Impreuna cu cei din LVPD, am hotarat sa organizam Duminica aceasta la ora 19:00 un War 4 Fun. Acum aveti ocazia sa aratati cat de buni sunteti in manuirea armelor.
War-ul va dura maxim o ora, si va avea urmatoarele reguli:
Fara spam pe /r sau /d;
Fara jigniri asupra membrilor adversi, este doar de Fun;
Fara C-bug, Slide-Bug sau orice alte lucruri ilegale pe server;
Armele folosite vor fi cele din Armoury.
Vreau prezenta maxima, pentru a le arata ce inseamna SFPD!
IMPORTANT! Aceasta activitate va tine locul antrenamentului din aceasta saptamana, asadar prezenta este obligatorie. Cine nu poate ajunge, insa doar din motive bine intemeiate, este rugat sa posteze o invoire in topic-ul Invoiri/Pass Request. Voi accepta doar invoirile serioase! Cine lipseste nemotivat va fi sanctionat cu FW.
Together with LVPD we decided to organise a War 4 Fun, Sunday, at 19:00 Romanian Time. Now you have the chance to show your weapon skills.
The war will last for maximum an hour and will have the following rules:
No spam on /r or /d;
No swears addressed to the other side, it's just for fun;
Do NOT use C-Bug, Slide-Bug or anything else forbiden on the server;
Only weapons allowed are the one from Armoury.
I want all of you to attend, in order to show them the power of SFPD!
IMPORTANT! This activity will replace the training from this week. so the presence is mandatory. If you can't come, due to severe reasons only, post a pass request in the Invoiri/Pass Request topic. Attention, I will accept the requests that are due to serious problems only! Members that will miss the activity without a pass request will be punished with FW.