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Khalsa Ji

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Everything posted by Khalsa Ji

  1. Hello SF School Instructors , Contact me in game as soon as possible.
  2. Hello , Welcome to the world of B-zone.ro
  3. ~~ Who cares ? ~~ No one.

  4. I know, I have already told ya. "Do what ever you want to do, I will take action at the moment."
  5. Hello @KothalKHAN, Welcome to the world of SF School Instructors. We hope you will be great team mate and Enjoy here a lot.
  6. Accepted Applications 14/10/2016 The following 6 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: iRaGeMc 2004bogdan KothaKHAN Kanoute Smil3ez [FNA]Flavius Note to accepted applicants: You have until Monday 17th October, 20:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  7. Well, Then do what ever you want to do. I won't stop you, I will just take action at the moment.
  8. Are you sure about it ? I do remember, Once Kelton refused to accept this as legal. I will let you know, I am not sure yet.
  9. Hello @B00MZzk1ks, Welcome to the world of B-zone.ro
  10. Accepted Applications 13/10/2016 The following 1 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Mezeen Note to accepted applicants: You have until Sunday 16th Octuber, 11:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  11. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: The_kingboss 1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Uninvited with 60/60 Faction punish Reason: Inactive more then 3 days Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  12. Uff, Still waiting.. YES or NO ?

    1. Hot girl

      Hot girl

      Yes, I really want a fucking pussy.

    2. ExplayerZaiD


      Ba lasa so post

    3. ExplayerZaiD
  13. Hello , Welcome to the world of B-zone.
  14. Accepted Applications 13/10/2016 The following 1 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: SiZoR Note to accepted applicants: You have until Saturday 15th Octuber, 14:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  15. Accepted Applications 12/10/2016 The following 1 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Mr.Zombie Note to accepted applicants: You have until Saturday 15th Octuber, 08:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  16. Accepted Applications 11/10/2016 The following 2 applicants have been accepted and are now ready to do their tests: Dudu18 Sorannaaa Note to accepted applicants: You have until Friday 13th Octuber, 15:00 to do your test. You must know EVERYTHING from our School Instructor SF section (http://forum.b-zone....ol-instructors/). If you fail the tests you have a restricted chance in the future to be accepted as there will be people that deserve it more, Good luck.
  17. ALO ? Who allowed you to post here ? Stop spamming the topics of SF School Instructors.
  18. Hello @Nita am friend. Welcome to the world of B-zone.ro
  19. Guys ? Come on .. Can't you make me decide .. YES or NO ?

  20. • Nick: khalsa • Rank: leader (SF Boss) • Person who you'd like to add (RPG BAR): • level of the player: level 9 • Date of offense: 10/10/2016 • Reason: Death match • Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/8Dnn4 • Anything else?: Added to Blacklist
  21. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: XDAhmen 2 (SF Instructor) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Didn't shows the licenses test proofs. Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
  22. Nick: Khalsa Rank: Leader (SF Boss) Sanctioned member and his rank: ThelightclawHD 2 (SF Instructor), 1Star_SoulX 2 (SF Instructor), The_Kingboss1 (SF Trainee) Sanction: Faction warn Reason: Incomplete activity report. Proof (optional): Other specifications?: Be more careful next time.
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