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Black Thief

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Everything posted by Black Thief

  1. Please read here https://forum.b-zone.ro/topic/346878-mutarea-sectiunii-economy-economy-section-moved/?p=5223964
  2. Română Noul update la website aduce odată cu el mutarea secțiunii Economy. Vânzarea de bunuri va fi facilitată prin expunerea acestora pe website. În noua secțiune se vor putea vizualiza bunurile pentru o căutare mai ușoară și se pot face oferte, însa scopul este găsirea unui cumpărător, nu și efectuarea tranzacției. Aceasta se va face tot din joc, prin comanda /trade. Pe website, odata acceptată o ofertă, nu se va schimba absolut nimic. Sperăm să vă placă acest update. English The new website update brings with it the moving of the Economy section. The goods selling process will be facilitated by displaying those items on the website. In this section, the goods will be displayed for a better search and you can make offers, but the purpose of this system is finding a buyer, not executing the deal. That process will still be in game, using the /trade command. On the website, once an offer is accepted, it won't change anything. We hope that you like this update.
  3. Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jackie Dee
    3. im ugly still gettin' hoes
    4. Pimp Boss Florance

      Pimp Boss Florance

      Dăi edit la About Me bă, adaugă la Old Group: Hoțul Negru - Thief's Leader

  4. Cererile de inactivitate au fost mutate pe websiteul rpg.b-zone.ro
  5. Demisiile au fost mutate pe websiteul rpg.b-zone.ro
  6. @@VaLy, Nu mai dramatiza atata ma, ti-am scos mute-ul Pentru jail rogi si tu un admin maine in game.
  7. As prefera sa vad posturi mai lungi pe aici, se face cam mult spam. Topic closed 24h. Daca se mai repeta, veti fi sanctionati atat in game, cat si pe forum.
  8. Reputation: 666 - Fantastic :))

