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Everything posted by V O L K A N O

  1. guys anyone know when it will be the vote of the new leader ?
  2. @, Drako have you got the mod that allows you to use lot of huds, in every gun hud
  3. Nick:BechiR. Rank:3 Date of war:07.01.2016 The reason I cant come at war:I go our with friends Invoice number this week (x/2):1 Other specifications: Ty for the fw ask beyond what I said in skype
  4. good luck my friends time to leave, I really wasted to stay but I got a unfair FW goodbye hope that we will meet in another faction, special thanks to beyond for helping me at all BEST ONE
  5. gg tratecyy sub leader you are for it gg tratecyy sub leader you are for it gg tratecyy sub leader you are for it gg tratecyy sub leader you are for it gg tratecyy sub leader you are for it gg tratecyy sub leader you are for it gg tratecyy sub leader you are for it gg tratecyy sub leader you are for it
  6. Happpy New year my friends :D

    1. South Ezio

      South Ezio

      si tie bechir cu multa sanate si fericire alaturi de cei dragi si pline de realizari sa ai parte pe anu 2016.

    2. SawyerRPG
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