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JoshuaNoob last won the day on September 21 2018

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About JoshuaNoob

  • Birthday 05/28/2001

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    Photography and Playing B-Zone

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    Joshua Samuel
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  1. Activitate | Data: 26/05/2019 Ora: 15:00 Organizatori : Joshua_Samuel, KENDRICK Organizatori secundari: -   Membri prezenţi: Private (1) PrigaruDavid Models VoLKanO Adrakor Gabrielle.vip Second Lieutenant (2) Ed[w]aRd. K3nZoR.EXE (Kappa) First Lieutenant (3) Tylenol JustMyhai Kendrick .Dan_Dilo. Joshua_Samuel Vaida Standar.[LEGEND] Captain (4) SabzeRo Major (5) Sparros RazvyBest Raver Bubu Colonel (6) .HardWell. Ele_Elegant Total: 21 membri Membri învoiţi Private (1) iMarius Second Lieutenant (2) - First Lieutenant (3) MariusBogdan DennisUK Ficus lokeman90 xKay.RENUL padin.40iNBRAT Captain (4) PyrOceL Danny. [INACTIVITATE] Major (5) Vladimir Ralucy DianaPde Archie. [ADMIN] Scotocell [ADMIN] Colonel (6) - Total: 14 membri Membri întârziaţi  Private (1) - Second Lieutenant (2) - First Lieutenant (3) - Captain (4) - Major (5) - Total: 0 membri  Membri absenţi Private (1) - Second Lieutenant (2) First Lieutenant (3) - Captain (4) .HUBLOT. Major (5) - Total: 1 membri  Mențiuni:  Vă mulțumesc pentru prezență tuturor.   Daca sesizati greseli adresati-va mie, unui rank 6+ sau leader-ului de echipa printr-un PM sau in game.
  2. - Nume: Joshua_Samuel - Rang: 5 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 2.12.2018 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: capitals - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: iMarius. - .Ragnar74 - intelHD - co[D]at.exe - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/XGrWkJ1 - Alte precizări: -
  3. - Nume: Joshua_Samuel - Rang: 5 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 23/11/18 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Capitals - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Don.Leviathan - Nety - Justin - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/QRJBjdL - Alte precizări: -
  4. - Nume: Joshua_Samuel - Rang: 5 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 18/11/18 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Maths - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Macelaru - popica - Kolesnikov - Audemar - MBJRagnar - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/5ayjEom - Alte precizări: -
  5. - Nume: Joshua_Samuel - Rang: 5 - Data săvârşirii emisiunii/concursului: 17/11/18 - Tipul emisiunii/concursului: Capital - Numele celor care au participat la emisiune/concurs: Fetita - Dereck - EOS - ADRENALINE - sexi_kent - Dovada (screenshot) pentru tipul concursului/emisiunii: https://imgur.com/a/1eLaOZl - Alte precizări: -
  6. - Nume: Joshua_Samuel - Rank: 4 - Data săvârşirii interviului: - - Tipul interviului: simple - Numele celui/celor intervievat/ţi: alexrag - Alte precizări: Not done, He told me he don't have time
  7. - Name: Joshua_Samuel - Rank: 4 - The date of the emission/competition: 11.11.18 - The type of the emission/competition: Maths - The names of the participants at emission/competition: Custodian - Macelaru - Yqlmx - sexi_kent - MBJragnar - The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/e4rNa8l - Other specifications: -
  8. - Name: Joshua_Samuel - Rank: 4 - The date of the emission/competition: 08.11.18 - The type of the emission/competition: Capitals - The names of the participants at emission/competition: Don.Fritz - a$ap - Petrishatat - kingdeiu. - The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/kCzLbg2 - Other specifications: -
  9. - Name: Joshua_Samuel - Rank: 4 - The date of the emission/competition:04.11.18 - The type of the emission/competition: Capitals - The names of the participants at emission/competition: Squeezy - PSC.citarAdv - Dicky.Dau - Skorpy27 - 1stBay - The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/tBCY7hu - Other specifications: -
  10. - Nume: Joshua_Samuel - Rang: 4 - Candidatul testat: Minel - Rezultat proba teoretică: 1/3 - Rezultat proba practică: 1/5 - Rezultat final: Admis - Nume pe forum (in cazul in care a promovat): @Minel3233 - Alte precizări: Congratulations
  11. - Nume: Joshua_Samuel - Rank: 4 - Data săvârşirii interviului: 02.11.2018 - Tipul interviului: Simplu - Numele celui/celor intervievat/ţi: Flashgun - Alte precizări: Good
  12. - Name: Joshua_Samuel - Rank: 4 - The date of the emission/competition: 28.10.18 - The type of the emission/competition: Maths - The names of the participants at emission/competition: .Darkone. - EOS - Keks - raul.bzn - duml@ - The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/2jVqOVw - Other specifications: -
  13. - Name: Joshua_Samuel - Rank: 4 - The date of the emission/competition: 27.10.18 - The type of the emission/competition: Capitals - The names of the participants at emission/competition: Dereck - LeniN - Fetita - DeeNyy - TheLink. - The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/UrPn9cs - Other specifications: -
  14. - Name: Joshua_Samuel - Rank: 4 - The date of the emission/competition: 21.10.18 - The type of the emission/competition: Maths - The names of the participants at emission/competition: MariusNg - Urkelbama - Thor - DeeNyy - MattCasey. - The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/4VG0Not - Other specifications: -
  15. - Name: Joshua_Samuel - Rank: 4 - The date of the emission/competition: 19.10.18 - The type of the emission/competition: Capitals - The names of the participants at emission/competition: Tavi - Enduro. - Godwoken - Rizz0 - The_Razzor.. - The proof (screenshot) for the type of the competition/emission: https://imgur.com/a/vZ8kSg8 - Other specifications: -
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