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Everything posted by V O L K A N O

  1. Quest event : Full MAPS 150/150 in my Profile.

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. V O L K A N O
    3. AIM Makk

      AIM Makk

      winou l vidéo ya 7awi ?

    4. V O L K A N O

      V O L K A N O

      el bera7 recordit ki 9otlek ama fih ken 2 kills mel lag

  2. Quest event : Full MAPS 150/150 in my Profile.

  3. Quest event : LS 50/50 LV 50/50 in my Profile.

  4. Nick: BechiR. Level: 70 Rank: 1 Seniority: 2 weeks Why do you want to leave Verdant Family?: no time I agree to stay civil 60hours in case it proofs that i wasn't a member of Verdant Family for 2 weeks: yes What is your opinion about Verdant Family after spended time here: good Other specifications?: ty
  5. Nickname: BechiR. Rank: 1 Invoire pentru war-ul din data: 16.03.2016 Motivul pentru care nu pot veni la war: erver is not working for me idk why . Numarul invoirii din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 2/2 Alte precizari: salut
  6. Nickname: BechiR. Rank: 1 Invoire pentru war-ul din data: 14.03.2016 Motivul pentru care nu pot veni la war: sunt plecat . Numarul invoirii din aceasta saptamana (x/2): 1/2 Alte precizari: salut
  7. Name: BechiR. Rank: 4 Candidate name: Ender_vawP Mistakes: 0-3 Guns result: 3-5 Result: (Accepted/Rejected): Accepted Other specifications: Welcome
  8. Nick: BechiR. Rank: 4 Date of war: 25.02.2016 The reason I can’t come at war: server is not working to me i don't know why Invoice number this week (x/2): 1/2 Other specifications: good luck
  9. Nick: [uS]BechiR. Rank: 4 Date of war: 16.02.2015 The reason I cant come at war: i have exams this days .. Invoice number this week (x/2): 1-2 Other specifications: ty good luck in wars I came to wars
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