  9. Primarul a fost ales. Winner - [F4L]Andrei - 218 votes. Felicitari! http://imgur.com/KoZA5Z4
  10. Primarul a fost ales. Felicitari! http://imgur.com/5P3MhAY __ Winner: [uS]cowS! - 173 Votes.
  11. Cei care aveti logurile afectate, aveti rabdare pana maine. Veti fi bagati inapoi in factiune si veti avea logul modificat de catre Kelton, cand are el timp. Intre timp, pana se alege alt lider, nu faceti prostii.
  12. Multumiri speciale / Special thanks Multumiri speciale celor care au ajutat ca aceasta olimpiada sa devina o reusita / Special thanks to those who helped this olympiad to be a succes: ​KillerFish - Map scripter William - Map designer Draco - Map designer Sarpe - Map designer xTazY - Helper Inferno27 - Helper Zornet - Helper pingMANN - Helper Jackie_Dee - Helper sTARJkEE2k - Helper Kelton & Bobo - Prize sponsors
  13. Premierea Premierea castigtorilor olimpiadei de vara 2015 va avea loc Duminica, 23.08.2015, la ora 21. Va astept in numar cat mai mare. Locatia evenimentului va fii precizata in game, la momentul desfasurarii. Tot atunci, factiunile vor primi premiile speciale pentru locul 1, 2 si 3, cat si premiile pentru factiunile cu cele mai multe faction points adunate pe parcursul probelor. The award ceremony for the summer olympiad 2015 will be held Sunday, 23.08.2015, at 21 PM. I am looking forward to seeing a big number of players there tonight. The location of the event will be established tonight, in game. Also then, the factions will receive their prizes for the first 3 places and the prizes for the factions with the most faction points.
  14. The death valley Locul 1 - William - Los Santos School Instructors - Gold medal - 3 puncte Locul 2 - Maxim16 - 69 Pier Mobs - Silver medal - 2 puncte Locul 3 - ciobibubu - The Tsar Bratva - Bronze medal - 1 punct Bonus: => EminesWho - One pickup (+2 faction points, +9 Hours Played) found. Felicitari tuturor! P.S Medaliile au fost postate in topicul cu descrierea probei.
  15. The death valley Locul 1 - William - Los Santos School Instructors - Gold medal - 3 puncte Locul 2 - Maxim16 - 69 Pier Mobs - Silver medal - 2 puncte Locul 3 - ciobibubu - The Tsar Bratva - Bronze medal - 1 punct Bonus: => EminesWho - One pickup (+2 faction points, +9 Hours Played) found. Felicitari tuturor! Medalii:
  16. Run, drive, fly, repeat Locul 1 - QueD_ - Paramedics - Gold medal - 3 puncte Locul 2 - macabru - Hitman Agency - Silver medal - 2 puncte Locul 3 - AnDeD - Green Street Bloods - Bronze medal - 1 punct Bonus: => TiG3R - Four pickups (+10 faction points, +$100.000, +1 Level-Up, +6 Hours Played, +15 Respect Points) found. => macabru - One pickup (+4 faction points, +1 Level-Up) found. => xTm. - One pickup (+2 faction points, +50 Gold) found. => JJamaLL - One pickup (+1 faction point, +9 Hours Played) found. => Conner.RM - One pickup (+1 faction point, +10 Respect Points) found. Felicitari tuturor! P.S Medaliile au fost postate in topicul cu descrierea probei.
  17. Run, drive, fly, repeat Locul 1 - QueD_ - Paramedics - Gold medal - 3 puncte Locul 2 - macabru - Hitman Agency - Silver medal - 2 puncte Locul 3 - AnDeD - Green Street Bloods - Bronze medal - 1 punct Bonus: => TiG3R - Four pickups (+10 faction points, +$100.000, +1 Level-Up, +6 Hours Played, +15 Respect Points) found. => macabru - One pickup (+4 faction points, +1 Level-Up) found. => xTm. - One pickup (+2 faction points, +50 Gold) found. => EDDARD - One pickup (+1 faction point, +$50.000) found. => JJamaLL - One pickup (+1 faction point, +9 Hours Played) found. => Conner.RM - One pickup (+1 faction point, +10 Respect Points) found. Felicitari tuturor! Medalii:
  18. Mirror's Edge Locul 1 - Yozo - News Reporters - Gold medal - 3 puncte Locul 2 - MemorySticky - The Tsar Bratva - Silver medal - 2 puncte Locul 3 - cows - Verdant Family - Bronze medal - 1 punct Bonus: => Bagwell - One pickup (+3 faction points, +100 Gold) found. => TibiStanciu - One pickup (+2 faction points, +1 Level-Up) found. => Tosti - One pickup (+1 faction points, +20 Respect points) found. Felicitari tuturor! P.S Medaliile au fost postate in topicul cu descrierea probei.
  19. Mirror's Edge Locul 1 - Yozo - News Reporters - Gold medal - 3 puncte Locul 2 - MemorySticky - The Tsar Bratva - Silver medal - 2 puncte Locul 3 - cows - Verdant Family - Bronze medal - 1 punct Bonus: => Bagwell - One pickup (+3 faction points, +100 Gold) found. => TibiStanciu - One pickup (+2 faction points, +1 Level-Up) found. => Tosti - One pickup (+1 faction points, +20 Respect points) found. Felicitari tuturor! Medalii:
  20. The last stand Locul 1 - Destema & ciobibubu & byclaudyU & MemorySticky & Edmund_dll - The Tsar Bratva - Gold medal - 3 puncte Locul 2 - Silence & macabru - Hitman Agency - Silver medal - 2 puncte Locul 3 - BigDevil & HasseN & WaeL_BeLhaJ & MariaN & WhixYCFR - Red Dragon Triad - Bronze medal - 1 punct Bonus: => TibiStanciu - One pickup (+1 faction point, +$80.000) found. => Soundwave - One pickup (Blueprints of a space shuttle - fake) found. Felicitari tuturor! P.S Medaliile au fost postate in topicul cu descrierea probei.
  21. The last stand Locul 1 - Destema & ciobibubu & byclaudyU & MemorySticky & Edmund_dll - The Tsar Bratva - Gold medal - 3 puncte Locul 2 - Silence & macabru - Hitman Agency - Silver medal - 2 puncte Locul 3 - BigDevil & HasseN & WaeL_BeLhaJ & MariaN & WhixYCFR - Red Dragon Triad - Bronze medal - 1 punct Bonus: => TibiStanciu - One pickup (+1 faction point, +$80.000) found. => Soundwave - One pickup (Blueprints of a space shuttle - fake) found. Felicitari tuturor! Medalii:
  22. Anunturi / Announcements In acest topic voi face anunturile importante legate de olimpiada. In this topic I will make the important announcements about the olympiad. Proba 7 - The last stand & Proba 8 - Mirror's Edge Probele din data de 21.08, Proba 7 - The last stand & Proba 8 - Mirror's Edge au suferit modificari in ceea ce priveste ora desfasurarii. Intrucat nu pot organiza proba de la ora 15, aceasta se va amana pentru ora 19. Imediat dupa ce se termina aceasta, va incepe proba 8, la ora 20. Aceste 2 probe nu vor dura mult, dat fiind faptul ca sunt de tip LMS si cursa. Multumesc pentru intelegere. The events from 21.08, Event 7 - The last stand & Event 8 - Mirror's Edge suffered some modifications. The time of the event start is now 19 for the event 7 and 20 for the event 8. That's because I can't come at 15 hours. Those 2 events won't last very long, as the type is LMS and DM. Thank you for understanding.
  23. Pac Man Locul 1 - LorD_KusH - San Fierro Police Department - Gold medal - 3 puncte Locul 2 - Yozo - News Reporters - Silver medal - 2 puncte Locul 3 - LucyanTeq99 - National Guard - Bronze medal - 1 punct Bonus: => Andrey05 - One pickup (+2 faction points, +$50.000) found. => Dragos07 - One pickup (+1 faction point, +10 Respect Points) found. => BigDevil - One pickup (+1 faction point, +3 Hours Played) found. Felicitari tuturor! Medalii:
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