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  1. AGN

    Salutare mane 

  2. Nick: Diptanshu Rank: 5 Am susținut testul cu: Avicii Rezultatul: Admis Rezultat la test teoretic + (Data si ora): 0/3, 10/02/2021 - ora 20:12 Rezultat arme + (Data si ora): 9/9, 10/02/2021 - aproximativ ora 21:36 Rezultat proba practica: - Alte precizări: GG
  3. Nickname: Diptanshu Rank: 5 I've taken the test with: Dan_Dilo.iNDAHOUSE Result: Accepted Theoretic test result + (Date & Hour): 0/3 26.01.2021 approx 21:34 Arms test result + (Date & Hour): 9/9 26.01.2021 approx 23:05 Practical test result: - Other specifications: GG!
  4. Nickname: Diptanshu Rank: 5 I've taken the test with: Avicii Result: Rejected Theoretic test result + (Date & Hour): 0/3 26.01.2021 approx 22:21 Arms test result + (Date & Hour): 8/9 26.01.2021 approx 22:58 Practical test result: - Other specifications: Sorry Bro, next time!
  5. - Name: Diptanshu - Link to your website profile: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Diptanshu - Bundle type: 4 - News wanted: Diptanshu vinde afacerea cu ID-ul 95 de tip P'n'S situat in Dillimore. Ofertele pe web/SMS. - Number of packages I received this week: 1/2 - I acknowledge the rules outlined on the first page: Yes - I agree that the type of package and advertisement to be modified if: Yes - Other specifications: Thanks!!
  6. Nume: Diptanshu  Rank: 4 Dovezi: https://imgur.com/a/PQuB3Gc Alte precizari: GL!
  7. - Name: Diptanshu - Link to your website profile: https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/players/general/Diptanshu - Bundle type: 4 - News wanted: Vinde biz 95 de tip pns dillimore sms cu oferte dau reply pe offera - Number of packages I received this week: 1/2 - I acknowledge the rules outlined on the first page: Yes - I agree that the type of package and advertisement to be modified if: Yes - Other specifications: If i spelled something wrong plz correct that, Thanks!!
  8. Nume: Diptanshu  Rank: 4 Dovezi: Click! Alte precizari: GL!
  9. Activity: Distruge rotile, Duels [2vs2] | Date: 25.10.2020 | Ora: 15:00 Antrenori: Diptanshu and Alecsander.  Membri prezenţi Private (1) Cristea[SOLDAT] Ryuga Second Lieutenant (2) Turb0fin Warron Udit First Lieutenant (3) Alecsander Diptanshu Hawkye SwiftBrotherHD Ramses DussT. Linx Captain (4) Marcel_ Peter_Jr Chiu BubySENPAI Major (5) Kr3xy CsT Membri prezenti: 20 (din care 2 r6+) Membri învoiţi Second Lieutenant (1) - Second Lieutenant (2) LuiS SveN TheTIGERfanTchibo (Inactivity) First Lieutenant (3) gxmarius FacTOTJANDARMUL Captain (4) Costy CamacOWN Decent Major (5) Bbomber83 ConneR dragoS Total : 10 Membri întârziaţi Private (1) - Second Lieutenant (2) - First Lieutenant (3) - Captain (4) - Major (5) -I Total : 0 Membri absenţi Private (1) - Second Lieutenant (2) RusuAMG First Lieutenant (3) CistoNAZI Captain (4) Major (5) PuNcT Total : 3 If I did something wrong, contact me through a PM. Daca am gresit cu ceva, contactati-ma printr-un PM.
  10. Name: DiptanshuRank: 3Dovezi:  https://postimg.cc/gallery/G3nhDfQ Alte specificatii: GL
  11. Name: DiptanshuRank: 3Dovezi:  Poza 1: https://imgur.com/cqVgdiQ Poza 2: https://imgur.com/aSIVV8f Alte specificatii:
    Great Work! It helps a lot.
  12. The only thing i found missing was about Clan HQ interiors, like at what clan level we get a certain interior. It would be better if we get a table/list of clan HQ interiors corresponding to a certain clan level.
  13. Hey bro what's up long time no see, Nice DP btw.

    1. Groot


      Post bhada rha hu ?

    2. ..ShubhaM..


      hahaha. Thank you

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