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ChandNotFound last won the day on October 21 2021

ChandNotFound had the most liked content!


About ChandNotFound

  • Birthday 06/28/2000

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  • Hobbies
    Basketball, SA-MP, Reading, Biking, SLEEPING

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  • RPG Nickname
    Chandler / Chandwhiz

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  1. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 08/01/2024 > 14/01/2024 Greetings, instructors!, for this week we will have another Weekly Mission: 1. Complete your own daily Job Goal [$60.000] twice (2 days). Bonus: Take a screenshot with a Red Buccaneer in front of SFSI HQ. (Prizes will be in first-come first-serve basis.) The Prizes for this weekly mission Are: First prize : $200,000 Second prize: $150,000 Third prize: $100,000 Bonuses (Member can choose prize but reserved to those who will post first): Half Activity Report Permission to Wear Leader Skin $50000 PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week. * For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer. Enjoy! Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs:
  2. There is no winner(s). See you all again next Weekly mission.
  3. To the newcomers, and especially returnees. Wishing you a wonderful stint here in SFSI. Welcome to all!
  4. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 01/01/2024 > 07/01/2024 Greetings, instructors! Wishing you a Happy New Year, and with that, we're back with another Weekly Mission: 1. Sell 5 Weapon Licenses. 2. Complete your Activity Report Bonus. 3. Set three fireworks (/fireworks) in each CNN (LS,LV,SF). 4. Make an event(any event), titled "SFSI Event". The Prizes for this weekly mission Are: First prize : $200,000 + Half Activity Raport Second prize: $150,000 + Permission to wear Leader skin Third prize: $100,000 PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week. * For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer. Enjoy! Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs:
  5. There is no winner(s). See you all again next Weekly mission.
  6. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 25/12/2023 > 31/12/2023 Greetings, instructors! Happy Holidays, and as usual, we're back with another Weekly Mission: 1. Take a screenshot sitting in a Christmas Sabre in front of SFSI HQ. 2. Share your blessings! Give 5 players (level 1-7) 2000$ each using (/pay). 3. Finish any type of Mission (Screenshot the start and the end of the mission). 4. Get your gifts! Use the /getgift command twice. The Prizes for this weekly mission Are: First prize : $200,000 + Half Activity Raport Second prize: $150,000 + Permission to wear Leader skin Third prize: $100,000 PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week. * For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer. Enjoy! Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs:
  7. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 11/12/2023 > 17/12/2023 Greetings, instructors! As the holiday season is approaching, we've prepared you a fun-filled newest Weekly Mission: 1. Take a screenshot in three different location (https://imgur.com/a/JMiRF5F) (with santa hat on) 2. Make a Charity Donation and take screenshot of /gov with your name on it. 3. Finish 3 sets of tasks from Tanti Mirela. The Prizes for this weekly mission Are: First prize : $200,000 + Half Activity Raport Second prize: $150,000 + Permission to wear Leader skin Third prize: $100,000 PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week. * For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer. Enjoy! Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs:
  8. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 4/12/2023 > 10/12/2023 There is no winner. See you all again next week.
  9. Weekly mission - By SF School Instructors 04/12/2023 > 10/12/2023 Greetings, instructors! As the holiday season is approaching, we've prepared you a fun-filled newest Weekly Mission: 1- Complete 5 delivers as a Transporter. 2- Catch 5 Salmon (/fish) 3- Take a screenshot in two different holiday decorated location with two different Paramedics Members. (PS. With santa hat on) The Prizes for this weekly mission Are: First prize : $200,000 + Half Activity Raport Second prize: $150,000 + Permission to wear Leader skin Third prize: $100,000 PS: We'll announce Winners for the weekly mission at the end of the week. * For mistakes & modifications > PM the leader/Weekly mission Organizer. Enjoy! Posting model: Nickname: Rank: Proofs:
  10. Nickname: Chandler Rank: SF Senior Instructor (3) Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/au7BfXc
  11. Nickname: Chandler Rank: SF Senior Instructor (3) Proofs: here
  12. Damn. I missed posting here, how can you rate the past anniversary quest? Hope you all well. -Chandler
  13. Nickname: Chandler Rank: 1 (Trainee) Proofs: https://imgur.com/a/kvEth5W
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