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Everything posted by Rocky ToV
LS School Instructors - Testul de intrare / Test log
Rocky ToV replied to South zeEk's topic in Los Santos School Instructors
Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: decemanumescvoicu Punctaj: 3/3 Alte precizari: - -
LS School Instructors - Testul de intrare / Test log
Rocky ToV replied to South zeEk's topic in Los Santos School Instructors
Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: Vyp3R Punctaj: 3/3 Alte precizari: - -
LS School Instructors - Testul de intrare / Test log
Rocky ToV replied to South zeEk's topic in Los Santos School Instructors
Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: Kaori Punctaj: 3/3 Alte precizari: Nu s-a prezentat in 48 de ore pentru a sustine testul de intrare. -
Urmatoarea regula a fost adaugata in regulamentele generale de pe website pentru factiunile pasnice, departamente si mixt: "Folosirea comenzii [/fvr] într-un mod abuziv (respawnarea mașinilor doar pentru a încurca un coleg, spamul cu ea etc.) o să fie sancționată cu Faction Warn sau Rank Down pentru abuzuri grave/abateri multiple." ENG: The following rule has been added to the general rules on website for the peaceful factions, departments and mixt: "Using the [/fvr] command in an abusive manner (respawning cars to bother colleagues, make spam, etc.) will be punished with Faction Warn or Rank Down for serious abuse/multiple offenses."
LS School Instructors - Testul de intrare / Test log
Rocky ToV replied to South zeEk's topic in Los Santos School Instructors
Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: Chaos. Punctaj: 2.5/3 Alte precizari: - -
LS School Instructors - Testul de intrare / Test log
Rocky ToV replied to South zeEk's topic in Los Santos School Instructors
Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: [.]7even[.] Punctaj: 2.5/3 Alte precizari: - -
Urmatoarea regula a fost modificata: "Este strict interzis ca fiind membru Los Santos School Instructors, să ceri [/startlesson] unui coleg, chiar si de pe conturi secundare. Se pedepsesc ambii membrii (cel care a dat şi cel care a primit). In cazul cand cereti /startlesson unui coleg de pe un cont secundar, va fi sanctionat doar membrul care a cerut. Daca incalcati aceasta regula veţi primi Faction Warn." >> Este strict interzis ca fiind membru Los Santos School Instructors, sa ceri [/startlesson] unui coleg. Daca incalcati aceasta regula veti fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn. Urmatoarele reguli au fost adaugate in regulamentul intern: 1. "Este strict interzis ca fiind membru Los Santos School Instructors sa vindeti licente colegilor pe conturile secundare si sa cereti licente colegilor de pe conturile secundare in cunostinta de cauza. Cei care incalca aceasta regula vor primi demitere. Voi sanctiona doar cu dovezi concrete." 2. "Este interzis sa oferiti [/startlesson] unui client care are wanted (indiferent de nivelul de wanted pe care il detine). Puteti sa strangeti dovezi si sa-l ignorati; sau sa-i cereti sa scape de wanted, daca acesta refuza (intre timp strangeti dovezi) atunci puteti sa-l ignorati. Cine nu respecta aceasta regula va fi sanctionat cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, urmat de Faction Warn daca se continua." 3. "Este interzis sa fiti la datorie [/duty] (si sa vindeti licente prin /startlesson sau /givelicense) daca aveti wanted (indiferent de nivelul de wanted pe care il detineti). Cine nu respecta aceasta regula va fi sanctionat cu Avertisment Verbal, urmat de Faction Warn daca se continua." ENG: The following rule has been changed: "It's forbidden if you're a Los Santos School Instructors member to give [/startlesson] to another instructor, even on the secondary accounts. Both members will be sanctioned; if you ask a [/startlesson] from another instuctor, only the member who asked it will be sanctioned. If you break this rule you will get Faction Warn. >> It's forbidden if you are a LS School Instructors member to give [/startlesson] to another instructor. If you break this rule, you will receive Faction Warn. The following rules have been added to the Internal Rules: 1. It's forbidden as a Los Santos School Instructors member to sell licenses on the secondary accounts of a colleague and to get licenses from a colleague from a secondary account in the knowledge of the cause. If you break this rule you will be sanctioned with dismissal. I will sanction only with concrete evidence. 2. It’s forbidden to give [/startlesson] to a client if he have wanted (no matter what wanted level he have). You can take proofs (shows that he have wanted) and leave him. Otherwise you can ask your client to clear his wanted first. If he don't want to clear his wanted, you can take proofs (shows that he still have wanted) and leave him. Punishment: Verbal Warning (AV) for the first time, and a Faction Warn if it countinues. 3. It’s forbidden to be ON duty (start lessons or givelicenses) if you are wanted by the cops (no matter what wanted level you have). Punishment: Verbal Warning (AV) for the first time, and a Faction Warn if it countinues.
