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About Raghav

  • Birthday 12/02/1991

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    Every thing which is interested

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  • Real name
    Raghav Sharma
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Explorer (5/14)



  1. Nickname: rdg$Raghav Rank: 3 Question: Please can anybody explain me the 4 ways to get promotion, one i know which is mentioned in forum i.e. Agent of the month, but i did not get what was the other 3 ways to get promotion. one another way may be training, and i also want to know if i did not do anything of these then does it mean that i will not get promoted, even if have no fw or av. SS/Video (only if necessary): Other specifications: Thank You
  2. Name: Rdg$raghav Rank: 3 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/riYWJ Number of namecover actions: x1 drugs possession Other specifications?:
  3. Name: Rdg$Raghav Rank: 2 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/H8mF7 Number of namecover actions: 1 x Drugs Other specifications?:
  4. Name:rdg$Raghav Rank: 2 Namecover actions: https://imgur.com/a/MBH8S Number of namecover actions: 1 for drugs Other specifications?:
  5. • Nickname: Rdg$Raghav • Level: 52 • Rank (The rank you have in FBI): 1 • The nickname of the perpetrator: Su[N]nY • The perpretator RPG bar: • Reason: He insulted me for failing his rob, and cursed my mother and sister which i cannot tolerate. • A short description of the situations: I don't know why he just asked me on message are you coming behind me, and in reply i said yes but after that i received many messages from him in which he cursed me because his rob was failed. IT is in Hindi/Urdu. everybody cannot understand but some players can like Prince_Saikh • Proofs (Screenshots):. https://imgur.com/VNLeig3
  6. I am just thinking to join a faction, But i am afraid that i may fail to submit my report, and i don't want to spoil my reputation that i earned when i was in LSPD, so i am just little bit confused.

  7. Back again in my second home :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raghav


      Khalsa g i mean to say that

      that for me B-zone is like a Second home

      it's just a metaphor

      and nothing else :)


    3. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      :V :V I know, Just acting like noobs :V :V

    4. Raghav


      I know veere

  8. Hey congrats DJ and Good Bye LSPD had good time with you and you all are nice guy's bye all
  9. Happy Birthday krishanu :)) many many returns of the day bhai tum jiyo Hazaro sal

  10. @DejanMMA SERBIA Thanks dj and good mornign LSPD hope my first day as a rank 3 will be good
  11. hey Good after noon how are you all and Welcome to LSPD New comers hope you will enjoy here cuz this is the best faction in whole B-zone
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