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Prince Yunus

RPG Helper
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Everything posted by Prince Yunus

  1. Numele din joc: Yunus[uV] O scurtă descriere a animalului de companie: Her name is Bubble, and she is almost four years old. She is very playful and a little mischievous. She used to live with my cousin, but when he moved to a new city, he gave her to me. Since then, she has been with me and feels like a part of my family. She is really adorable, and I enjoy her company as much as she enjoys mine.
  2. Link to the page: https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Joburi:Car_Mechanic Identified passage: 1]This is the command that repairs your own vehicle using the repair kit and you have to wait 1 minute until the next repair. 2]This is the command that will refuel your own vehicle using the refueling kit and you will have to wait 1 minute until the next refueling. Edited passage: Actually it gives us "5 minutes" cooldown in-game.
    I would like to express my appreciation for your hard work and dedication in making the mod as simple as possible for all SI members.
  3. Discord ID: EvoX_Prince#5738 Rank(s) wanted: RPG Helper, Peaceful faction member. RPG profile link: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Prince_Yunus
  4. Name: Prince_Yunus Rank: Captain (5) Week: Dec 23 2024 - Dec 29 2024 Officers of the week: 1. 1v9demon - 118 points (Raport înjumătățit + $125.000) 2. Zinc - 110 points ($75.000) 3. Sn1p3rWolf - 63 points ($50.000) Alte precizări: Congratulations to the winners and Happy New Year in Advance 🎉!
  5. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: [GsF]Boynovski Result theoretical test: 3.5/3 Result practical test: N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Better luck next time!
  6. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: [GsF]Boynovski Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Better luck next time!
  7. Name: Prince_Yunus Rank: Captain (5) Week: Nov 4 2024 - Nov 10 2024 Officers of the week: 1. RauLL - 108 points (Raport înjumătățit + $125.000) 2. Allexandruu- 60 points ($75.000) 3. Prince_Yunus - 52 points ($50.000) Alte precizări: Congratulations to the winners and all the very best to all at your raports.
  8. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: Jolly Result theoretical test: 1/3 Result practical test: 8/10 Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Accepted Other information: Good Luck!
  9. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: SunnY_VaTs Result theoretical test: 1/3 Result practical test: 8/10 Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Accepted Other information: Good luck!
  10. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: T[r]o.PALESTINE Result theoretical test: 2/3 Result practical test: 0/10 Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Hard luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: rockerrs Result theoretical test: 0.5/3 Result practical test: 0/10 Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Hard luck!
  11. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: VoLKano. Result theoretical test: 1/3 ⇒ 3/3 Result practical test: 9.5/10 ⇒ N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Accepted ⇒ Rejected Other information: Good Luck! Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: T[r]o.PALESTINE Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Better luck next time!
  12. Your nickname: Prince_Yunus Server: rpg.b-zone.ro Description of the bug: When I deliver the vehicle at the bunker, it spawns where I dropped it at the checkpoint. In the Securicar mission, it finishes in the first round and displays a message saying, "This vehicle doesn't have a load." Screenshot(s):
  13. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: Dan_Dilo Result theoretical test: 0/3 Result practical test: 0/10 Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Hard luck!
  14. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: Abdalkreem_khdour Result theoretical test: 1/3 Result practical test: 9.5/10 Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Accepted Other information: Welcome!
  15. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: RdxReigns Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Good luck in future.
  16. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: Adbalkreem_khdour Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: You were doing well, but then you suddenly disappeared. Better luck next time.
  17. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: RdxReigns Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Better luck next time.
  18. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: SWIFT Result theoretical test: 1.5/3 Result practical test: 9.5/10 Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Accepted Other information: Welcome!
  19. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: SWIFT Result theoretical test: 3.5/3 Result practical test: N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Better Luck next time.
  20. - Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] - Rank: Captain (5) - Candidate: Shubham.. - Result: 7/8 - Result at arms test: Accepted - Other information: Good luck as a SWAT.
  21. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: Kiwi Result theoretical test: 1/3 Result practical test: 9.5/10 Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Accepted Other information: Welcome back.
  22. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: Bermill Result theoretical test: 3.5/3 Result practical test: N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Better luck next time.
  23. Name: Prince_Yunus[uV] Rank: Captain (5) Candidate: LOFI.LEGEND Result theoretical test: 3/3 Result practical test: N/A Result SWAT test: N/A Total result: Rejected Other information: Better luck next time.
  24. Română: Câștigătorii de săptămâna trecută: Nr. crt. Nickname Bani ($) Raport Altele 1 Aka05 125.000 1 opțional Orice skin 1 săpt 2 [Mr]Rares 75.000 1 înjumătățit Orice skin 1 săpt 3 Andreeas 50.000 1 înjumătățit Orice skin 1 săpt Alți câștigători (pentru statistică): s3nzatie, .BALMO, Doxe, GeneraleCryptor, CosmynN., Cosmin_MANEVRA, Heisenberg, trozzy1337, Eazyw0w, Stamate97, ShubhaM.., LagastyJnr; Misiunea săptămânii 03.06.2024 - 09.06.2024: Pentru a completa misiunea trebuie să finalizați următoarea sarcină: Trebuie să recreați următoarea imagine https://prnt.sc/bRT8Qv0AX0C3 Alte informații: Chat-ul poate să apară (F10). Folosiți modelul de postare din acest topic. Dovada trebuie să conțină hud-ul obișnuit (numele vostru, numele serverului, data, ora), și nu poate fi mai realizată mai devreme de momentul acestei postări (în caz că ați făcut așa ceva în trecut din distracție). Vă rugăm să rețineți că primii 3 de săptămâna trecută contribuie doar la statistici, ei nu vor fi eligibili pentru premii dacă se clasează din nou pe primul loc săptămâna aceasta, asigurând șanse echitabile pentru alții. Nu uitați să adăugați feedback. Premii (în funcție de ordinea cronologică a efectuării misiunii): Locul 1: $125.000 + 1 raport opțional + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul facțiunii timp de o săptămână Locul 2: $75.000 + 1 raport înjumătățit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul facțiunii timp de o săptămână Locul 3: $50.000 + 1 raport înjumătățit + permisiunea de a purta orice skin din cadrul facțiunii timp de o săptămână *Dacă aveți propuneri sau sugestii pentru misiunea săptămânală, le așteptăm pe Discord sau în joc. Vă doresc o săptămână productivă, mult succes! English:
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