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Revenant last won the day on November 25 2018

Revenant had the most liked content!


About Revenant

  • Birthday 03/20/1998

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    San Andreas
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  1. Nume: South. Rank: 2 Actiuni namecover: https://postimg.cc/gallery/V1bcXjj Numarul de actiuni namecover: x1 posesie drugs & confiscate Alte precizari: -
  2. - Nume: South. - Rang: 3 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 04.03.2023 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: concur cu tema "MATHEMATICA" - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: MoSSaN, GUiX, Axunel. - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii [/l]: https://postimg.cc/gallery/PvyQbXM - Dovada (screenshot) cu [/livemembers]: https://postimg.cc/gallery/PvyQbXM - Alte precizări: -
  3. - Nume: South. - Rang: 3 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 04.03.2023 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: concur cu tema "CAPITALS OF THE WORLD" - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Pigfarmer, Aryenteq, Septaruu777, Markovnicov. - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii [/l]: https://postimg.cc/gallery/jtdsrq7 - Dovada (screenshot) cu [/livemembers]: https://postimg.cc/gallery/jtdsrq7 - Alte precizări: -
  4. - Nume: South. - Rang: 3 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 28.02.2023 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: concur cu tema "MATH" - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Anthony, Gypsaru, Pikovit - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii [/l]: https://postimg.cc/gallery/V6pYSt2/6795a82c - Dovada (screenshot) cu [/livemembers]: https://postimg.cc/gallery/V6pYSt2/6795a82c - Alte precizări: -
  5. - Nume: South. - Rank: 3 - Tipul de pachet: 4 - Anunţul: Los Santos School Instructors si-a deschis portile factiunii. Puteti sa va trimiteti aplicatia pe website. - Anunţurile publicate (dovada): https://postimg.cc/gallery/R3b6NHL/3ed1a55d - Alte precizări: ill be waitng for the money
  6. - Nume: South. - Rang: 3 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 23.02.2023 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Capitals of the world - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Stefano, Uyokuu, Anthony, Damiyah(crashed) - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii https://postimg.cc/gallery/jrGndFz/92b0edc6 - Dovada (screenshot) cu [/livemembers]: https://postimg.cc/gallery/jrGndFz/92b0edc6
  7. - Nume: South. - Rang: 3 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 23.02.2023 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Capitals of the world - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Makima, DenisR8, DaniKowsky - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii https://postimg.cc/gallery/jrGndFz/92b0edc6 - Dovada (screenshot) cu [/livemembers]: https://postimg.cc/gallery/jrGndFz/92b0edc6
  8. - Nume: South. - Rang: 3 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 22.02.2023 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Car Brands Origin - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Makima, DenisR8, DaniKowsky - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii https://postimg.cc/gallery/m1cKj8n/91edaa05 - Dovada (screenshot) cu [/livemembers]: https://postimg.cc/gallery/m1cKj8n/91edaa05
  9. Nume: South. Ziar scris în data de: 18.02.2023 Ziarul a fost aprobat de către (dovada /f): https://prnt.sc/u4ZXELJNYddc Titlul ziarului: Manana Ziar (poză): https://prnt.sc/u4ZXELJNYddc Sursă: https://wiki.b-zone.ro/index.php?title=Standard_Vehicles#Manana
  10. Name:South. Rank:2 Namecover actions:https://imgur.com/a/KytI3e7 Number of namecover actions: /frisk + /su + /frisk +/confiscate Other specifications?:ty
  11. NAME:South. Rank:1 Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/9x7eafp Other Specification: Dabro bos ( if i won give the prize to the person under me)
  12. This game is sooo bad Right now, Kids with aimbots Kids doing DB abusing /Heal doing all they want, and staff doing nothing about it. staff want kids to stay in the game otherwise b-zone is dead. I dont know what to say rules are sooooooooooooo bad, fixing a problem with bigger problem is not a good strategy. if they want to have active players first thing they could do is stop afk & sleep players from winning ADVENT CALENDER cuz you can see for your self ALL WINNERS are AFK & SLEEP all of them.
  13. Hello, Hope everyone is Doing well and having a fantastic day. Today is Monday and we need full energy for the rest of the week i wish you the best and cya in game ❤️. South.
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