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Timp rămas până în 2025

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Everything posted by Seba97

  1. Sedinta si Antrenamentul de astazi vor fi anulate deoarece voi fi plecat. The Meeting and Training from today will be canceled because i will be away.
  2. Puteti posta rapoartele pe aceasta saptamana. Aveti timp pana maine la 18:00. You may now post your activity reports. The topic will be closed tomorow at 18:00 (GMT+2).
  3. O poza de la antrenament http://imgur.com/a/PRINR
  4. La multi ani puisor !

    1. Anaser


      mersi puisor :*

  5. Antrenament 07.10.2013 Membrii prezenti: Claudyu_tom Hogan Steh (Primeste un AV pentru ca erai pe frecventa in timpul antrenamentului) Ukizalanje Adolfe Sasa_sale Sebi Tiger Fabii DonGambetta Hofyman Dany Dapain Agent.007 Pade88 SergiuYo1998 Membrii invoiti: Musiqq (invoit) Dajicu (invoit) Dragos (invoit) Zorro (invoit) Flames (invoit) Noire (concediu) Membrii absenti: -
  6. 100 Reputation :X

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. SQ Dinamo

      SQ Dinamo

      A cersit , am spam la pm-uri: Baaa, da-mi plus !

    3. PadE


      Sunt 101 ca a dat bo$$ul de mine +


      Ca mine se naste la 1 milion...

      Cont de forum spart, deaia aberez asa

    4. Anaser


      te iau nab :))


  7. Puteti incepe sa postati rapoartele de activitate. Aveti timp pana maine la ora 18:00. You may post your activity reports. The topic will be closed tomorow at 18:00 (GMT+2)
  8. Romana: Parteneriatul dintr Avispa Rifa si SFPD a fost anulat. Acum puteti vinde accept lawyer cu pret normal celor din Avispa. English: The partnership between SFPD and Avispa Rifa has been cancelled. From now on you may sell your accept lawyer with normal price to them.
  9. Antrenament + Sedinta 29.09.2013 Membrii prezenti: Claudyu_tom DaPain HofyMan SergiuYo1998 Tiger Adolfe Sasa_sale Steh Sebi_jr Dajicu Noire Musiqq Zorro Membrii invoiti: Hogan (invoit) Bonesaw (invoit) Ukizalanje (invoit) Dragos (invoit) Fabii (invoit) .Dany. (invoit) DonGambetta (invoit) Flames (invoit) Membrii absenti: Diesel (FW + AV) Azur (FW + AV)
  10. Puteti incepe sa postati rapoartele. You may now post your activity reports.
  11. Antrenament + Sedinta 22.09.2013 Membrii prezenti: Claudyu_tom [sQ]Dragos DaPain HofyMan Stek SergiuYo1998 Azur Bonesaw Noire Fabii Tudster Kevin Tiger Adolfe Sasa_sale Steh Sebi_jr Dejan Membrii invoiti: Hogan (invoit) Flames (invoit) Dutuqq (invoit) Ukizalanje (invoit) Zorro (invoit) Dajicu (invoit) Rick (invoit) Diesel (invoit) Dany (invoit) Ramondo (invoit) DonGambetta (invoit) Membrii absenti: MrPhilip (FW + AV) Lewis (FW + AV) [bTD]Infe (FW + AV) Musiqq (FW + AV)
  12. Romana: Pentru a aplica intr-un departament (inclusiv in SFPD) trebuie sa fi avut minim Rank 3 intr-o factiune inferioara (Gang/Pasnica) sau superioara (Hitmen Agency). Cine aplica fara a respecta aceasta conditie va fi respins automat. *Nota pentru membrii actuali: Ganditi-va foarte bine inainte de a depune demisia. Deasemenea am adaugat o noua sectiune la aplicatie: Astazi, 16.09.2013 s-a finalizat parteneriatul cu cei din Avispa Rifa. In timp ce noi le vom oferii servicii cu pretul minim (/lawyer), ei ne vor oferii toate serviciile lor cu 1$ (arme, refill si repair). In plus, businessurile detinute se vor deschide/inchide la comanda membrilor din orice factiune. Daca vad un comportament lipsit de respect fata de orice membru Avispa Rifa, veti fi sanctionati ca atare. English: To apply in a department (including SFPD) you must have Rank 3 in a previous inferior faction (Gang/Peaceful faction) or superior (Hitmen Agency). Players who don't respect this requirement will be automaticaly rejected. *Note for current members: Think well before posting the demisal request. Also i added a new section in application: Today, 16.09.2013 a new partnership was established with Avispa Rifa. While we will offer them (/lawyer) with the minimum price they will offer us refill,repair and guns for 1$. The businesses that members from SFPD and Avispa have can be opened/closed by other members from those two factions. If i notice a bad behaviour towards an Avispa Rifa member, you will be punished.
  13. Va mai amintiti de asta?:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Seba97


      @george: este vechiul meu account youtube ;)

      PS: videoul este de 2 ani si cred ca multi il stiu

    3. Esquire ZEW

      Esquire ZEW

      Aaaa GG atunci tare Mai Fiural. :D

    4. New Account I created
  14. Noul sublider SFPD va fi de acum Claudyu_tom. Felicitari !
  15. Romana: Deoarece vacanta va lua sfarsit, Antrenamentul si Sedinta vor fi mutate Duminica la ora 20:00 respectiv 21:00. *Nota: Maine, 15 septembrie, nu va avea loc nici o activitate in cadrul factiunii. English: Because the vacation ends soon, the Training and Meeting will be moved Sunday at 20:00 and 21:00 (game time, GMT+2). *Note: Tomorow, 15th september, there will be no activity for the members.
  16. Sedinta si Antrenamentul de maine (15 septembrie) vor fi anulate. The Meeting and Training from tomorow (15th september) will be cancelled.
  17. Puteti incepe sa postati rapoartele. Aveti timp pana duminica la ora 18:00. You may post your reports. The topic will stay open untill sunday at 18:00.
  18. Your chief is back from Greece :> Nice. Get well soon. Ps: talibans attacked u?
  19. Plecat la mare pana pe 10 sep. s@L !

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Esquire ZEW

      Esquire ZEW

      ce fete ma ca are 15 ani :)

    3. Anaser


      cand liderul nu e acasa,ofiterii joaca pe masa :)))

    4. Esquire ZEW

      Esquire ZEW

      Hai ca va asteptam la HQ NG pentru DM :D

  20. Eu plec in concediu pana pe 10 septembrie. Pana revin sa-l ascultati pe Razvan14 ! Sper sa ne revedem cu bine !
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