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CBN Toriino

Social Media Manager
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Everything posted by CBN Toriino

  1. Noapte Buna Sp , Noapte Buna totii Noapte Buna Sp , Noapte Buna totii
  2. SaLLuT Medici , ce facetii?? sunt inactive , pt school charge si exams , revin in 2-3 zille , whatsup?? noapte Buna totii
  3. @,totii , masina , hors si Nume de boss [T]orii[N]o!!! , vazut bine in el
  4. Noapte buna nab rooyal esti in Sp lool? 2 wars? ok ai fw!! @@CBN Royal, Noapte Buna totii
  5. SaLLuT totii , sunt Billy noul member Sp ! ce faceti??
  6. SaLLuT FBI , ce faceti? ba ch0sen la 21:00 ai b-event dai activitate LA 20:00
  7. noob vaga , dau namecover eu )))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ce bug e ma?
  8. Noapte Buna FBI , the training was great , gg guys all of u will recive am amot of money from me later every antranment 2k to everyone
  9. salut medics , i got my rank finely , after 4 days from its time xD and my salarii )) anyway it was great. ce faceti?
  10. Nickname-ul celui sanctionat: DeW Rank-ul: 2 Sanctiunea aplicata: Faction warn. Motivul: Absent la antrainment
  11. News: Mâine, 09.04.2014, ora 20:00, va avea loc antranment. Prezența este obligatorie, dacă nu puteți ajunge faceți o cerere de învoire , cine e absent va fi sanctionat cu Fw @@Ch0sen, @, @@Seky, @, @, @, @@RoKKuT9, @, @, @, @, @@dEww,@, @, si restoul EN: Tomorrow 09.04.2014 , at 20;00 , we have a training , persentation is important , if u can't come you have invoir , u can post an invoir with a good reson. abesnt will be sanctioned with a faction warn
  12. SaLLuT FBI , La multii anii ch0sen smecher!! , if i was in romania iti dau cadou... , daca nu am iti dau zabi!
  13. Nick: [CBN][T]orii[N]o Am găsit (casă/biz):Biz ID-ul: burger langa hq FBI(38) Deținător: Dz_Joker
  14. @,Nykw , stop posting on discussions useing the big size and the colors , post normaly like others Post !!
  15. Section Cheif ,<<< rank 5 FBI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!! sunt smecher

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