to avoid, in particular, cases where a faction colleague starts to insult/curse another colleague from secondary accounts, thus creating a quarrel between colleagues and escaping without any consequences on the account that is in the faction.
Language that violates the rules below is punishable even if it is knowingly addressed from secondary accounts to faction colleagues.