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About KrissTina

  • Birthday 04/10/1999

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  • Real name
    Aslan Aysun Cristina
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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Good morning Instructors. Wanted to say Welcome to our new colleagues, hope we will understand well and spend a good time together. Also I cheched the sanctions topic and I seen many members that joined Sf Si in the same time with me , getting Fw or U invite. Just be careful guys, many posthunters out there!
  2. Yeey you guys are the best . Thanks for the maps , it's quest time :D
  3. Hello guys , is good to be back among you. Some of you (but not many) should know me by my previous nick ,,Cristinuta16". Hope we understand well and see you guys in game! ^_~ Also, thanks Sniper for making time and give the test with me!
  4. Sorry I`m late, afraid i got lost on the path of life. ~ _ ^

  5. @Kalai007, stop complaining and try to do your job. All guys from this faction were rank 1 once and they made 12 license for AR in one week. If you really like what you do and you're smart, to give 12 license in a week (only fishing,sailing,flying) is quite easy. I gave 7 license in 4 days , and wasn't to hard. What you ask to Aymen can't be done. Rules are rules , to separate best from the rest. And hello to all members, the one i already met or I'll meet soon. This is really a nice faction, i feel like in a family with you guys
  6. They say people come into your life for a reason. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrissTina


      Don't you think is true KHALSA? :D

    3. Khalsa Ji
    4. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      Where are you now a days ? Missing you a lot :( (Exams ??)

  7. - Nick-ul tau: Cristinuta16 - Prenume: Cristina - Varsta: 16 ani - Locatia: Constanţa - Ocupatie: Elevă - Jocul(rile) preferat(e): Sa:Mp - Hobby-urile tale: Să mă uit/să practic când am ocazia tenis - O descriere despre tine (minim 10 cuvinte): Sunt o fire creativă, sociabilă, îmi place să glumesc, și să rîd - De unde ai aflat de B-Zone Community?: De la verişorul meu - Alte precizari?: Bine v-am gasit.
  8. Nickname: Cristinuta16 Level: 13 Sunt jucătorul cu numărul: 20 Alte precizări:
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