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About Jack

  • Birthday 07/07/1994

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Jack's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)



  1. Nickname : Jack Rank : 3 Reclam pe : Ghost_xxx Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : Deoarece : DM Martori : (daca sunt sunt daca nu -) - Dovezi :
  2. Nickname : Jack Rank :3 Reclam pe : Abelg28 si Haos. Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : ; Deoarece :DM Aiurea, respectiv DB aiurea Martori : - Dovezi :
  3. Nickname :Jack Rank :3 Reclam pe :ShaormaGalactica Level-ul celui reclamat(bara rpg) : Deoarece :DM Martori Dovezi :
  4. Name: Jack Rank: 2 Name of player to get on blacklist: URSULETUL.PUFOS Level of player to get on blacklist: 30 RPG bar of player to get on blacklist: Describe the situation: He killed me serveral times, from the clan zone next to our HQ, while i was not doing anything, didn't have /clanduty or anything. He first saw me in clan zone but i wasn't spraying so i understood the first time he killed me ... maybe he taught that i was fighing for the spray zone too, but the next two times ... basically i was just staying out of the clan zone, aroung HQ, and he killed me 2 or 3 times. Evidence:
  5. Dumnezeu sa-l ierte! Vinnie

  6. "I wanna know the place where i'm gonna die, so i never go there!" - Genius :)))

    1. C a s s i o

      C a s s i o

      i'll take you there.

  7. A fi bleg, dar demn! Un fel de mașină cu motor mic și caroserie frumoasă. La viteze mici, nu-i poți deduce adevăratul potențial.

    1. Truda TOV

      Truda TOV

      ba jack ba jack cheama l ba pe jaack

    2. Jack


      Iaaaaaaa :))))


  8. Salutare la baieti !!! Cine are chef de robberi va astept in joc sa facem echipa
  9. Multe amintiri frumoase ne-au legat frate ALLEN in acest joc, le-as mai petrece inca odata dar timpul nu imi permite. Felicitarile mele! Felicitari si tie sRn pentru tot ceea ce faci si tino tot asa.
  10. Felicitari bravo tie meritai!

  11. Ce mai spun fetele din TUNISIAAAAAAAAAA??? =))))

  12. Nick: Jack Rank: 3 Doresc sa ma invoiesc de la: War Motivul: Imi schimb windowsu si nu stiu daca ajung. Alte precizari: Bafta!
  13. Bafta Snizel mafiotu ) Felicitari alex gagiu! Welcome celor noi!
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