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Draco ToV's Achievements
About Me
Vrei sa te alaturi noua pe RPG 1 si sa faci parte din cel mai bun server de SA-MP ?. Este simplu , cand te inregistrezi urmeaza pasii de mai jos si te voi ajuta mereu.
1. In casuta cu intrebarea " Do you have any refferal (player that brought you here)? " apasa butonul Yes
2. In casuta " Please enter below the referral id. " va trebui sa introduci codul 303775
3. In casuta " Are you sure Draco brought you to this server? " apasa butonul Yes
4. Dupa ce te-ai inregistrat cauta-ma in game sunand la numarul meu /call 453-8933 si te voi ajuta mereu.
*ATENTIE! Pe parcursul tutorialului nu iesi din joc deoarece datele de la Referral se vor sterge .
Iti voi da din start bani pentru licente , pentru level si te voi invata totul despre server si cum sa aplici in factiuni.
Ofer bonusuri substanțiale jucătorilor,dar mai ales celor activi ! [între $5.000 și $20.000] .
Pentru mai multe detalii imi puteti lasa un PM la numele de pe forum Draco .Veniti si nu veti regreta.
~Realizari B-Zone~
- 21.11.2014
- 23.01.2015
Nick: Draco
Level: 100+.
Faction: All.
Rank: Leader.
Car: Infernus, NRG-500, Sultan, Monster C, Sandking, Bullet.
Phone number: 453-8933.
House: House id 114.
Business: ~.
Warnings: 0/3.
Premium Account: Yes.
Admin: Yes(5).
Helper: Yes(3).
|_27.04.2012 12:50_| |_ Leader Weber _| Am intrat in School Instructor.
|_04.05.2012 13:24_| Am iesit cu FP din School Instructor.
|_12.05.2012 22:05_| |_Leader ALLEN _| Am intrat in Fire & Department.
|_27.05.2012 20:48_| Am fost promovat la Rank 2
|_03.06.2012 21:44_| Am iesit din Fire & Department.
|_05.06.2012 16:49_| |_Leader Weber_| Am intrat in School Instructor.
|_25.06.2012 23:05_| Am fost promovat la Rank 2
|_02.07.2012 00:05_| Am fost promovat la Rank 3
|_24.07.2012 00:05_| Am fost promovat la Rank 4
|_30.07.2012 17:06_| Am iesit din School Instructor .
|_04.08.2012 09:08_| |_ Leader Dienutza_| Am intrat in Las Venturas Taxi.
|_19.08.2012 16:05_| Am iesit din Las Venturas Taxi.
|_21.08.2012 19:37_| |_ Leader b0d018_| Am intrat in Southern Pimps.
|_27.08.2012 13:09_| Am iesit cu FP din Southern Pimps.
|_17.09.2012 17:50_| |_Leader Andrey._| Am intrat in Green Street Bloods.
|_26.09.2012 23:31_| Am iesit din Green Street Bloods (Wipe).
|_02.10.2012 17:06_| |_ Leader Alex_| Am intrat in Las Venturas Taxi.
|_16.10.2012 12:29_| Am iesit din Las Venturas Taxi.
|_16.10.2012 23:39_| |_Leader (dRe,mag1[c]) Only0ne _| Am intrat in National Guard.
|_04.11.2012 14:44_| Am fost promovat la Rank 2
|_16.12.2012 14:37_| Am fost promovat la Rank 3
|_06.02.2013 18:34_| Am fost promovat la Rank 4
|_19.05.2013 13:39_| Am fost promovat la Rank 5
|_06.07.2013 09:25_| Am iesit din National Guard.
|_08.07.2013 13:31_| |_Leader ByFyDo_| Am intrat in F.B.I.
|_25.07.2013 23:35_| Am iesit din F.B.I.
|_01.08.2013 14:36_| |_Leader Explosive_| Am intrat in 69 Pier Mobs.
|_24.08.2013 13:35_| Am fost promovat la Rank 2
|_05.09.2013 13:18_| Am iesit din 69 Pier Mobs.
|_09.09.2013 18:38_| |_Leader Adytzu_| Am intrat in Hitman Agency.
|_18.11.2013 20:42_| Am fost promovat la Rank 2
|_24.02.2014 17:22_| Am iesit din Hitman Agency.
|_01.03.2014 11:40_| |_Leader Erow_| Am intrat in National Guard.
|_30.03.2014 13:05_| Am iesit din National Guard.
|_07.04.2014 17:34_| |_Leader Shobo_| Am intrat in Los Santos Taxi.
|_14.04.2014 18:17_| Am iesit din Los Santos Taxi.
|_02.05.2014 13:36_| |_Leader Inferno27_| Am intrat in Las Venturas Police Department.
|_16.05.2014 16:41_| Am iesit din Las Venturas Police Department.
|_17.05.2014 17:31_| |_Leader Florin_HBK , RzR.MariuS_| Am intrat in Hitman Agency.
|_21.07.2014 22:02_| Am fost promovat la Rank 2
|_23.11.2014 16:19_| Am fost promovat la Rank 3
|_18.03.2015 16:18_| Am fost promovat la Rank 4
|_16.06.2015 13:44_| Am fost promovat la Rank 5
|_06.07.2015 01:26_| Am iesit din Hitman Agency.
Hitmen Agency
Editia The Fastest One #17 a fost castigata de Draco, felicitari ! (50 secunde)
Editia The Fastest One #23 a fost castigata de Draco, felicitari ! (75 secunde)
Editia The Fastest One #28 a fost castigata de Draco, felicitari! (50 secunde).
Editia 224 " The Silent One " a fost castigata de Draco, felicitari.
|_06.07.2015 16:41_| |_Leader zNoss_| Am intrat in San Fiero Police Department.
|_06.07.2015 22:59_| Am fost promovat la Rank 6
|_13.10.2015 22:35_| Am iesit din San Fiero Police Department.
|_13.10.2015 23:00_| |_Leader Yenoh_| Am intrat in National Guard.
|_30.10.2015 21:32_| Am fost promovat la Rank 2
|_30.11.2015 23:03_| Am fost promovat la Rank 3
|_17.12.2015 20:49_| Am iesit din National Guard.
|_17.12.2015 21:00_| |_Leader TibiStanciu_| Am intrat in Los Santos Police Department.
|_17.12.2015 21:01_| Am fost promovat la Rank 6
|_07.01.2016 20:14_| Am iesit din Los Santops Police Department.
To be continued...
Last Update: 05.05.2016 | Copyright © by Draco All rights reserverd.