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Khalsa Ji

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Everything posted by Khalsa Ji

  1. BBBuuurrraaahhh.......

  2. Bye,, Exams are on my head i must leave for 14 days,, SEE YOU ALL SOON as posible :)

    1. Rustom


      Best Of Luck !

    2. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      Thx Dude......

  3. First Rob failed then Escape Failed..... Feeling totally down :(

    1. Nemanja Milijic
    2. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      hmm That was totally annoyning......

  4. First Time ever escaped from Jail :)

    1. Rustom


      Never Fail Because that time going NG Trening ....

    2. Khalsa Ji

      Khalsa Ji

      going NR Rening ?? RIP english ??

      haven't get you

  5. nick: Ramghria Level: 20+ Rank: 3 Nick claimed the site: Paul.95 RPG Toolbar to the defendant: Reason: Dm without any reason | just hitting and hitting Evidence: http://imgur.com/a/PW414#0 Other specifications: -
  6. WE are the Gamers, Who never die because they can respawn ;)

  7. Nick: Ramghria Level: 22 Rank: 2 Nick claimed the site : J[o]ke[r] RPG Toolbar to the defendant: Reason: DM without reason | abusing again without reason.. Evidence: Other specifications: I just simply said remove your w6 if you want to give test for licenses.
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