LS School Instructors - Testul de intrare / Test log
Rocky ToV replied to South zeEk's topic in Los Santos School Instructors
Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: s0oN Punctaj: 3/3 Alte precizari: Nu s-a prezentat in 48 de ore pentru a sustine testul de intrare. -
+1, iubim drama.
LS School Instructors - Testul de intrare / Test log
Rocky ToV replied to South zeEk's topic in Los Santos School Instructors
Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: crackhead Punctaj: 1.5/3 Alte precizari: - -
Urmatoarea regula a fost modificata: "În cazul în care vreți sa iesiti din factiune, NU aveți voie să folosiți comanda [/givelicense] cu scopul de a avea 100 de ore la fiecare licență. În cazul în care aveți nevoie de licențe, le primiți de la un rank 4+ din factiune. Cei de rank 4+ pot sa-si dea singuri licente. În caz contrar cel care si-a dat [/givelicense] neavand rank 4+ primește Faction Punish 60/60 indiferent de vechimea în facțiune." De acum veti fi sanctionati cu Faction Warn. ENG: The following rule has been changed: "If you want to leave the faction, do not use [/givelicense] just to have 100h on your licenses. If you want licenses, you will get it from a rank 4+ member from faction. Rank 4+ members can renew their licenses. Otherwise, the one who gave [/givelicense] and he don't have rank 4+ will get 60/60 Faction Punish regardless the time spent in faction." From now on, you will be sanctioned with Faction Warn.
LS School Instructors - Testul de intrare / Test log
Rocky ToV replied to South zeEk's topic in Los Santos School Instructors
Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: Gotze Punctaj: 1.5/3 Alte precizari: - -
Pentru luna februarie @ South Aquarrio & @ Vlad09Kbby au fost desemnati de catre mine sa organizeze cate o activitate in regim obligatoriu pentru membri. Astept propunerile amandurora in PM pentru a le organiza. Totodata, sunt deschis si altor propuneri de activitati din partea celorlalti membri de rang 4+.
Evidenta orelor reale - Ianuarie 2023 LS Boss (Leader) Nume Nr. ore reale CortezZ 127 LS Manager (5) Nume Nr. ore reale Aquarrio 92 LS Supervisor (4) Nume Nr. ore reale Vlad09K 30 LS Senior Instructor (3) Nume Nr. ore reale ClouD 15 Aminosky 94 Staicu 30 Sanctiuni: - Statistica a fost realizata doar pentru membrii cu minim 30 de zile in factiune. Daca observati nereguli, nu ezitati sa luati legatura cu mine printr-un PM.
Nickname: CortezZ Şedinţă / Activitate: Ruleta ruseasca Data & ora: 30.01.2023 | 20:00 Membri prezenţi: Aquarrio, Roho, ClouD, Victor.LeulThau, Aminosky, .xXRedWolfXx.[1], xSavi.Mondialu, Den1ss_7x Membri învoiţi: syper, Staicu, Ciprian.Cipri[Jr], URSS Membri absenţi: Vlad09K, Andu_1211, .AdelaV, anduonlinee, preotul500 Membri care au întârziat: - Dovada prezentei: La cerere Membri castigatori & premii: xSavi.Mondialu - 300.000$ + raport optional Transfer premii: La cerere Alte precizări: -
Urmatoarele specificari au fost adaugate in topicurile "Sedinte & activitati", "Invoiri sedinte/activitati" si "Regulament Intern": - In cazul membrilor de rank 6, liderii vor decide daca doresc sa sanctioneze sau nu absenta acestora de la activitatile obligatorii cand acestia nu au o cerere de inactivitate sau invoire pusa. - In cazul adminilor de nivel 1-3, daca activitatea obligatorie are loc pe parcursul desfasurarii warurilor, acestia vor fi automat invoiti, cu conditia ca ei sa-si indeplineasca atributiile de admin in ce priveste prinderea codatilor. ENG: The following specifications were added to the "Meetings & activities", "Pass requests" and "Internal rules" topics: - For the rank 6 members, the leaders will decide if they will sanction their absence from the mandatory activities when these ones don't have a posted inactivity or pass request. - For the level 1-3 admins, if the mandatory activity takes place during the wars, then they will be excused, with the condition of fulfilling the admin duties in terms of catching the cheaters.
LS School Instructors - Testul de intrare / Test log
Rocky ToV replied to South zeEk's topic in Los Santos School Instructors
Nick-ul tau: CortezZ Rank: Leader Nick-ul celui testat: preotul500 Punctaj: 2/3 Alte precizari: -